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why what
why it exists
Turks made the mess, and Americans ensured the mess would last longer than it already has.
What a pretty map. Would be a shame if someone were to CLEANSE it :^)
Fuck, wrong gif!
Comedic relief
Austro-hungarians ruled over it for decades, so people just fucked their shit up and mixed everywhere.
Decades after WW1, when Yugoslavia collapsed and it came time to form new countries, suddenly everyone was fucked as it was a shit sandwich mixture of different ethnicities.
Because the Leftists keep us from getting rid of it? The same as they stopped the Serbs for no good reasons. Hell we should've helped the Serbs instead.
Blood god demanded a sequel
Look how fucking blue Western Bosnia was. If we only got rid of Cazin being green as fuck, we could've connected to Croatian Kraijna nicely.
why shouldnt it exist?
because Bosniaks are minority there. IT should be just divided between Serbia and Croatia and all muslims should be Srebrenica'd
We need more people with this attitude in all three of the countries for this to work.
Based Cigani defending white, christian Serbia !
Croatian commonwealth of herzeg bosnia
dem borders are messed up :DD
The Balkans are cancerous. Nuke and repeat.
pls no fighting
Some Cigani are actually pretty based and hard working people !
>inb4 cigan detected
t. poo in loo islander
They really do work hard to cut those cables and steal some extra metal, I agree.
why not just turn the jihadists into Croats so we can set up a good border and be neighbors?
we all know they're ashamed of their jihadism but don't have an alternative
>tfw ethnic Serb from Bosnia who immigrated to Australia at the age of 9.
Not sure if a good thing or bad, but I had no say either way.
From what place did you emigrate?
I think you've gotten your flags and geography mixed up.
Mrkonjic grad, you can see it in the blue part but pretty close to croat and muzzie area. Only had 1 muzzie girl in my class when I went to school there.
This wasn't caused by kebab removal, but rather by commie policies that resettled Serbs croats and bosniaks into bosnia to destroy nationalism and ethnic lines. And the map only shows dialects, which don't mean that much since every ethnic group has speakers of every dialect.
The dialects DO give a good indication of what happened when the Turks started pushing, though, which was all I was trying to achieve here. Comparison with the OP map is enough to demonstrate that many dialects are spoken by several groups together.
The Communists did very little to alter the ethnic situation really, though. Maps of 1900 and 1990 show very little major change at all.
Ultimately, I blame the stupid Habsburgs for annexing the place whole, instead of only taking Croat areas to add to their prior Croat holdings. Last thing that stupid empire needed was pissed off Serbs in it. If the Austrians had done/encouraged/supported pic-related in 1878-1908, the situation would have settled perfectly by now.
>only taking Croat areas
Making it a little clearer that Serbia has not annexed ALL of Bosnia. This way, Austria could have dealt with the Muslims in the far western tip, probably Croatianising them, absorbed most Croat areas in Bosnia, making their coastal territory have a deeper hinterland, while annexing a minimum of Serbs. And the Serbs would have had less need to go looking for territory in the south, getting involved in Shiptar mess.
>stupid Habsburgs
Kek'd a little
Franz F.: "Also, meine Liebschen, I know was zu do today! Let's go for an open-top car ride through this city in hostile Slavonic territory we recently annexed!"
- genius. Karl V's days were another matter, obviously. I'm talking anything after the fuck up of 1848.
"Muh 1 million Bosniaks" is good enough for a reason
Well there were 2 other assassins that failed to act +1 that had a narrow miss. He still chose open top ride.
Wouldn't have gotten killed if the driver didn't take a wrong turn.
Dickhead shudda stayed at home, drawing up plans for Croat autonomy.
Islamised Slavs are found in the borders of modern-day Serbia, and in Bulgaria. In neither case do they represent a problem. The Bosniak "nation" is a modern creation. Had they been dealt with sensibly in the 1800s, we wouldn't even be hearing about them today. They are just Serbs and Croats, really, and with the right incentives could still remember that. I even know some Bosnians of Muslim origins who have readopted a Croatian identity.
