Sup Forums will convert to Islam

You degenerates just can't see it.
You hate gays, liberals, niggers. You want to keep the woman in check. You think the woman shouldn't have the right to denounce rape because women 'can't be trusted'.
In Sharia a woman needs like seven witnesses to prove rape, just in case she made it up. I think you'll like it Sup Forums.
In Sharia men rule all. Family values are established and immutable. Arabs have a lot of guns, too.
You want a submissive, sexually deranged (but only with you) Aryan woman, just like the Muslims.
You don't like degeneracy in clothes. Covering up is good to you Sup Forums. Just like the hijaab.
You Sup Forumslacks hate the Jews and praise Hitler. This phenomenon is attested in ALL muslim countries. Muslims love Hitler and visceral hate the Jews. They live in fear of a Jewish conspiracy.
Just like you Sup Forums.
Muslims hate capitalism and banking. You hate it, too. You hate 'usury' just like the Muslim. One day you will bow down to Islamic banking, one of the funniest scams ever, where interest is not present but costs make up for it.
You Sup Forums love loli threads and tranny threads secretly. You're sexually deviated, like the Muslim.

When will you attest there's no God but Allah? You will enter your dream world then.

Other urls found in this thread:


here we are again

Fuck off to Africa and build your own civilization instead of trying to hijack ours, goatfucker

You Islamic brothers don't have arguments. The Islamic world is your dream world. It has everything you don't find in the west.
When the race war comes, you will find yourself siding with enemy, without knowing why.

Go fuck yourself.

When shit hits the fan Sup Forums is going to be like Luke Skywalker in that scene where Vader tries to tempt him to the dark side and half of his face is obscured in shadow.

The Muslims will be sacking the city of Rome and burning the Vatican while shouting Allahu Akbar.

The regressives on the internet and liberal media will be saying things like "Well this is payback for the Crusades I guess! ;) Finally!"
and "This attack does not represent Muslims, I know many Muslims who aren't currently sacking Rome."

Then Sup Forums will finally snap and come out fighting, who, I cannot say.

Sold. Where do I sign?

We do not kneel.

Boy, I hope that day never comes. I hope there's a boundary in the madness of the liberals.

An alliance could be formed but the goal will always be to keep our lands to ourselves.

>"This attack does not represent Muslims, I know many Muslims who aren't currently sacking Rome."


Most of Sup Forums already is Sharia. They just are too retarded to actually read it and realize they are. A lot like self-hating gays that way ... sperging out about Islam and ISIS, but actually can't tell the difference between Sup Forums and stone-age level goat fuckers.

Muslims don't kneel to no one but Allah. They don't follow any man made law! They follow the only, immutable divine law. You can easily see how Muslims don't kneel: political instability, lawlessness, you name it. Muslims don't kneel to the Jewish made society don't they? Why don't you fight the society of the Jews with them?

My m8 a Muslim just shot 50 gay people in a club and the leftist regressives managed to construe it as being the fault of Christian Conservatives.

I dont like being told what to do, how to dress and how to shave/shape my beard. I have a major problem with authority and i wouldnt fuck my cousin, 1st, 2nd or third.

I am not compatible with your shit belief system.

You can't see that the 'authority' problem is the Jewish problem. Islam is the true rule of the people (Ummah). Islam fights the Jewish schemes.
Convert and you will make your dreams come true.

Religion is more than a checklist. There are moral guidelines, which are fucking retarded in Islam.

I'm sure some people on Sup Forums agree with some of the points that Bernie and Hillary have, but they would NEVER vote for any of them. Agreeing on some things is not a reason to switch over completely. I don't think that we should stone faggots to death, and that doesn't make me a fanatic LBQGTBBQOMG protester.

Friend, what moral guidelines? Muslims drink and eat bacon when others don't see. They beat the gay because they can and the gay must be hidden from our kids. If you convert you take ALL THE CAKE, you don't have to sacrifice anything!! Muslims drink alcohol and go to mosque, smoke and stone cheater women, to keep women faithful. You have no moral guidelines in Islam but at the same time you have family values and power!! Convert it's your dream life!!!!!


Just think about it Sup Forums. No more Jewish laws to follow. No more conspiracies no more false leaders. No more Rothschild to rule your nation because your nation is the Ummah. No more degeneracy, no more Fags. Islam is truly your dream.

But i dont like fucking goats

Hi JIDF. I'll bite.

