I have noticed that Sup Forums is full of film school students that does nothing but complain about every fucking movie made since 1989. Nothing pleases Sup Forums. A movie can be RUINED by one fucking line of dialouge, according to Sup Forums. When a tv show or a movie gets too popular, Sup Forums goes from:" hey this is pretty good" to "OMG this is awful, I can't believe people actually watch this". What will it take to please Sup Forums? When will Sup Forums grow up and realize that even their favourite movie of all time (pre 1989 of course), also has it's flaws but they don't see them? When will Sup Forums grow up and stop using meme words in every sentence? Why, oh why is the german word for cinema so overused by Sup Forums? Is Sup Forums full of nazis? When will Sup Forums learn to form an oppinion by themselves, and not ask RLM or other reviewers if the movie they just watched was goo or bad? When will Sup Forums learn that people have different tastes when it comes to food, fashion, sex, alcohol and even movies?
>Inb4 :What did he mean by this?
Hole E Sheet
That's not true at all. We complain about every fucking movie made before 1989 as well.
I don't what the fuck you're talking about. Sup Forums isn't critical enough most of the time and Sup Forums doesn't watch anything made before 2000
You just noticed this? Sup Forums has been the same since it was created.
let me edit that for you.
Sup Forums watches everything made after 2000 they just don't think the majority is particularly good
>I have noticed that Sup Forums is full of film school students that does nothing but complain about every fucking movie made since 1989. Nothing pleases Sup Forums. A movie can be RUINED by one fucking line of dialouge, according to Sup Forums.
>When a tv show or a movie gets too popular, Sup Forums goes from:" hey this is pretty good" to "OMG this is awful, I can't believe people actually watch this".
Sup Forums is not one person.
>What will it take to please Sup Forums?
The cut and thrust of vigorous criticism, applied universally.
> When will Sup Forums grow up and realize that even their favourite movie of all time (pre 1989 of course), also has it's flaws but they don't see them?
>When will Sup Forums grow up and stop using meme words in every sentence?
When they cease to be effective means of communication.
>Why, oh why is the german word for cinema so overused by Sup Forums?
It has taken on new meaning, also see above about memes.
>Is Sup Forums full of nazis?
Objectively correct.
>When will Sup Forums learn to form an oppinion by themselves, and not ask RLM or other reviewers if the movie they just watched was goo [sic] or bad?
>When will Sup Forums learn that people have different tastes when it comes to food, fashion, sex, alcohol and even movies?
That doesn't mean we shouldn't ask them to justify themselves.
I wish Sup Forums was film school students. Instead it's just random plebs who never even watched classic movies, they just hate anything that gets talked about a lot.
holy shit that would be awful. just silly children parroting things their failed film maker "professor" told them that week.
Sup Forums is film students
>I just watched the most popular single film from Kurosawa and Sergio Leone for a class
>I am a film expert now
>Let me give my boring entry level analysis while acting superior and complaining about "plebs"
better than
>what did he mean by this
>capeshit central
>SJWs vs alt-retards
>Is it kino?
Sup Forums has also been spamming since the beginning. Not new. Early Sup Forums was 90% spam with Hawkeye images and Avatar.
This board is not the place for actual discussion of movies and tv
Don't forget to mention that dozens of retards use "reddit" as an insult for films they do not like, but can't offer actual arguments.
So stupid content is bad but spam is ok since it's like a tradition?
Sup Forums in a nutshell.
None of it is okay. But OP clearly states that he only just now, this very moment, noticed any of this. In other words OP is a moron who is about 10 year behind the times.
It's for pedoposting and celebposting, eh?
That is correct.
Aren't the bottom two on the left from that show "Girl Meets The World"?
Stupid maybe but I've noticed this before. I only now summoned up the courage to say (write) it out lod. It needs to be done. Sup Forums is an awful place.
>out lod
Jebus. As agreeable as you are, you really do need to learn to spell. Dialouge is not a word.
Are these children that Sup Forums stalks? Somone should allert their parents.
>Hey look at me. I'm making fun of the user who is trying to write in a language that is not his first and apperantly slips on the keyboard sometimes.
I don't even know who 90% of them are, the only ones I know are the ones that get spammed here constantly.
One of the reasons I keep coming to Sup Forums is to see the absolute shock and horror displayed by these """film school students""" whenever someone says a new movie (preferably "capeshit") is better than muh classic masterpiece.
I'm a film studies minor and I think Drive is the best movie made
>Dance off bro, you and me.
It's ruined by a mood that can accept such effeminate sayings.
His humor had already been established pretty well in the movie by that point, so no one should go apeshit over that line. Besides, it was a pretty original way to distract a villain.
>Sup Forums is not one person.
Sup Forums is not one person.
Sup Forums is not one person.
Sup Forums is not one person.
OP here's an oldfag one for you, lurk more.
Rhythm is a natural progression in the developing communal intelligence in species.
A galactic warlord should know dancing is.
And if you can knowledge he knew what dancing was, he should have touched lowered staff two inches because if the obvious distraction/completely inconsequential action.
>I have noticed that Sup Forums is full of film school students
That would imply that people here either make films or watch something other than blockbusters and IMDb core.
Sup Forums is the shitposting board.
He was a pouty child throwing a stellar scale tantrum and seconds before his inevitable victory some human is singing and dancing at him, a response to total annihilation he was not prepared for or willing to accept without pause.