Why did Sup Forumsedditards get so triggered over this woman?
All she did was upload some stupid videos about feminism and go on Colbert and gave a crappy interview.
Are Sup Forumsedditards this spergy?
Why did Sup Forumsedditards get so triggered over this woman?
All she did was upload some stupid videos about feminism and go on Colbert and gave a crappy interview.
Are Sup Forumsedditards this spergy?
Other urls found in this thread:
you sir are drunk
>>Sup Forums
She wasn't doing enough to erase the effects of the Armenian genocide by getting pregnant early and having lots of babies.
I think you're posting this on the wrong board, but I do want to slam that hog.
>but I do want to slam that hog.
Interesting, do go on
Also I am posting it here because Sup Forums is now Sup Forums
Can we all agree that GooberGate ruined Sup Forums and Sup Forums as a whole?
They ironically gave her a lot of traction by giving her so much attention.
Pretty much, gamergate was fucking horrible. I don't even remember what it was all about.
Why do you feel the need to bring up a has been when we are almost in the year Anno Domini 2017?
Like what absolutely compelled your empty and pointless life to ask this question?
gamergate was the exact moment this website became reddit
yep, those Sup Forums posters sure are aspergic. If only they had more cool people like you posting there.
He's possibly very stupid and shitposts?
Not being able to just call them a bunch of faggots is why nobody respects you guys
Someone post the webm.
>implying Sup Forums has been good since 2010
this is what newfags actually believe
>implying reddit is the only reason for being bad
Now THIS is what newfags actually believe
ah the classic pic
>gamergate was bad
it was the precursor to trump
we will finally expunge the lying, corrupt weasels in control of media with him
no more anti white propaganda
no more forced female protags raping beloved franchises
season 2 of World Peace
It was about truth in gaming
Fags still crying about goobergate in the year Trump just won the white house.
How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history? How does it feel to be wholly rejected by the public and to be seen as a social pariah and scum worse than Sup Forums to the average man in the street?
thank u trumperino
Will someone please post the goddamn webm?
>it was the precursor to trump
You actually believe this LMAO
Retard, there are only a maximum of 100 posters in every big thread on this site and even then they are from varying countries
Trump was elected by 60,000,000 Americans, you think a bunch of middle-aged men in flyover countries care about your memes?
Grow up, retard
what is it? I'm sure I don't have it but I need to know now.
She's a retard. To someone who doesn't play video games her critiques may seem reasonable. But I'll demonstrate why they're not.
Here she is blatantly lying about movies. Sup Forums should be able to recognise the sheer amount of lies she tells. In the case of Silence of the Lambs, it's very obvious she hasn't even seen the movie, in the way she hasn't played the video games she critiques.
A collage of her getting tribute'd.
>hating on based Freddo
hotwheels is the most based out of any admin on any chan
>he doesn't know what "precursor" means
lmao stay mad libcuck
Sup Forums simply called this fat cunt out on her bullshit.
Sarkeesian was always going to use any abuse she could find to fuel her campaign.
It's ridiculous to think all online abuse is avoidable. Even if Sup Forums said nothing, she would simply use the negative comments on YouTube as ammo.
Would you prefer we said nothing and Sarkeesian goes unchallenged? Fuck that noise, brother.
Gamergate has completely obliterated any trust between gamers and the press. An absolute success.
>They ironically gave her a lot of traction
The Sark had nothing to do with gg friendo. She had lots of traction before it and was one of the first face of the sjws.
Actually a few pinko meme-bloggers that call themselves journalists made the same comparison. The parallels are kind of there in that it's a contest between normal people against an alliance of pink-journalists, hipsters and virtue-signallers with a handful of sociopaths at the top who use everyone else as fodder.
You have to go back.
That's some nice editing in the beginning, think ill give it the ol' thumbs up haha :)
hot, somebody post it
Do you think they care about your gender pronouns or triggers either? Enjoy being out on the ideological cold for the next decade friendo till you finally pull your head out of your ass and realize no one really cares
you seem to really hate a board on Sup Forums a heck of a lot user
it's unhealthy
get help
Found the tumblrite
Interesting replies.