I bet you are a muslim
- shitty? check.
- muslim? check.
- loses its planes? check.
fuck of island mudslime
And hey. Weren't your ancestors ruled by Turkroaches at some point? And by ruled I mean raped.
>cant determine sarcasm
Srbin yuo habe fail me
No, there were not. They actually stopped the Roaches from entering Yurop proper.
Eugh, no. We need more realistic borders.
>take the encircled areas and relocate all the Croats outside them in
>relocate all the Croats outside them in
BTW, the territory between your two marked zones is shown as solidly Serb at this point, but it falls outside the territory of Republika Srpska. Does this mean that demographic changes have taken place, or were there other considerations at play here? Is it still Serbian?
Damn, just realized op has put up the map with pre-war demographics
so random question. Who really started this. What I mostly get is that you guys (if you are ethnically Serbian) just don't like the Bosniaks. I live in a town with quite a few and some of them are pretty bad, I admit. I'm not pointing fingers, just let me know.
The entire war was a fuckfest with multiple war profiteers on every side duking it out for clay. People declaring independence and other people not allowing it.
I've been following this stuff on pol and looking into it a bit.
I think what happened was Ottomans (Turks) occupied all Balkan countries then Balkan countries revolted back in 1800s. Some ethnic Turks stuck around which is why there are mudslimes in Bosnia.
Fast forward to USSR days and those same balkan countries are now called Yugoslavia.
Yugoslavia dissolves in the 1990s and ethnic Serbs in what is now Bosnia say fuck you this our (Serb) country, fuck off to Turkey and then they lay siege. NATO and Croatia back Bosnia and the Bosnian-Serbs lose.
I could be missing a lot of information but I think that's the jist of it.
What's the point of bosnia then? Just split it between Croatia and Serbia.
Bosnia to the Bosnians
Nobody wants the custody over the retard kid, Bosnian Muslims.
Bosnians are not ethnically Serbians, Bosnians are Muslim Turks.
Serbs are Orthodox
Croats are Catholic
the Balkans are basically the gateway between Europe and Asia (Middle East) the people there have been involved with some type of war/conflict since the beginning of empire times. There is so much history that to just say ok you guys have this you other guys have that won't work. It's like when the US goes to the Middle East and tries to put people into arbitrary borders ignoring thousands of years of conflict that created whatever the current borders of the time were.
Its just a prank bro
The Croats can babysit the Bosniaks.
That would, and SHOULD, have been the natural outcome, only the World Policeman decided that you can't go around changing international borders... except when you can! Big, bad, old-fashioned divide and conquer. America didn't want a strong Serbia, potentially acting as a Russian ally.
Best division of bosnia by far was an agreement made by pavelic and stojadinovic while they were taking refuge in Argentina after ww2. Thats how it should be
>Bosnians are Muslim Turks.
Mate, they're Slavs. They converted for the sake of convenience. They're not Turks, except in a civilisational sense, whereby anybody who converts to Islam "turns Turk", as our ancestors put it.
Not Turks.
It was the Turkish effort of islamization and cultural assimilation that created the basis for the Bosniak nationality, but it was actually created as a result of Serbian alienation of non Orthodox Serbs for they were seen as traitors.
In 1861 the Poturice (as they were called) were deported out of Serbia, by Turkey as part of an agreement leading up to Serbian de jure independence. Alija Izetbegovic, the father of the Bosniak "nation" is a descendant of these. People who converted to islam in Serbia were generally prior to the conquest either nobles, petty nobles or merchants, or to put it more simply, rich people who could benefit from access to Ottoman government (The majority of grand Vezirs were Serbs and Albanians). In Bosnia it was easy to convert the peasants because they were heretics (bogomilists), and didn't care much about christianity.
Eminently sensible, and with such a fair division, it wouldn't have been too terrible to leave a few Croats in the Serbian part and vice-versa, to help foster continued fraternal links. Ekh, missed opportunities! (
or just exchange citizens, which could take a while
Tbh the most serene republic of Ragusa should be independent once again.
