The OA

What the hell did I just watch?

looks like the OA

hah I'm glad another one on Sup Forums has watched it, we're 2 now! But we need 3 more, 5 in total to make the general...

How was it. I'm going to watch the pilot in like 30 min

Haven't heard many... Or any people talking about it.

I didn't hear anything about this show until yesterday, which is weird given I will regularly search for new and upcoming sci-fi shows, so I'm guessing this isn't really sci-fi? More mystery with elements of fantasy?

I will start watching it later tonight. I'm a fan of the Batmanji.

>tfw she will never make a sequel to Sound of My Voice

How do you know?

>watching anything Brit Marling puts her stinky mitts on

not surprising considering it was released out of nowhere on netflix. I think the trailer was released a few days before and that was the first time anyone had heard about it.

I don't think it will have the mainstream appeal that stranger things had because it requires more effort to watch it.

worth watching? wasnt too enthused by the trailer

Tricked into watching OZ again

Well it's only been out less than 24 hours. It will get more popular within the next week, every Netflix show does.

the point is that we all knew about Stranger Things and other netflix properties several months in advance, I had literally never heard of this show until yesterday and I try to keep track of every up and coming sci-fi/mystery show of interest. There was literally nothing about this. It's just a little bit weird

The show is from the future.

They cancelled Marco Polo for THIS??

I watched it all. It's very low key scifi with a lot of mysticism and interpretive dance. I absolutely love it.

after they spent 50 minutes just getting to showing the title of the series I knew it was going to be special. also how he kept killing them over and over in that mini tank was disturbing as fuck.

heavy spoilers for anyone else, don't click.

The OA basically is the sequel, in a way.

I'm the OA.


Only on the pilot but The highschool stuff is seemingly problematic... It gets better?

Next season iof Marco Polo was shaping up to be shit by going fully out of history and using Christian fairy tales. Not to mention the second season was already a decline from the first, I'd probably watch it if it was still on but I'm not too upset it's gone.

Loved it. Just finished the whole season (serie?). Still trying to connect dots and figure stuff out.

great so far, wanted to binge the whole thing yesterday but I wanted to leave some for today.

Can someone tell me what the fuck just happened? Didn't get the ending at all. Didn't they just distract him? What the fuck was the point of the movements?

Just finished watching, fuck netflix, whole first season is just build up for season two to be aired probably in 2018 or even never.

they successfully completed the moveset and sent OA to another dimension, she drifted in the ambulance

Me and my sister couldn't get even past 30 minutes.

Might be the most incoherent thing I've seen in a while, the acting and writing actually gave me a headache.


This. It's kind of like an ad for the next season. Not a bad show, but you keep expecting it to go somewhere more and it never does. They could have shortened this by a shitload, and there are some plot holes that become apparent, mainly it left me wondering how finding their kid with some crazy bitch in an abandoned house stopped the parents from just sending that one kid to reform school the next day.

If there is a second season then I expect it to actually have more shit happen. I don't even mind slow plots, but when it always seems to be building up and then ends, you have a problem.

Why did she have the books then? I get the Angels, Oligarchs, and NDE books because she could simply be trying to research what actually happened to her, but why the Illiad? Was it just supposed to be a memento of Homer that she picked up because the author shared his name with her boyfriend?

I think the therapist that was sneaking around in the house planted them there. Why else was he there in the middle of the night? At least I got some weird vibe from him

That does make a lot of sense actually. I didn't think of it, but I definitely thought it was weird that he was sneaking around her house at night.

How did the man order everything for the stew and somehow not know she put tomato paste in the stew? Also when the OA is struggling to pass the letter and ring over, clearly only her forearm is under the plexi-glass track. All she had to do was lay closer to the floor and she wold have a pretty easy go of it. I mean her arm was clearly bent...

>All she had to do was lay closer to the floor and she wold have a pretty easy go of it. I mean her arm was clearly bent...
When I was watching this scene it really pissed me off. Maybe the guy didn't check for tomatoes in the broth be ordered, but this one was just stupid. They also should have had Scott ready to catch it just in case, you'd think they'd have a contingency when you're relying on a blind girl to catch it.

>you'd think they'd have a contingency when you're relying on a blind girl to catch it.

maybe they didn't do shit properly because they were locked up in a small cell 24/7 for years and were regularly killed and brought back to life. I'm guessing that will do something about your mental aptitude lol

If they were lucid enough to steal a letter, edit it, and then have it sent again with identifying information in it, then they should be smart enough to at least do a good job trying to do it again.

>How did the man order everything for the stew and somehow not know she put tomato paste in the stew?

It wasn't tomato paste, it was broth. He probably just grabbed the first broth available, since 99% of broths have no tomato ingredients.

You can nitpick it to death if you want, but the bottom line is that it is better than any series currently on AMC, SyFy, etc.

I'm on episode 5, pretty enjoyable so far

That is true, but there are some annoying parts about it. I really hope it does get another season since this one was so inconclusive. As a standalone it's kind of shit, but if it does continue it'll probably be good.

So give me a spoiler-free idea of what this is and what makes it interesting?

I enjoyed the journey every step of the way, for the most part.

They spent over 2 years writing season 1 so I doubt we'll get season 2 anytime soon. Also the creators don't really see it as a season, but a long movie.


Same here, but like she says around 5 or 6 episodes in, "this is just the beginning". Without a second season it just sort of seems like intro to the whole story. The slower the pacing, the more time you need to tell a story, so I hope they do put a second one out. Basically I enjoyed every step until the end but then felt like I never really ended up anywhere and there's a lot more steps to take. Knowing that I've got to wait at least a year, probably more, kind of detracts from my enjoyment of the show,