The reason why the civilised world is opposed to your backwater medieval amalgam of pagan beliefs slapped together under the guise of a monotheistic religious doctrine with an unhealthy fetishisation of an actual savage pedophile warlord is simply because you're wrong. You're wrong on your concept of an afterlife, you're wrong on your ursurped bastardization of social doctrine, you're wrong on your hyper-aggressive indoctrination of unwilling convertees, and you're wrong in the concept that there is no god but Allah.

The Muslim doctrine of taqiyyah makes it very difficult to trust or even give credence to an iota of what you say, because the very basis of that doctrine is deception and subversion of expectations.

And all you mud hut homos worship a fucking space rock, for Christ's sake. A fucking space rock.

every muslim country is 3rd world no thanks

Submit proof for any of the seventy two metric tons of camel shit you just spewed, Achmed. There's over a billion of you fucks shambling about on my planet. Surely there is some evidence to corroborate your claims?

The thing is muslims hate technology, science, art, music, movies and the furthering of these things aswell. So no thanks, friendo.

Don't you have a child or a goat to rape Achmed?

The whole concept of a harem is extremely hurtful to any society and civilization. Even if few men have harems it already can cause social tensions, as a woman is a important resource. Lack of them causes social unrest, creation of gangs, rape, crime etc. The idea of islamic rule is also highly anti-white as only shitskins (can you believe that, a person who's colour is of shit) are considered "true muslims".

Now let us look into the lack of women that harems cause, what we can see in islamic states are a great increase in pederasty - muslim men rape boys and that is not an opinion it is a fact, and the cause of it is the lack of women and a societal norms that allow it. Islam is in it's truest form a primitive religion, far much more than let's say European paganism, which was leagues more advanced than islam, not even to speak of christianity. One can only argue islams "imaginary" advantages, but it's easy to see the backwardness of mulsims and the whole religion, which offers no advantages over any actual philosophy or other religion.

Islam is raw degeneracy based on the teachings of a degenerate madman, Abdullah bin Luigi. People who convert to Islam are stupid, mentally ill, or in an adolescent phase of rebellion.

Prove to me with scientifically testable evidence that God exists and I should follow your "divine, immutable" laws.

Because this is basically the problem with every religion. You can't, so as far as I'm concerned this is just some shitty fairy tale you take way too seriously.

At this point the left has pissed me off so much I am kind of over it. Let them have Muslims. Women deserve what they get and the homosexuals too. Islam will probably save the white race and it isn't like they're ever going to stop trying to kill everyone and take over the world. Pumping out 10 children each like those shitskins in Africa is our only hope and this religion seems to keep women in check since we were dumb enough to give them the right to vote and fuck everything up. I do really wish they would get over that idolatry shit though. Don't fuck up the history of the world you daft cunts. .02

That's it im a #timebombforislam

But I hate Muslims most of all. They literally stink,among other things.

implying i'm not a muslim already :^)

OP has changed my mind completely. I am now a #cuck4ISIS

His wife was gorgeous
What kind of a backward deprived and deplorable type of human being could do that to someone.

Having seen what islam has done to my beautiful England I can tell you with hand on heart I would rather die than even give you the time of day. I piss on allah and all who serve him. Get out of Europe.

>You hate gays, liberals, niggers. You want to keep the woman in check. You think the woman shouldn't have the right to denounce rape because women 'can't be trusted'.
>In Sharia a woman needs like seven witnesses to prove rape, just in case she made it up. I think you'll like it Sup Forums.
>In Sharia men rule all. Family values are established and immutable. Arabs have a lot of guns, too.
>You want a submissive, sexually deranged (but only with you) Aryan woman, just like the Muslims.
>You don't like degeneracy in clothes. Covering up is good to you Sup Forums. Just like the hijaab.

Speak for your own people, Ahmed. This is not us.
>Muslims hate capitalism and banking. You hate it, too. You hate 'usury' just like the Muslim. One day you will bow down to Islamic banking, one of the funniest scams ever, where interest is not present but costs make up for it.
>You Sup Forums love loli threads and tranny threads secretly. You're sexually deviated, like the Muslim.

Fucking love capitalism, but that's because I, and most of us, don't believe in fucking handouts. We know how the world works. Nothing is free. We hate you for abusing safety nets.

>You Sup Forumslacks hate the Jews and praise Hitler. This phenomenon is attested in ALL muslim countries. Muslims love Hitler and visceral hate the Jews. They live in fear of a Jewish conspiracy.
>They live in fear of a Jewish conspiracy.
>Jewish conspiracy

The only Jewish consipracy I live in fear of is my people being replaced by arabs and my country being dominated by Islam.

It's wednesday, faggot. Don't you have a cheque to pick up?