ITT: Bad Twist Endings
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You should have brought a poet, user.
it's a bad movie but not because the ayys decided to look like her dad
>The villagers live in the present
>the creatures are just the elders in costume
I really liked this movie, even the ending, which felt entirely appropriate as far as the character's emotional journey goes. I remember an episode of South Park complaining about the ending too. I guess if you were expecting cool creature design or just wanted to see Jodie Foster get eaten by a xenomorph you'd be disappointed.
have yet to watch this piece of shit because i already know this twist
I was expecting some kind of closure on this stupid religious exploration bullshit the movie was trying to push itself as
>you can prove nothing but if knowing that mystical sky daddy is watching over you makes you feel good there's nothing wrong with that
wow, thanks Contact, really made me and my wife's son think.
this. it's mainly bad because we didn't get to see jodie fosters nipples
It's actually pretty good up until the ending. A better twist would have been if there wasn't a twist at all.
*tips le reddit hat*
But it wasn't her dad, it was an alien dressed up as her dad. Didn't you watch the movie?
A movie can shit on religion all it wants, but a movie that's pushed as 'smart' or even 'not shit' has to have more to say than that.
'Mystical Sky Daddy' is a somewhat common term used to refer to god. I didn't mean her dad. The movie is a half-assed allegory on faith.
That wasn't a twist for me.
The moment someone said You can't leave the village because monsters, I said to my friends, nah its just the elders don't want people to visit the outside world.
It was so fucking obvious.
Yo no joke the moment this motherfucker is just standing there in the woods that shit was creepy as fuck! Then they ruined it with the fucking gay ass running and the whole
>Uhh yeah take the medicine you random ass chick
The debate between science and religion was a large part of the movie. The movie doesn't side with either. It portrays Matthew Maconeroiwerhohey as one side and Ellie as the other.
you dumb faggots did not understand the movie
>The movie doesn't side with either
And it did so in the most shallow and condescending way it could possibly have done so. Matthew McMemeAMeme was a boring shitty character who didn't need to be in the movie (we all know that people who sincerely believe in G*d exist, he brought nothing personal to the table despite even fucking Jodie Foster) and what do we take from the ending?
>he's certainly up there but we can't prove it but actually we can but won't because fuck you and you can think whatever makes you feel good
If it weren't for James Woods and Bank Manager this would be such a horrible movie. The scene where they first pick up the signal is also okay though.
>retards still think this is a 1/10 horror story when it's actually a 9/10 love story
I had a suspicion when I noticed Sigourney Weaver's bra strap. No bras in the 1600s.
>watch entire movie waiting for ayleums
>lol I'm your daddy
Fucking garbage, rest of the movie was good though
The aliens took form of her dad.....
i dont think you understood the movie at all
the title off film was contact i think. Thats literally what happened. They contacted each other. done.
>movie called The Godfather
>the "godfather" in question can't even live through the entire film
What a letdown. What an utterly atrocious letdown.
>mfw Now You See Me's twist was so bad that my brain scrubbed it from memory
I literally don't remember what happened at the end but I definitely watched it to completion.
Everytime we get this kind of retarded complaints from Sup Forums which just prove that you either didn't watch said film in question and just repeat memes you read online OR you watched the movie but spend too much time shitposting instead of paying attention and hence missing simple plot details.
It's fucking pathetic.
>their moms have the same name
So you were expecting the movie to prove whether god existed or not? You seem like the stupid one, tbph.
For me it was when they said they dumped her Sisters body in the dumpster of her apartment - those things didn't exist back then!!
it just got worse and worse every episode
>Now You See Me's twist was so bad
EVERYTHING about it was fucking bad.
The twist was the main FBI guy investigating them was actually the mastermind magician mentor of the 4 horseman street magicians. So nothing made sense
I think you just have the autism.
I was expecting a movie that's still talked about almost 20 years after it was released to have more to say than 'maybe it's real you just think what you want Champ ;D'
Fuck I remember watching it at the drive in, what a waste of a patrician viewing method.
plot stolen from a book
Are Contact and A.I. in the same universe?
Are you literally retarded? It wasn't her dad, or angels, or God, or any of that shit.
The alien simply took the appearance of the one thing that would bring her the most calm for the contact, which was the appearance of her dead father..
>The alien simply took the appearance of the one thing that would bring her the most calm for the contact, which was the appearance of her dead father..
>would bring her the most calm
>dead father
That shit would freak me the fuck out, not to mention I wouldn't be able to have a normal conversation with something that looks like my dead dad.
>there are people ITT who legitimately hate Contact
I'm literally shaking right now.