What did he mean by that? Really makes me think...

Star Wars has too big of an autistic fanbase to fail. I hope Will Smith dies off already.

How is it comparing to the first few days of The Force Awakens?

>yfw the white slavers win

Hooray a bunch of rich white stock investors won, we're all btfo I guess?

Will Smith Oscar Bait movie #11 bites the dust.


>I am glad that cinema dies
Get out, plebbit.



TFA had a $119M opening day, and a $248M opening weekend.

Well, there is still today, but it's looking to fall just a little short of TFA? I guess that's to be expected for a spinoff, without the OT crowd, though I imagine Vader helped.

Guess we'll see if it has legs.

Was Scientology a scam to destroy the career of Will Smith so Tom Cruise could be the box office king again?

>the city of woll smoth

TFA is the biggest domestic movie by hundreds of millions

the first star wars in like 30 years

this side story was never going to reach that

That film is booty though.

DC? What does that have to do with anything? It's not a Marvel movie.

It's a bit odd so far. We have a worse 'critic' review, and better user review, for Rogue One than TFA. But I suppose that means nothing to the numbers and money, which won't really show for a few weeks or so. I think it's far too early to say it won't earn as much.

i guess the boycott by 28 neet white supremacist autists with semen encrusted underwear wasn't as effective as initially imagined

What happened with Will Smith?

Feels as though he's been box office poison for several years now.

If this isn't bait, disney owns marvel and diversity wars

too much:
1) jada pinkett
2) his imbecile son
3) race mixing
4) the same old schtick

bump haha

just a joke lol haha


Rogue One has turned out to be one of the best sci fi movies ever (anyone who has seen it understands me) whilst those who have not seen it I am sure still think it's some feminist agenda when it's not at all


WB owns DC, LotR and Harry Potter

>Star Wars flick
>Not making a billion dollars

Batman v Superman had a bigger opening weekend though. Also it was better

>the first star wars in like 30 years
Hold the phone

Sup Forums literally gets btfo 100% of the time, this isn't saying much.

>worse 'critic' review
no we dont

Reminder if you're white and support this kike flick you should hang yourself

>Collateral Beauty

Can anyone here confirm if it's really as bad as people are saying it is?


>star wars makes money


shocking development

>On May 13, 2015, it was announced thatHugh JackmanandRooney Marawould star in the New York-set dramaCollateral Beauty, to be directed byAlfonso Gomez-Rejonand written byAllan Loeb.[4]
>On August 4, 2015,Will Smithwas cast to play the lead, replacing Jackman, while Smith'sOverbrook Entertainmentwas set to also produce the film.[9]On September 8, 2015, it was announced thatNew Line Cinemahad come on board to handle worldwide distribution for the film, while Mara had left the project.[10]
kek Based Rooney

It's looking like Hugh sidestepped a bullet there as well. Good for him.

>if we just get #BoycottStarWars trending on Twitter it will flop for sure!

Rogue One was a better plot than TFA tho

>logan goes on to win an oscar

>metacritic score 65

We got a stinker here lad


>meme magic is real they said

He has a braindead son. Since he realized this and, that without his help his son would not get anywhere, he tried to make a career for him. But since Jaden is the most repudiable human being, he ended up dragging his father with him instead.

>still think it's some feminist agenda when it's not at all
This. People immediately thought it was gonna be another Mary sue fest after her cringeworthy "i rebel" line in the first trailer. Turns out that scene doesn't even make the final cut, And Jyn is probably the least Sueish Female lead in any major movie to come out in the last few years

>This. People immediately thought it was gonna be another Mary sue fest after her cringeworthy "i rebel" line in the first trailer. Turns out that scene doesn't even make the final cut, And Jyn is probably the least Sueish Female lead in any major movie to come out in the last few years
t. male feminist, black supremacist, and cuck shed architect

soon masturbating over her will be Sup Forums approved!

>being this triggered

oh the narcissism of small differences

do you watch fury road while jamal is fucking your wife?

It does, user. It really does.

Why do you shill for feminist propaganda?

> A Will Smith oscar bait is an example of high artistic cinema

Collateral Beauty looks like the dumbest most forced piece of melodramatic shit I've seen in years

Glad it flopped

>fucking your watch

You're right to be upset and defensive, user. It's everybody's problem.

>"Careful you don't.... CHOKE"

Fucking hell.... but I did actually like Rogue One

Sup Forums was right about the start though which was a fucking mess, jumping around to so many characters like it was the start of avengers or something

>mfw that image

>Thinking a Marvel movie will flop
>Thinking a Star Wars movie will flop

guys come on, it's over.

