Jesus christ brit-bongs, how can you guys stand and watch this shit without immediately raging.
Give me liberty or let me keep muh jobs and monies
fuck i cant stand their accents
Wait normal britbongs want to stay?
No Straya for fucks sake. The room was teaming with BBC hand picked diversity shills.
Its just question after question of stayers wtf? Is this the britbong Q&A
fuck this country
everything is about the fucking economy
Yes. They are afraid of changes too big.
Middle class, university SJWs and pseudo-intellectual types are all over the remain camp.
Leave is mostly working class, anti-immigrant and red pill types.
There's a lot of retardation around. Most people I speak to haven't the faintest fucking clue how the EU even remotely works or what the concept of free trade means. It's all a shitshow.
We were raging. You can see for yourself the absolute liberal SJW infested immaturity of the remain group, while the leave group were perfectly dignified and listened to what Cameron had to say.
The funny thing is though, all Cameron fucking said was that "yeah the EU fucking sucks but we can make it work guys :( let's not leave an abusive relationship let's try and fix it! :D"
Naive motherfucker.
I'm voting leave.
>debate between two of the biggest goons on the opposite spectrum.
"Debate" where the two debaters aren't on stage at the same time. Kekkers.
Ignore the others and listen to People are fine with the things they are, they know for a certain that the economy will down south after the brexit. They don't want big changes and you can't blame them for it.
Normal Britbongs are nationalist, love socialism and want to leave.
Libcuck media and selected SJW audiences DO NOT represent us, bruv.
You expect the BBC to not muddy their show with lefty bullshit?
Fuck this makes me mad, Nigel completely demolished every argument and these pussyfooted liberal losers whined on and wouldn't let him complete his sentence.
If i was British i would vote leave. Jesus, how can anybody stand these abuses from an agency hundreds and miles away and have ENTIRE NATIONS in a political union is beyond me.
This is ITV tho
This is a very weird dynamic sjws and other faggots are lefties so why are they buds with the Tories?
>this is great Britain meme
Still clinging to DAT colonial past eh
Why are non white brits so stupid and refuse to listen to reason
>Nigel you are racist
>Here is why I am not racist
You really have to respect Nigel for having the patience to deal with these jungle bunnies
This is like watching a delusional abused wife going back to her abuser