Thank you for telling me, hope you have a merry christmas
Thank you for telling me, hope you have a merry christmas
u too
Is this a home alone esque christmas trap by the fbi & the judenwaffe?
>not being part of the HDB, PTP, and KG Trifecta
Back to r/movies you go faggot
>private tracker fag
Unless you are giving away invites, you are the faggot who should return.
site hasn't been working all day, hope they iron out the bugs soon
Awww is sour gwapes embryo gonna cry :'(((
Stop it, shitpost well or not at all
why the fuck do they have a dmca takedown process? why not just host this shit where dmca does not apply?
>free kino
To slow the Jew downn
Honypot general?
Who /goingtojail/ here?
>required login
fuck off
Holy shit, is this real? I haven't watched a film in months ever since they went down. I can finally continue my kinodyssey.
>he doesn't know other torrent sites actually exist
>not paying for products.
What a bunch of losers ITT
Obvious honeypot is obvious, enjoy needing to pay a $4000 settlement
didn't this happen with YTS too? isn't that a honeypot?
None are as good as kat. None have the same reliable uploaders and comments. None have as good a tracker. None have such a vast selection of kino. Private trackers require you to constantly popular files you don't want just so you can keep uploading ratio up to snuff, AND they also fall short in the categories I've stated above.
>needing to pay a $4000 settlement
nobody does this
You either use VPN or you don't.
>implying neets on Sup Forums can afford a VPN or are smart enough to join private trackers
>you now remember when we had demonoid and mininova for genuine quality book rips
>you now remember when people said they would be replaced when they went down
>they never were
>you now remember when we had isohunt and everyone claimed more would just pop up when that went down
>they never did
>you now remember when TPB went to shit and KAT went down and everyone claimed that 2 would just pop up in their place
>nothing happened
the biggest myth about torrent sites is that more will just appear when you take one down. It literally never happens. The pool of genuinely good free/low effort sites is ever diminishing
Uh yeah they do,
>The typical cost of a settlement was $4,000, far less than the cost of challenging the order in open court.
nobody cares about that except retards
>Prosecutors say the lawyers uploaded their own pornographic videos to torrent services -- including the embattled Pirate Bay -- then aggressively targeted users who downloaded the content
Kek that's pretty smart
>stop degrading our women!
off to /r/politics you go
>torrenting without VPN
>already have one complaint from my ISP
who else love living in the /danger zone/ here?
The fact remains that copyright trolls try getting thousands out of people, and it's pretty obvious this new KAT is owned by them
Don't trust any of these nu-trackers, TPB or DHT or go home
>One of the aforementioned retards outs himself.
Is it loading for anyone? Because it isn't for me.
Everyone is trying to load it
I get emails every week from Comcast saying I was a bad boy and violated copyright law. Literally into the trash they go. They never go farther than emails saying now now you had better just stop that naughty behavior young man.
>KAT is owned by them
Doesn't matter, they have the exact same torrent files you can find on KAT on Piratebay or any other site. They're all equally shit, but there's 1 in a million chance of actually getting in trouble.
>torrent without VPN
>get a letter from a copyright troll telling I downloaded some porn and they want hundreds or they'll take me to court
mfw, went straight in the trash and I haven't heard anything since, this was a year ago.
Also switched ISPs because those retards gave my address to them without even needing a court order
So I don't trust it, you should only go with the tried and true. KAT was only ever good because it was around for years, this nu-KAT is being advertised everywhere and only has like 2 people from the old site, it's obviously a trap of some kind.
I did it for over a decade, and only got a letter earlier this year. I did get a VPN though, just to be safe. Plus it helps me get by those stupid things where you have to wait between downloads on DDLs.
>a trap of some kind
You do understand that your IP was public when you downloaded from old KAT website?
>Also switched ISPs because those retards gave my address to them without even needing a court order
Oh and I should mention when I phoned my ISP to verify the letter they also denied ever giving my address out, even though their own website said that they did. Literal idiots.
Old KAT wasn't run by copyright trolls though so I didn't care, more than likely this nu-KAT is logging everything though so I won't go near it.
Copyright trolls do not have to run anything to log downloads.
I know that, but it helps.
Most of the time copyright cases go nowhere because a single bit of evidence showing an IP joining a swarm isn't enough, but if they have logs showing you browsing the site and choosing the torrent etc it'll help their case a lot. I'd rather not give them the chance to gather that evidence.
>getting caught in the first place
you are officially housewife-tier retarded
Your paranoia is completely unfounded.
>this nu-KAT is being advertised everywhere and only has like 2 people from the old site, it's obviously a trap of some kind.
It's run by the old staff. What are you even talking about? They did it without the owner.
What if getting caught was part of his plan?
You are so weird for being this scared. Nobody except women and children are this scared of those notices.
Whatever, my point is that people shouldn't trust these nu-KAT clones, I mean this is like the third so far?
Anyway, if you have a choice between something you've used for years and know is safe, and something new and unknown, it's pretty obvious what you'd go for.
>nu-KAT is being advertised everywhere
where? This is literally the first I've heard of it
>but if they have logs showing you browsing the site and choosing the torrent etc it'll help their case a lot
This never happens and even if they had that they couldn't sift through the literally millions of people who do. An IP means nothing no matter what since courts have ruled that an IP is not a person.
So apparently copyright trolls run nu-KAT so they can get less than 1% of pirates while other keep getting away with it?
