How tolerant; how progressive.

Really makes you think...

Other urls found in this thread:

"I was going to vote liberal but this stopped me in my tracks!"


>I normally vote in favor of all touchy-feely bullshit, but calling this a genocide would trigger actual obligations to stop ISIS. LMAO 420

i mean i wouldn't call it genocide either. hes still a fag tho

>promises gains on economic boosts on new technologies, and alternative power
>hasn't even worked on these tasks
>goes on 6 vacations since he entered office in November

I guess we know where his French blood leads.
It might force the Canadian people to carry it out in the same way.

thank u based weedman

>Christians killing military age men in a known partisan enclave being used as a base for atrocities while letting women and children go

>Muslims killing and displacing non-muslims and not-enough-muslims throughout an entire country, while selling their women and children into slavery
Not genocide

The "liberal" left has become a parody of itself. This shit is ridiculous. The UN doesn't have total control over the word "genocide". It's a simple definition for the attempt to murder an entire ethnic group. Which is exactly what ISIS is doing.


I could understand things like why he doesn't want to interfere militarily, but what the fuck is this?

Is it so that Canada can't get into foreign engagements by arbitrarily and unilaterally deciding that something is a genocide?

This is what sympathy for other groups eventually leads to.
It leads to you suddenly not being sure of what is good and what is right.
You can be a cultural relativist as long as you realize that your way of doing things is better because its yours, because its what you and your loved ones are used to and care for and were brought up with.
Im so tired of white cucks.

Thank you Jesus Christ for exposing our enemies stupidity.


What would be the result of him formally accepting the atrocities as genocide? What objective reason does he have for refusing to call it genocide?

>What objective reason does he have for refusing to call it genocide?
Doesn't want to make ISIS look evil

If you call out your enemies they win

>What objective reason does he have for refusing to call it genocide?
Muslim feelings are more important than Christian lives

I cant even come up with a rationalization for this. ISIS clearly do kill specific groups. Those that do not follow their brand of islam.
This includes muslims of diferent sects who are usually also ethnicities.
This is really a mystery and its definitely very particular, raising the question of why would a canadian want ot give ISIS the benefit of the doubt and not call what they do genocide..
sure its a loaded word but what they are doing is fucking horrific. Even if they were not targeting specific religious groups, which they do, and the term genocide was not ACCURATE, why is it so important?

Kill your enemies they win
Get killed by your enemies they lose

I just don't get this man

oh how happy i am that Trudeau won, anytime my Calgary buddy tries to get snappy i just remind him who his PM is
god bless you canucks

watching these smug fucks on cpac makes me fucking rage.

how can it be that such cuckolds are holding a position of power?

Go read up on his father and you will see exactly what he is made of..TREASON..Also look into who his handlers are from Gerald Butts to all the zionist jews in the NAU.

Place your bets on how long it is until Trudeau puts an ISIS member in his cabinet "to understand their complex and valuable worldview."

He thinks he is Obi Wan Kenobi.

Strike Trudeau down and he shall become more powerful than you could ever imagine.

that is just Christian Morality tho

kek maybe quebec will finally prove useful for something after all

a nation of cuckolds need a king

his mom was pretty hot from what i've been told

>If you strike me down, I win.

Trudeau is a fucking hack, wiping out entire villages of Christians and Zoroastrians is absolutely genocide you fucking cuck cunt

How this idiot ever got elected is beyond me.
Between him and Obongo, we might just as well give North America away.

I mean, he's probably not wrong but I suspect he is remarkably inconsistent. I wonder if he'd call treatment of First Nationers or Native Americans here a genocide. I suspect he would which would make him a retard.

His mom was a whore.

The only thing to look forward to is seeing him crash this country like Obama did for the last 8 years and creating some sort of nationalist revolt.

decapitation when?

if he called it genocide there'd be an obligation to do something, dudeweed doesn't wanna do shit

Trudeau is an absolute moron and nothing about him says he has moral fibre or courage so this is not surprising in the least.

>What objective reason does he have for refusing to call it genocide?

I don't think the left is so off-base refusing to apply these inflammatory labels whether it be 'Islamic terror' or 'genocide.' The reality is that these people are already intermixed into our society so it is counterproductive to provoke racial tensions.

All they are trying to do at this point is to try to bend both sides to be as accepting as possible. The alternative is civil/race/cultural war, and there will be only losers.

>that these people are already intermixed into our society so it is counterproductive to provoke racial tensions.

Liberal shill spotted. Bold faced fucking lie right there.

All they are trying to do at this point is to try to bend both sides to be as accepting as possible. The alternative is civil/race/cultural war, and there will be only losers.

So if that is the case they lets get to dancing already.

When I call Obama or Paul Ryan retards I don't necessarily think they are actual retards but this guy Trudeau actually seems like he is the case.

Great insight..

Why is Trudeau such a traitor?

He makes Merkel look like a goddamn patriot by comparison.

alqaeda won the world on terror. everyone is now genuinely scared of islam. particularly the press. that much became obvious when nothing of significance was done after charlie hebdo.

What can I say? Have a walk around the GTA.

so liberals admit that all muslims are ISIS?

the war of terror*

Is he actually a secret mud? This shit is getting insane.


Opinions like these are just fucking disgusting.

I live in the GTA you fucking retard.

They are not intermixed in a good way.

All these non whites need to go.

Why? Go look up his dad and you wont need to ask this question .

he thinks his office is his personal blog
zero competency but lots of "if eyes are not real how is terrorism" tier tweets

Really tackling the important issues, eh weedman


Most Canadians outside of metropolitan areas are utterly disgusting with the way things are going.

Who's fucking driving this bullshit anymore?

