Latest poll: Clinton 49 Trump 37 Johnson 9

Are these polls rigged? How does Clinton keep surging when she should not be and it makes zero sense?

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Check the date range. Most of the data was acquired before the shooting happened.

>waaaah! why is my guy not winning?! Must be rigged ;(

Gtfo drumpfag

Nobody is voting for Johnson.

The same with all of the polls taken for the RCP average. Most of the data was acquired before the shooting happened. Its a bit misleading. These polls reflect the judge comments.

My guess he is right now around even with Shillary after he gave that boss speech.

I missed that. Friday through Monday.

Well thanks guys
I don't think there is a reason for this thread to exist anymore


I am

It's a shame that the judge thing was handled poorly. A Judge is a member of fucking la raza, and a boycott trump organzation and he loses ground over it.

That bloomberg poll is inconsistent with all other polls. Probably rigged.

I thought you guys were the ones that had democracy and no one was so privileged.

Looks like Brexit polls are taking their true course while your government shamelessly rigs yours.

> waah you won't be leaving the EU either.

Doubly important now if Hillary is being chosen as the new USA president

I am.

Trump didn't say he was a member of La Raza, he said he was Mexican, which was quickly disproven, and made Trump look like a fool and a bigot.

Because our particular echo chamber is smaller than that particular echo chamber. Remember how Romney was going to be the winner pretty much until he wasn't?

bloomberg is a filthy jew

But how are those roads going to get built?

I am

Because people are realizing Trump that Trump is a shit candidate?

media bias

"Curiel was born in East Chicago, Indiana, the youngest of four children. Their parents, Salvador and Francisca, had emigrated from Mascota, which is a small Mexican town near Puerto Vallarta in the state of Jalisco. "

He's Mexican-American. He is involved with La Raza and other Mexican and Mexican American identity focused groups.

And you are a liar. You fuckers just can't have an honest day. Can you?

>all these trumpsters trying to deny the harsh reality that he won't win


No, the polls are not rigged. All current available empirical evidence points to HRC winning in November. She has lead in all but 3 polls conducted. Her lead over the last two weeks has grown, now to 12 points in this poll (though, granted, this one individual poll may be an outlier). The outgoing President, in her own party, has a positive favorability. The economy is doing okay. All betting markets favor her. Trump has higher unfavorables.

No one can predict the outcome with absolute certainty, but there is zero empirical evidence that Trump is favored, and a mountain that points to Clinton winning. Enjoy the memes - they are fun, no doubt - but don't delude yourself into thinking it's likely that Trump will win.

>Donald Trump sucks because he's racist and a bigot.
>Hillary Clinton is the best even though her policies have gotten people killed and she's corrupt for taking bribes (a.k.a. donations) through the Clinton Foundation.

He had never lived in Mexico, which definitely makes him not Mexican.

my Great Great Grandparents came from Ireland, but I'm not Irish, I'm fucking American.

Trump shouldn't have picked this fight, and instead of admitting it, he doubled down.

People are just now realizing that Trump is a blowhard, a sheep in wolf's clothing, a fascade, a veneer of action over a vastness of nothingness. He is a scam.

go to bed, school tomorrow.

No, you are voting for Hillary.

Whether you like it or not, a vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.

There are more people that hate Trump than those that hate Clinton. If you took a step outside of this hugbox then you'd realise this.

I Feel the Johnson, I am voting for him. I want him to blow a huge load of liberty on my face.

>Trump shouldn't have picked this fight, and instead of admitting it, he doubled down
No, he should have picked the fight mentioned that the judge is a member of la raza, and a hispanic national bar associaiton that is explicitly anti-trump and calls for a complete boycott of Trump business.

The judge is biased, a mestizo nationalist, but just wasn't exposed well.

> People are just now realizing that Trump is a blowhard, a sheep in wolf's clothing, a fascade, a veneer of action over a vastness of nothingness. He is a scam.
No, there are just many people who hate whites and want the illegal mexicans to stay and more to come.

>Are these polls rigged

You honestly don't know?

no, a vote for Hillary is a vote for Hillary.

A vote for Johnson sends a clear message that Trump is not acceptable as a Republican candidate for President.

Also, most polled were Dems and "independents" i.e. lolbertarians and Bernouts.


Throwing your vote in the trash general?