I never once stated my political ideology yet you instantly assume I'm a liberal.
Really makes ya think
Ah yes, I remember the gg false flag hate on /pol too. Didn't work very well.
you're as retarded as one so you may well be one
>Implying you can leave any sort of feedback on a Feminist frequency video.
Nice try, cuck.
Really makes ya think
You're the idiot if you don't think there's a connection.
It's the exact same techniques people were fighting against.
To correct the previous poster, it wasn't the pre-cursor - it was the consequence of the type of tactics feminists have used for years.
For example, Hillary was crying sexism against Obama in 2008. Even had one of her cronies in the media spread the term 'Obama-bros'.
Of course, the Athiest movement dealt with this garbage too with Athiesm+ and Elevatorgate.
Let's not forget what happened to Something Awful. The infiltration and takeover by far left unfuckable losers just like what happened in gaming and in comics and in atheism and even the entire Democrat party.
Go home
i really fired your one single synapse
Went to her site a year or so ago to see what the fuss was about. The LEGO videos she started off with weren't that bad. They felt like well-researched visual essays that had a point. LEGO shouldn't market itself as mainly a "boy's toy" and it shouldn't have to make pink faux-barbie LEGO sets to sell to girls because this isn't the fucking fifties. That was fine. The only bad part about those videos is her choreographed facepalm is a little cringeworthy.
Then she gets into critiquing video game culture, and there are three main problems with her many videos dealing with this. The first is that she dislikes violence, and constantly tears down violent games while ignoring the fact that there are literally thousands of perfectly good indie games out there where you kill literally nobody. Just because murder simulation isn't her thing doesn't mean she should rag on it. The second problem is her double-standards regarding violence towards women and violence towards men. To her it's wrong to randomly stab a hooker in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, but apparently killing the chink shopkeeps in the same level is fair-game? They are equally helpless as NPCs but to Anita, the prostitutes should have had godmode, the ability to fight back, or not have been there at all, which I think is somewhat unreasonable. The third is that her vidja videos are nowhere near as well researched as her LEGO ones, and she is clearly stretching some arguments to make them fit or taking evidence out of context. As somebody who writes a lot of essays I am familiar with this bullshitting process and Anita's non-LEGO videos stink of it.
And, I guess if I had a fourth problem, she took in hundreds of thousands of patreon and kickstarter bucks and produced very little for that money in terms of actual content. Compare her to something like PBS Idea Channel which puts out at least one very well-researched video a week in the visual-essay format for probably less than a fraction of the money.
I'm pretty sure I've seen you in other threads. You insult everyone who expresses a remotely right wing opinion and then when people call you a pinko faggot you always reply
>wow who said liberal alt-right cuntlords sure are hurt fee-fees drumpftarded faggots TEE HEE rely maks u tink
You aren't clever
Reminder that GamerGate was right about EVERYTHING, and this election proved just how rotten the media really is.
so Sup Forums is a new boogeyman now?
you board is shit?, must be the work of that devious Sup Forums
They do. They ruined this board by making to more accessible to redditors with shit taste just like them.
you're not "correcting" me at all
gamergate was the precursor to the election, and all the incestuous journos probably knew it back then. the word "precursor" is just highlighting how the two events were very similar in a lot of ways, as you admitted.
they scrambled and tightened up their collusion groups and secret email lists, but you can clearly see there were pushes for certain anti trump pieces throughout the mainstream meteor at certain intervals
she's obsessed with the flawed theory of objectification
her vid on borderlands 2 showed she's either insane or never played the game or both
What's it like knowing you engage in petty circle-jerks over singular incidents that occur in a world of 7 billion people with 365 days in a year just like an SJW?
Really makes ya think
Have you not clicked on a single anime-related thread in the past 3 years? There's one user who's Barneyfag-levels of convinced that they're killing this place.
>i liked Sup Forums before it was cool
>tips fedora
why does 8 chan exist?
holy SHIT dude now this post really did make me thinkeroo!
WOW liberals are so smart and enlightened, im a hillshill now im blazed on "da ganja" now if you know what... ;) im... referencing... hehe :) #atheismROX
This is an anonymous site, retard, there are many people posting.