It doesn't matter who owns the site. The feds can track anyone downloading the torrent anyways.
Where did everyone go after KAT went down? I went back to TPB even though it's a shadow of what it was
>he hasn't moved to private trackers yet
You people are literally retarded.
Just google the link and you'll see dozens of news sites advertising it, wouldn't be surprised if they've paid to get it around.
Also wouldn't be surprised if there's paid posters in this thread, seems very defensive in here. I always thought Sup Forums was smarter than this.
Wait, is Sup Forums seriously this dependent on public trackers? I guess this really is one of the dumbest boards.
You shouldn't trust anything.
But the fact of the matter is these offenses are meaningless. They aren't criminal and they aren't worthwhile to chase through civil court for anyone short of scene groups, whom are all fucking russian in the first place so who gives a fuck.
w-will I get arrested???
>taking a 3 hour interview to pirate movies
>Also wouldn't be surprised if there's paid posters in this thread
It's certain that you're genuinely stupid, with paranoid tendencies
>media makes big deal about winning against piracy by shutting down medium sized torrent site
>media then makes big deal about it going back up, run by the original staff
Yes, this is totally paid marketing. No other explanation.
All I've been saying is that you should stick with whatever you use (TPB/DHT/etc), and not bother with some new site that's less than a week old, and I've been getting retarded replies like yours for it.
That and the obvious news site shilling is very suspicious. I wouldn't go near this place with a 10 foot pole.
He's trolling you fags
Shit's down.
Yes, apart from catching people engaging in crimes no one will ever prosecute, there is certainly no reason for news websites to report the news. Especially in such a high profile case.
>site literally came online yesterday
>already ~800 results on google news
You guys might have a point.
Also the number of people ITT defending this less-than-24-hours-old site instead of looking at it with suspicion is very weird.
I've been on several PTs and have done exactly zero interviews. Stop falling for the interview meme, that shit applies mainly to the now dead wcd and you can get into wcd without the interview.
Unless your internet is shit, that's not much of an issue. It's pretty much just letting the files run in the background. Requires zero effort on your part.
They don't even let you in from interviews anymore, you have to get in from being a power use on What.CD.
Good luck with that!
But it has the original forum mods! Don't be paranoid goyim, remember the original mods!
>paid marketing for a pirating website
>say something stupid based in no rational thought or evidence
>wow whats with all the anti-stupidity shills out today? god, wonder who could be behind these posts??
You mean >paid marketing for a honeypot
>say something stupid based in no rational thought or evidence
Such as 'stick with what you already use, don't bother with this less than a day old site'?
I'm not sure if it's shills actually, maybe it's just the average Sup Forums retards
Original mods who would do anything for the FBI to get out of the legal trouble from doing this. What a coincidence!
I prefer being apart of evil IPT. Less faggy elitist be our drone. More seed and you're fine.
dosnt working i go to find a move and i get 403 forbidden
>403 forbidden
That's really bad. Are you in America or Western Europe? Delete ANY torrents you have on your computer IMMEDIATELY. Then reformat your hard drive at least 3 times. That error only happens when your IP has been banned by the government from accessing a site.
>say something stupid based in no rational thought or evidence
I think it's more like
>be suspicious about a day old tracker being so heavily promoted
>get hundreds of retarded replies defending it, claiming paranoia etc.
I don't get why you faggots are so trusting of this day old site, very poor shilling technique.
>public trackers
taxi sirs?
seedboxcucks are mad that KAT is back lmao
>I don't get why you faggots are so trusting of this day old site, very poor shilling technique.
Because downloading movies isn't a criminal offense. It's a civil one. What are the odds Marvel is going to sue John Doe for watching their newest capeshit?
>KAT is back
Yes goy, make sure you sign up for it today (with your real email address of course!)
I know it's only a day old, but it looks like KAT and has the forum mods! Oy vey, stop being so paranoid!
The only non-honeypot tracker is AoM.
>mfw VPN
>mfw undetected in over 10 private trackers for cheating my ratio
>get actual good speed quality torrents if I want but have the VPN for pubshit if they close down
if KAT was gone then what the fuck was I using for the last few months?
>paying to pirate
Why don't you just use DDL debrids at this point?
I'm trading my bB invite
any takers?
am i going to die?
because it was literally a one time $30 payment and now I have a VPN for life.
I also use it to easily watch Ameriburger locked youtube videos.
No, but you'll make some nice new black friends who like to use your moth as a toilet in prison.
Right, so it's just some idiots arguing for the sake of arguing?
My point is, you shouldn't trust this day old site. I don't even know why I'm getting replies to the contrary, because it's only common sense.
Only two things I can think of: shills, and idiots trying to argue with null points. This is Sup Forums ofc so it's likely more the latter than the former, but seeing as it's had so much paid promotion on news sites you never know.
usenet master race
enjoy your high ID when you eventually join baby boy
Name literally ONE thing wrong with TPB
I get where you're coming from, but even if it's a honeypot, they're not looking for the leeches. They're looking for the distributors. The high quality distros aren't going to fall for it though so they're wasting their time. The war on pirating is failing as bad as the war on drugs. I wouldn't be surprised if in 10-20 years DRM is completely gone.
too many (and shitty) ads, every torrent could be a virus.
If it's required login it's a honeypot play.
Don't be this stupid, anons. Don't do it.