Why are almost all British ex colonies rich and almost all Spanish & Portugeese poor?
Why are almost all British ex colonies rich and almost all Spanish & Portugeese poor?
What about India ?
Macau is filthy rich and the Phillipines is the richest nation on earth
t. jalapeno
>almost all.
Because the British realized fucking the natives just made more of them, better to segregate and replace them instead. If the native population was too large/difficult to replace just use them for raw resources.
Qatar is the richest nation on Earth, Philippines is 118th.
Spain hardly taught flips anything. the only flips that got education were the rich ones.
they stayed in the Philippines only for business and flips were easy slaves.. until people noticed that 333 of cuckery is a bit too long.
We owe a lot to the Americans because they introduced public schools and more flips were able to have education and know more than just writing their name.
>Spain robs, murders, rapes, half of America
>is in debt
This shit must be genetic
They were colonized by Africans.
In a number of cases the Brits colonized countries where the natives did not recognize the value of Gold.
Those colonies had the cash injection of available Gold early.
What about african and west/ south east asian british colonies?
And i wouldn't say murica is a great country desu
SE Asia was French though.
British live in shit and so immigrated to the colonies.
Spain use the colonies as a fuckfest before going back home.
France just traded ressources against protection.
What this resulted in is english colonies are human, spain halfsubhuman, french subhuman, with the corresponding IQ, GDP, etc..
Ireland didn't have fuck all, most of its shit land only the east side has some nice land. We didn't have gold or any riches but yet we escaped the captivity of the UK and we are the 14th Richest country in the world, The UK is 27th
canada, Australia and new zealand are pretty good
look at fucking hong kong
you guys are great conquers with shit morals and low IQs
lolno , mostly spanish, the philipines were spanish but when the states and mexico were at war when spain still kinda controlled them they lost and they ceded them to the US
Except Singapore, which is dope. and Malaysia which is dope in a very special kind of way.
Yeah we had a fuck-up , Yet we're still doing better than ye.
>what is settler mortality
google "Acemoglu"
what about us pham
Because white people live in them and don't outbreed their resources.
India is filthy rich. Mostly filthy though.
>wipes shit from arse with hand
To be honest I wasn't aware that you guys produced anything except novels, alcohol induced vomit and slightly too few Potatoes.
All british colony in africa are shit today like french one
My point still stands, most british colonies are shit. Although their good ones are pretty good, actually better than england itself (and spain obviouly).
Why are you mexicans always so butthurt about tenochitlan? Dude let it fucking go. U sound like fucking muzzies ranting about how they lost granada
At least Irelands doing better than Australia
kek. Well done Rajesh, well done
Well you say that but the Philippines was literally the only Asian country that was Spanish. France, Holland and Britain were the big players in Asia, and the South East was pretty much French.
Brits started treating their colonies like gardens that you cultivate and things prosper and grow and you make more money long term.
The Spanish just raped and plundered - much better in the short term and a fucking disaster in the long.
Hard finding this answer though as you just get "DEM EBIL WHITEYZ N SHEET".
Not really, I mean India is shit but it's still better than Spain.
Our culture got mainly the bad from Amerindian and Spanish cultures.
Also the Cold War fucked us pretty bad.
How humiliating it would be for those former colonies that they were conquered by the French. The Nation whose greatest military doctrine is of waving the white flag.
Economically and militarily, we are way better than Spain.
>At least Irelands doing better than Australia
Did your barman say that?
I know it wasn't your doctor.
only the colonies we filled with anglos are successful
It's a Sup Forums myth, england just found unhabited land or almost like north america or australia.
Every african colony they owned turned to shit
Not at all actually
how am i ranting?
the best you ever produced was....
>mexican intellectuals
top kek, your country is shit and so are all the ones you ever "civilized"
Pretty sure neither India nor America was uninhabited.
Every relevant land except japan maybe, has been invaded by french
No really. They got nukes and a fully functional space program.
Spain has a degenerate Royalty and tourists.
Well, the British navy when it was worth a damn, BTFO the Spanish armada.
not too sure what happened to Portugal
I guess pakistan is a better country to be born to than finland after all.
India was a protectorat not a colony and it was already "rich" north america was almost unhabited
Oh yeah? Tell me which country would you rather live in?
God, I can't find that meme, it was basically the british running niggers through torture devices for gold, Belgium was hacking off arms and legs, and the French were making love to the natives.
maybe you need glasses.
or maybe you just got no clue
and that is why you can't
in the
Only East Asian (HK+Singapore) and White
colonies (Oz, NZ, the late Rhodesia and
Apartheid South Africa) became rich and
>See the pattern here?