Just goes to show how much time you spend here and autistic you are that you connect random anonymous posts as being the same people
Really makes ya think
horseshoe theory is real m8
Yeah, I also notices she uses "male gaze" theory a lot when my lesbian friends are way more overtly perverted than my straight male friends when it comes to starting at cheesecake. What about the lesbo gaze?
Its been a quote unquote "boogeyman" longer than you've even known about Sup Forums and clearly the site
Her biggest problem was that she never justified her existence (because she can't).
For her to be relevant, she needs to convince people that there is an undeniable connection between gender representation in video games and real world prejudice against women. That one causes the other.
She genuinely thought she could coast by making a bunch of videos citing examples of TV tropes without anyone calling her out on it.
Her videos have harmed the industry and the perception people have on games and gamers without any rock solid evidence.
There has been no reduction in violence against women ever since the industry started pandering to her. In fact, sexual harassment/abuse has increased in many countries since 2012 because of another certain aspect that was a big issue in this election.
I'm actually a Conservative Christian with a bias towards Free Market economies, yourself?
I'm almost certain it's you. You write just like him.
thats fine cause she's redefined the word sexism so it only applies to men
Having a good memory is something I'm very happy with, thanks.
It allows me to make connections that others ignore.
>implying Sup Forums hasn't ruined Sup Forums
spotted the redditor.
p sure you're just a low iq autist who thinks he can shill against da ebil right wingers on Sup Forums
only by sjws
>You write just like him.
Mentally ill freak
>faggots unironically triggered by a youtubefag
you can't make this shit up.
She made awful videos and everyone ate them up.
>It allows me to make connections that others ignore.
You suffer from this, friend, get yourself checked out
Isn't her shitty youtube channel all about finding attractive women in TV shows and bitching about them because she's ugly?
Regardless, she's more of a political figure than a television personality. She spoke at the UN and said that calling people faggots and cunts online should be considered a violent crime, and that it is in fact equivalent to physical violence. Most of you are too retarded to understand the principles behind censorship, the media and the internet. Why even bother asking? You don't have the brainpower to seek the truth for yourself, or make your own path in life, so you follow the path of least resistance and become a follower. The fact that corrupt journalists used her and her joke of an ideology to distract people from the incident wherein they fucked some hideous tumblr girl is enough reason to dislike her. Another problem is that Westerners don't think about their media, they just consume and fund and do what they're told.
>Gamergate has completely obliterated any trust between gamers and the press. An absolute success
absolute delusion
>implying Sup Forums wasn't ruined before Operation GlomperStomper
>referring to the site as Sup Forums
spotted the FurAffinity poster
I can SMEELLLLLL you now. Make sure your back door is locked tonight, Jack.
But I just told you my political ideology? You never answered my question about yours? Are you okay?
do you suffer from mental illness?
Nice attempt at backtracking because I called you out for being literally mentally ill.
Really makes ya think
Are you saying semi old Sup Forums and old Sup Forums was SJW?
Yep don't worry. Just those crazy kids and their crazy utubs vidyas.
>can't refer to Sup Forums as Sup Forums
fuck off and try to find something else to nitpick, reddit.
>upwards inflection in xer's post
must suck to literally have an iq below 70
>Operation GlomperStomper
Trump sure triggered the fuck out of you wusses.
Seriously though how the shit did she get in front of the UN and on actual television like Colbert? Is this the part where people are gonna tell me radical feminists are just a vocal minority again with no power behind the throne?
The first result of "Sup Forums go pls"
This archive doesn't have anything before 2010 though
like pottery
stop being such a goober gator
pretty good summary of this thread
I'm onto you Jack.
You really think you're fighting some kind of serious threat by complaining about a youtuber? You faggots made her as moderately famous as she is now, she was a nobody before some redditfag stumbled on her videos and got triggered.
Jack is a massive faggot, he doesn't deserve to go there
no, why would I? everything I said is true. quit being a retard
>Sup Forumsedditards keep promoting her and advertising her
>hur dur she must be running the strings and has political power