Whoa... makes you... think...
Whoa... makes you... think
>radical whiteynism
>inb4 1 post by OP
sage in all fields
>Ban white men
>country goes to shit as the only productive section of society dissapears
>crime skyrockets
>more mass shootings
gg liberals
(((andy borrowitz)))
(((occupy democrats)))
Wait, is Trump proposing a ban on brown people?
Then you're a racist, Andy.
2100 - the last tribe of white men in the US is deported.
The white shooters usually feel outcast from white culture rather than the muslim shooter who was directly supporting muslim ideals.
Make that 2 :')
We already have a war on Adam Lanzas, it's called Steven Universe
And we have ones for Dylann Roof too, it was called the Civil War and now the removal of the Confederate Flag and total cultural shaming of the South.
Those seem to work fine to libs, so why can't we wage a cultural bullying and shaming war on Islam as well? I think we should accuse muslims of having Sand Privilege
So white people can't be muslims? Thank you for making me think, (((Borowitz))).
All this Orlando reaction and the utter lack of patriotism in the face of terror is really making me supportive of a potential civil war. Except when we secede we're keeping the name and Constitution and history. The rest of these traitors can run themselves how they've always wanted in the USSA.
White people aren't a religion
I didn't know all those shooters followed the same ideology. What is it? We should ban it.
I thought people blamed mental health for that, something I am sure Donald would fix. Also those people have nothing but their race in common, and it was not like they followed an ideology. But of course it is okay to hate white men.
>ban white men
>2 weeks later the whole country is utterly destroyed and essentially inhabitable, civilization vanished
White men are responsible for the existence of America.
Someone get me the "Muslim's not a language, it's a race" polandball thing
Quints for truth.
Pretty much what happened to Zimbabwe and the rest of central and southern Africa.
Sounds like Zimbabwe. RIP Rhodesia.
Why would you even have to check? His name is a Jewish Trick.
>no, goy, I'm just going to borrow it
what did he mean by this?
These people are so annoying. That analogy would only work if Trump was proposing a ban on brown people. And even then, it wouldn't really be a great one because of certain crime rate statistics. Trump's ban is more comparable to the left banning the confederate flag after the Roof incident, as that is related to ideology.
The same jewsih media also doesn't mention that many of the serial killers and shooters were jewish.
Just fucking kill every jew before they kill you.
>get quints
>the post is not even that good
what are statistics?
what is proportionality
This is basically the equivalent of me saying that blacks commit more crime and someone responding by saying "BUT WHAT ABOUT THESE EXAMPLES OF WHITE CRIMINALS? REALLY MAKES YOU THINK BTFO"
>that giant bent nose
when the nose is bent you know they're extra Jewy
jude n°5, the new fragrance
>known for creating The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Thanks for ruining that show for me.
>white men are super privileged and get everything in life handed to them
>which is why they toss it all away to commit acts of terror
Really makes you...
Get Dorner off that list, that man is a hero!
On Democrats*
Top banter
When a white guy goes on a killing spree, it is an anomaly. It is a lone wolf attack with few if any accomplices.
When a Muslim goes on a killing spree, it is 9 times out 10 attached to a radical Islamist ideology, one whose stated goal is to exploit, infiltrate, and subjugate the west at any cost and bring them all under a united caliphate.
OP was right, it did make me think.
*tips menorah*
If there was a group of religious zealots planning murder sprees in the US (let alone the western world) who were white and entered the US via some misguided immigration program, he'd be crazy not to ban then.
Each country already has its own share of nutjobs, so there's no point in importing more on the basis that "not all of them are bad :^) "
Are you cucks ever going to acknowledge that guy visited the gay club several times and people have seen him getting drunk?
If you are going to insist a guy who break the simple dietary rules of Islam to be a hardcore Muslim devotee then you need to get your brain checked
being white is a religion now?
Show me this correlation between being white and mass shootings.
could just as easily replace "white" with "black" there.
>Suggested a ban on long pointed kitchen knives
Yeah... Or just, you know.. Make crime illegal, right?
You mean like the 9/11 highjackers that also costs strop clubs and the like? Yeah they weren't Muslim at all. My mistake
>he drinks
>he explicitly dedicates attack to ISIS
only when (((JEWS))) claim to be (((WHITE)))
>Are you cucks ever going to acknowledge that guy visited the gay club several times and people have seen him getting drunk?
Is anyone denying it?
>If you are going to insist a guy who break the simple dietary rules of Islam to be a hardcore Muslim devotee then you need to get your brain checked
Yeah.. Because guys who are not hardcore Islamists swear allegience to ISIS and commit mass murder while shouting 'Allahu Ackbar' all the time, amiritem8?
Banning white men is like banning cars. Sure a lot of people die because of them. But they are too essential to ban. Same can't be said about Muslims.
>search for leadership/owners of occupy democrats
>can't find shit
it's like they went to lengths to keep anyone's name away from it
Seems pretty obvious to me.
Guy is gay, nutjob father hates gays and tries to "straighten" him by sending him in SA to his raghead friends so they can "fix" him, he is convinced to atone by killing himself along with as many faggots as possible.
Ban single mothers, you mean.
Exaggerate and flip statistics. Claim young white males make up 4% of the population and commit 50% of the murders in the us.
Sup Forums cucks actually believe this
Just return to Reddit
If I remember correctly this has more to do with the fact that the UK defines "Violent Crime" differently than the USA
implying most of the shootings aren't done by blacks or mexicans.
Yes, please ban white men and let them all come here. Make Europe Great Again.
>trump is banning black people.
there's your problem, you cant brain.