Calm down amigo chicano, i was just kidding. If you want a seriouss discussio then i ll let you know that we have had many achievements throughout history. Even if we are a laughable non nation right now, pretty much like the u s of a
Because Spanish and Portugese aren't white
Well, when India wants something they can bully people on their own grounds. When you need to you have to put it in front of the EU.
India. Middle management at tech support here I come.
Biggest democracy in the world, Raheem
Suriname is poor as fuck
I wish we had been colonized by the Dutch instead of the Portuguese who came here and went full muh dick and started fucking the natives and the slaves
It feels bad living in one of the few German founded cities in a country filled with mongrels
>It feels bad living in one of the few German founded cities in a country filled with mongrels
What city?
Can't you just get help from one of those Nazi outposts and make Brazil white?
>flip actually believed this
Public education was non existent until the industrial revolution
because the spanish and portuguese are part moor and moors are fucking retarded.
Sorry, Guyana is poor as fuck
Kek that's literally not an argument.
Spain being a minuscule an poor country produces more TOTAL scientific research than india, im not even talking about percentages bruff. We have working plumbings and a decent enough welfare system. All around higher living standards and less inequality
The Spanish were generally more interested in looting and the British were generally more interested in colonising/trading
>literal rape epidemic
>literal public sanitation problem
>better than Spain
>Countries with high Anglo population are successful
Actually, there are more European genes in North Africa than vice versa.
Thanks to the Vandal invasion and later Norman raids.
We have a welfare system too. Our welfare budget per year is upto 7-8 billion dollars.
I'm not saying India is good.
Just that Spain is shit.
North America had a massive native population before European contact. Explorers documented seeing smoke miles out to sea all up and down the coast which suggests large human population density. England was lucky that massive disease coincided with their arrival.
I'm more just shitting on Spain for no particular reason.
>7 dollars per person
Ok you got me babuji
Nah. Spain might be full of Socialist retards but not as shit as India
Not everyone in the country need welfare money. How pathetic Spain got that it thinks that every one in the country needs a welfare check?
You forgot the French.
>Sierra Leone
The frogs couldn't run a country to save their lives lol. They even needed the Romans to civilize their asses.
Literally the only 4 colonies where all natives were exterminated
India is not nearly as bad as you think. The slums are a different world to the rest of the country.
They're certainly more relevant in the modern world than Spain is.
This is a wild generalization. Much of Latin America is actually fairly decent, Chile and Argentina (don't laugh) come to mind. There are plenty of poor ex-British colonies such as India and Burma.
The real question is where you got this impression in the first place.
This is the real answer.
Because Spain discovered the Americas. People went there for personal gain, while the colonization of the brits was waaaaaay later, and knew what to expect. The state encouraged that, while people in spain wanted to go for their own profit.
We did allow some converts to stay desu. But they weren't too many. As a curiosity we also have a small 16th century japanese colony, there were originally 15 samurais that escaped persecution in japan and stayed here. Their descendants are indistinguishable after so many generations of mixing however
South East Asia wasn't just for France. Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam were, making up Indochina but that was it.
Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia (Singapore), Burma ad East Timor were never under French rule.
To be fair seven dollars is a month's food for most indian families
Singapore and Hong Kong are first world. South Africa during apartheid was too.
East Asians can't think up of an original thought to save their lives though except when it comes to scamming and swindling someone.
in singapore and hong kong the average workers makes peanuts and works 18 hour a day
>b-but they have nice buildings built by foreingers and the upper class lives fine
Us and Singapore are firmly first world, I don't know how it can even be debated that we aren't.
Can you?
keked hard, Mr. Patel
Ser el mamporrero de los gringos debe gustarte mas LOL
What does that have to do with anything.
Most of the workers are servants and working their on visas for rich citizens. My friend lives there and has servants out the ass
Debe ser duro pararte a pensar que todos los genes europeos que puedas tener te vienen por linea paterna. Lo que quiere decir que el resto de tus genes vienen de pueblos sirvientes y demás.
I think the British kinda lucked out with colonising people who had actual potential. Malaysia and hk were both British yet hk is the financial center while Malaysia managed to get Cucked by Singapore (also heavily chinese)of all places.
Even Macau (hk neighbour) which was run by the Portuguese is doing okay.
India is a mess but they have some guys who learnt the western way to eventually become CEO. Look at Microsoft.
Of course there was a study saying Brits were good at using their empire to have a developed economy while Spain used theirs to build stupid statutes....
You can't even come up with an original insult
And here you are insulting East Asians for being unoriginal
Have a (You)
>Takes credit for what others did
>Didn't even invent shit
>Didn't contribute to Humanity
Rated Nigger
OP if you are really interested read Hugh Thomas' The Conquest of Mexico. Is the best book out there to start understanding the Spanish Conquest of America. It is huge but really good. After this book you can start go deep with a solid basis. As you can see in this thread there are only bullshit, black legend, and banter.