>the SJW can't even answer the question

-Lead characters had underwhelming character motivation
- supporting cast barely had any arc and just died after they fill certain function to the plot. ("welp, I guess he's dead now")
- More old Star Wars cameos and references that really needed (if any was needed at all)
- Bafflingly unjustified usage of John Williams-esque score that's inappropriate to the more grounded, gritty tone and feel that the movie supposed to have.

This felt more unremarkable and unfocused when this could have been a solid, smaller-scoped movie. The epicness feels superficial and I can't empathize with the R1's rebellion cause if I'm not conveyed what and how this mission really means personally to them.

But the big droid was fun at times, I guess.

probably had more immediate problems. like jamal fucking their watch

You wish. *I* wish.

>SJW still deflectiung

>disney wins because of promotion and a nostalgiafaggism brand

wow, truly amazing

Since when did this board become a console wars? is that what disney domination does to millenials?


Yes, user. They refuse to accept the red pill. It's as though they don't even want to be cool like us.

>not being a SJW is bad thing
this is what cuckolds actually believe

>Since when did this board become a console wars?
Long time ago when we didn't kick reddit out


As always. Were you really expecting anything else?

Also, word of mouth is amazing. It will have weaker opening than TFA but it's very possible that it's going to make just as much in the long run.

>muh anti-white propaganda

Empire was always the more popular faction so you Sup Forums retards should be happy that they make them more and more Nazi like.

And literally everybody is screaming how the best parts of the movie was Empire slaughtering the shit out of Rebels.

He keeps doing oscar bait shit instead of Action flicks that people want to see from him

You don't even know what "cuckold" means.

>implying Sup Forums retards can be happy without whinging

>I'm not conveyed what and how this mission really means personally to them.

cap'n cass lost people that he cared about, became a rebel fighter for revenge to FUCK SHIT UP and get paid, this mission is the ultimate fuck you to the ultimate empire domination plans
+K2 is there because they're partners and he's pilot, like what the fuck motivation did chewie ever have

jyn loves her daddy and is fulfilling the mission as his final wish, it is personal to her because it's the very reason her family was torn apart and she spent her life growing up in a shithole under an assumed name and being sent to prison
+the pilot guy worked with her dad for years and shares his rebellious passion for destroying their own work from the inside out

donnie was the guardian of the jedi temple, he got ousted from his home and life purpose, they pillaged all the crystals and then blew the city up with the death star, what else did he have to do with his life except get revenge and ensure stopping the crystals being used for genocide purposes
+jiang is his partner/closest friend, doesn't necessarily share his ideology but will stay by his side and share his fate, might as well stick it to the empire for old times sake

Clone wars was less than a decade???

>Empire slaughtering the shit out of Rebels
but the rebellion infantry in the film was all-male and overwhelmly white

Collateral Beauty sounds like something Brian Griffin would write. Check the trailer for proof

Stop confusing me. It's a form of fursecution.

>the lead writer says outright that white people are the enemyt

> fedoras are known to be womyn respecting male-feminists
> lol we'll use their own insults against them xD

>his smile and enthusiasm: gone

And then people who went to see the movie liked the evil white men better than multicultural rebels.

You retards should be celebrating not throwing tantrums like little babies.


Why did you post the pic of the usual feminist redditor disney cocksucker?

imagine the smell in this room. uggh

>This movie is going to flop so fucking hard you guys. White people are fed up with the kike propaganda. This is why Trump won.
>The movie didn't flop? Well what the fuck did you expect you fucking retards?

>>This movie is going to flop so fucking hard you guys. White people are fed up with the kike propaganda. This is why Trump won.
>a Star Wars movie released in Christmas

Oh boy that strawman guy you just made up sure is DUMB haha

>almost 100 million lower than last year's film from the same franchise
>franchise almost always breaks box office records

they also lie about box office projections and ticket sales if a film is underperforming. See Coosebusters 2016.

This flick would have done 200m easy if it were a guy in the lead and the writers weren't childish on social media. Just saying.

The ratings seem fine, except the Metacritic one. Everyone is praising the fuck out of it. Is it not doing especially well financially? It's only been out just over a day...

Yes, Sup Forums never claimed it would flop haha :)

We must do the reverse. Alt right blogs should really shill this movie. Let#s see how they're taking that.

feminism won again