Seriously? I don't mean that negatively or sarcastically, but seriously? Is Bloomberg reslly liberal or something? I always assumed they were relatively unbiased and would periodically check news from there and read about the markets and such.

Are they really just another left wing media outlet?

What about Reuters?

Trump didn't mention any of that. He said "he's Mexican I guess". he said this because he isn't smart enough to compose a well thought out argument because he doesn't think through an argument. He just yells louder. Which works sometimes. Others, not so much.

Yes, but there are plenty of uncucked polls out there.

Many of those polls assume an outdated pastry factory is going to somehow attract as many black voters to the polls that Obama did back in '08. Obviously this is pure nonsense.

2016 will be 2016, and it has proven as such by already spilling egg on the face of Nate Silver, a leftist statistician that has been unfortunately accurate in the past.

>sample size: negligible
>sample composition: >Dems/independents
>surveyor: left leaning

I found the problem guise, it's speculative polls.

>750 likely voters

wew, that sample size

Are there any real, reliable poll sources these days? Maybe an aggregator?

Are you really this stupid, Jethro, or do you really live in a fucking bubble?

Most. People. Hate. Donald. Trump.

The GOP hates Donald Trump.

The world hates Donald Trump.

He is an international embarrassment.

A tiny, Tea Party like element of America will vote for him. The majority of Americans will not.

>inb3 hill shill, bernout, cruz control, whatever. Spout the same childosh buzzwords all you want, because thats all you have.

But Donald Trump is going to lose the general election by an historic amount, and will destroy the GOP in the process.


>Are these polls rigged?


The real life organic support for Hillary is at around 20%

Still shockingly high considering everything she has said and done

>oversampled Dems and Indies
>frontloaded with dumb questions

The narrative reset caused by Orlando is enough to give Trump the ground he lost with the judge stuff. One more attack and he's golden. Two more and he's President guaranteed.

It's all fucked Man, nothing we can do but watch it all burn.

>Johnson 9%
Kek. Abandon thread lads.

No one ever refers to a mestizo as anything other than a mexican. Colloquially they mean the same thing in america you stupid double nigger

>Clinton keep surging when she should not be



Why should she not be? Is this your first day in politics? There's about 20 reasons Hillary should be surging right now, and surging hard. She just secured the nomination and a couple dozen major endorsements. Every single candidate in history gets a solid bump & surge at this point.

Except little donnie drumpfster fire. Fucking imbecile pissed off so many people in his voting demographic he only gained about two points, then turned around and pissed away ten. He has got to be the single most retarded presidential candidate in the history of the U.S. He is a babe lost in the woods and has no fucking clue what he's doing.

The Clinton campaign is a professional machine. Doesn't matter if you like or agree with them or not. They know the living fuck out of what they are doing, and they're one of the most professional campaigns in the history of U.S. politics.

Trump's got nothing, and he just keeps digging while the entire Republican party is screaming at him to stop being so fucking retarded.

Whatever helps you sleep at night bud.
The outcome of the two actions are the same, you are choosing an action that helps Hillary get into office.

Dress it up in whatever sentimental pleasantries you want, you're digging our grave.

Public Education.

I am

I am.

glad you guys also support open borders like me!

dude weed and open borders! fuck drumpf, hes a bigot!

Of course it's fucking rigged.
Here's the official uneditted one.

I am

They're pushing Gary Johnson to drive down trump

Notice how they listed Johnson but not stein

Any poll with Johnson over 1% is a meme

Who runs the pols fucktard?

>Any poll with Johnson over 1% is a meme
I don't think so. I have several friends who are lifelong Republicans (the establishment) who cannot reconcile themselves to vote for Trump and as of now, say they are voting Johnson.

Of course, Trump's choice of running mate may swing this. If Trump comes out with an establishment acceptable running mate, you might see a lot of that support for Johnson evaporate.

This what correct the record looks like. Just short little jabs that seem correct at face value or at a semantics level.

When you argue semantics it proves you're a leftist shill.

And my axe.


Trump is a big government guy. A lot of republicans will be against that, and turning to the alternative, which is Johnson.

>Are these polls rigged?


And Romney wasn't? George Bush?

If small government is what they wanted they would have pushed Ron Paul. It's about being uncomfortable with white identity, or even American identity; it must be a "proposition nation".