We can't even blame the fucking schlomo's for this anymore because the retardation is starting to drive out the Jews from Europe in the face of Islamic domination.

I didn't say they were intermixed in a good way. But I acknowledge nothing can be done about it without a tremendous amount of bloodshed.

The problem is that you cannot use regualr military to do anything about it in a global world with instant communications. You have to use the new media in your favor like the terrorists do.
State military cannot do shit, its relevance is much diminished in our modern global world.

No shit.

These Somalians are really starting to get to me.

RIP America's hat, your leader is a fucking moron.

So unconventional warfare is the only way forward.

Are you telling me rural canadians are more accepting of "other cultures" than urban canadians?

I meant disgusted.

Outside of Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver.

People are definitely pissed off.

I'll speak for Ontario tho. Most people I talk to are pretty furious about the state of things.

You have no concept of what a Canadian city looks like. They aren't white cities.

I hope the weed lmao was worth it, Canadians.

IF WE CAN'T BLAME SCHLOMO... w-who's left?


Tumblr culture spreading to politics?

If you demonise your enemies, they win

Don't forget he will be lifting the visas on Mexicans so now they will be pouring over here by the thousands

Goes to show that weedman is just a foreign agent hellbent on destabilising Canada. He's not actually a brainwashed leftie, that's only a front.

His father was the same so you can just picture Justine being version 2.0

Nuke us please


They didn't even get the weed. Probably because it's haram.

Cultural Marxist starting to eat their own.
Their self hatred and critical theory applied to everyone except Islam will drag down Europe kicking and screaming.

"When I get decapitated I win." - Dude Weed man

The system has become self-perpetuating.

The age of decadence and decline has begun.

If he says they committed genocide it will look bad when he lets people involved into canada.

If you douse a fire, the fire wins

If you visit a hooker, virginity wins

If you throw yourself knowingly and willingly into a harmful ideology and spout nonsense... ?

"If you recognize your enemies as antagonists and conclude they pose a threat to your existence, they win"- Justin

Yeah this is what it is now.

watch this cuck.

>w-who's left?

Upper and middle-class whites.

While there are other parties, to be sure, these assholes are the chassis, engine, transmission, wheels, differentials, and steering wheel of the SJW vehicle.

The liberals, they have have to go back.

Really sorry for you, leaf. The man is a disgusting coward of the highest caliber.

Underrated post

Why is this surprising? Liberals like the Oxford Club have always facilitated dictators' rise to power, only to rewrite history to claim it was conservatives who supported the dictator once his crimes become too nlatant to hide any more.

Hitler led a liberal revolution, Lenin led a liberal revolution, Stalin led a liberal revolution, Castro led a liberal revolution, Mao led a liberal revolution, Kim Il Sung led a liberal revolution, Ho Chi Minh led a liberal revolution, Pol Pot led a liberal revolution, Robert Mugabe led a liberal revolution, Hugo Chavez led a liberal revolution... and every single one is now declared in history textbooks to have been conservatives if not reactionaries, because all that matters is that vhildren must be raised to believe only conservatives do bad things.

>The alternative is civil/race/cultural war

Deus Vult

>Cultural Marxist starting to eat their own.

You bet your ass they are.

>WATCH: Mizzou race activist hijacks Orlando vigil as gay community rebukes her


>A vigil Monday planned by several University of Missouri student organizations was supposed to honor victims of Sunday morning’s deadly shooting rampage in a popular gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla.

>It turned into a blame session against Mizzou’s LGBTQ community for not being intersectional enough.

Not even fucking kidding....

>Latino activists, including a Mizzou official, scolded the mostly white gathering for ignoring racial issues. That led one attendee to fume on Facebook that the organizers had invented a “race issue” out of a “homophobic attack” by gunman Omar Mateen.

>At the event outside the Boone County Courthouse in Columbia, Mizzou graduate and activist Tiffany Melecio chastised the crowd for putting the interests of the LGBTQ community above those of “people of color.”

It is farther along than any of you know. The fractures are beginning to topple the entire superstructure now.

>I cant even come up with a rationalization for this.
International law. If if it's genocide then you have to help stop it, doesn't matter that it happens on the other end of the planet. Same reason why US, UK, France AND Canada said the genocides in Africa are only "genocide-like" acts while at the same time saying that the civil war in Yugoslavia was genocide: they just wonted to fuck up Russia's only ally on the Balkans.

I hate Justin Trudeau so much, he's such a fucking faggot.

Some will say our economic growth is thanks to him. But no one ever sees the elephant in the room - high debt and more borrowing. Which leads to GDP growth rates.....

So boomers?

I dream off the day.

Reading now

kek but you know damn well most people wont look that deep into it.

Agreed, I legitimately don't think they want us all gone like the Jews. I think their leaders at least, are smart enough to realize white people make the best shit. They just want control over us, they want sharia everywhere

That is so pathetic on so many levels.


>including a mizzou official

Jesus Christ, why is mizzou such an incredible shithole?

Started exactly one year before I was born, when Nixon was forced to resign for a "crime" that Democrat presidents blatantly (and even proudly, in Hillary Clinton's case) commit.

All because liberals truly believe that any crime, even genocide, is the right thing to do, as long as they're the ones doing it and nobody can prove anything terrible resulted from it.

And if they did do something completely inexcusable, they just declare the liberal who did it was really a conservative.

It's a genocide against the Christian, and especially the Christian Assyrian and Yazidi Kurd minorities.

Religion and ethnicity are linked closely in the Near and Middle Eastern societies.

Apparently this is Not Genocide. Thank you for clarifying, Justin.

It's hard not to go awol over here ausbro.

A friend who spent a few years in canada told me everyone is taking out a lot of loans.