>banja luka
fair exchange
*Catholic Serb... ;)
I like how this country creates butthurt by just existing, makes me love it even more.
But to be honest nothing is better than cold war yugo
Have fun with your Tito.
Tito tried to do as Hitler did, unite his people under one race.
No, not even close, King Aleksandar Karadjordjevic tried that, he got assassinated by Croats.
Tito tried to split up the country as much as he could while still keeping himself in control.
They're not Turks nor do they have significant Turkish admixture, if any at all.
The fuck are you on
Socialist Yugoslavian ethnic program was celebrating different nations that made up Yugoslavia as brother nations that should cooperate towards a better future. Ethnic (not political, mind you) decentralization was encouraged, local customs were celebrated and every effort was made to include local languages as official ones. In the army, they had an agreement that each evening a different republic's news programme would be watched, for example.
The program of inventing a Yugoslav race was done in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, before WW2, and it failed painfully because it focused on suppression of local identity as opposed to creation of a supra-identity
this, it was meant to be a good thing but ended a disaster
Ok, thanks for the education. How come Bosniaks tend to look so much different from Serbs though? Almost every Bosniak I've met (probably a dozen or so) has had black hair and while that isn't a disqualification for being white it seems that they look very different from the Serbs I've met who all have mostly had much lighter features.
your sample of 12 serbs and 12 bosnians makes you a scientist now?
I have question to all former Yugos, do members of this band alive? I cant find any info about them in english
Peace be upon him
You get such regional differences in all old European countries. I'm English, and our nation likewise has some darker areas and some lighter. We could say the same for some parts of Serbia, or we could find other Muslim subgroups who are lighter. It's irrelevant, except as a hint to very ancient (prehistoric) population movements.
(But the corruption of the soul that Islam brings can occasionally have its impact on the outward physiology... ;o) )
Because we stopped the kebab removal that was efficiently being undertaken in the mid 90s.
I'm asking a question you dipshit
So Bosniaks are just Serbs who converted to Islam for no reason other than being pussies?
when they were running to argentina they split it up the middle i see, pavelic even gave up south dalmatia if he gets istria and zadar, and serbs lose banja luka... snuff
>unite his people under one race
>under one race
What ? We are all white race on balkan. Only gypsies and albanians aren't white
Well, not like that, access to Ottoman service meant a chance at education and the good life. Some were also kidnapped as Blood tax (Devsirme ) and trained into the Ottomans most elite soldiers, and the Sultan's personal guard. Another reason would be that they were pretty irreligious to begin with. Bosnia was crusaded by Hungary on one occasion (Bogomilism)
The Turks didn't force convert much there (that would involve losing the taxation advantage of a large dhimmi population), it was more a question of people desiring certain privileges. There is some idea of intermediate Slavonic populations never having "chosen" whether to be Serbs or Croats in the first place, as these were two very specific political formations that never quite succeeded in expanding as far as they might have done. Consider the Slovenes in the far west - their name just means "Slavs", so you will have had a bit of this all over the Balkans before the competing political identities came along, and were cemented by religious schisms. Peasants often don't give a shit about these matters too. "What are you?" "Somebody from HERE!"
As somebody mentioned above, Bosnia was home to a neither/nor kind of heretical Church at one point, though I suspect this is rather overstated.
Incidentally, can anyone remind me of the name of that Rokeri s Moravu song where all the Jugo nationalities sit at a long table eating?
Fuck off back to stormfront, faggot. Albanians are white.
Deport Alb*anians and Bosniaks to Turkey. Problem solved.
>albanian migrant
>Deport Alb*anians
There are a few Catholic ones, particularly in the north-west. These can stay.
that's not how it works, people all over the world always identified with their groups. Take for example Athens and Sparta. People started forming national identities to protect themselves or to invade places
Better solution :
>Ban islam in balkans
>Greeks takes back their lands from Turkey
Problem solved.
It is estimated that at least 2 million Turks are descendants of "Bosniaks". So there's your answer to the question are Turks white?
If Serbia had just declared "Bosnians" to be called "Serbian Muslims" instead of removing kebab, would thath ave worked better?