>Thanks for the burger user it's mmffff on nom nom snarf it's *swallows* really *burps* good *farts loudly*
Thanks for the burger user it's mmffff on nom nom snarf it's *swallows* really *burps* good *farts loudly*
is this the little girls with big burgers thread?
To break our collective characters for a moment, user who posted this, what motivated you? This thread will be deleted shortly, but I'm really curious, in your own words. Why did you post this? Please be quick, this thread will be (rightfully) gone soon, and I really want to know. Thanks.
I just wanted to fit in here at the /meme/ board.
Little girls don't fart
>cuck post
>cunny post right after
You are now aware there are faggots on the board that enjoy watching black men fuck white women AND enjoy very young white women
We can infer then that these spammers want to watch black men fuck young girls
Thats pretty sad dog.
I thought it was the redditor influx. I thought it was the furfags. I thought it was the trannies on /lgbt/. But this is it. This is the pinnacle of autism on this website. Off topic posting jail bait on the Sup Forums - Television and Film boards. The three or four autism incarnates stroking each other's ego in this thread need serious help. You need to tell someone about your problem. That you're attracted to underage women and you can't help ruining a board with a dedicated topic of discussion because of it. There is no one on Sup Forums more pathetic than you. They've all moved on to even seedier parts of the internet than this, the few that were here that is. I say that because you're a pathetic minority and the only reason no one interjects in this thread before you're banned and evade it is because it's easier just to look past your autism and keep scrolling. But I hope you've read this and taken something from it. You are scum, not just that, but annoying scum, numb to its own futile, cyclical and embarrassing lifestyle. If you feel you can't improve, you're honestly one of the few that needs to hear this. Kill yourself. The world is better off without you. No one will miss you and it'll be some weight off the moderation's shoulders. Thanks.
really makes you think...
ice cream is also allowed
>thanks for taking me to lunch user
>why do you like cute things
why are redditors so pleb?
>me on the left
The botposter isn't conscious right now. But I think its something along the lines of trying to break the idea of girls as innocent and pure by creating fantasy situations where they burp and fart.
i liek ice cream
Not sure if 11 or or 29
the only cucks are chloeposters, tho
and also, the bot is running now for like, 18 hrs a day, you turist pleb
if they think young girls are cute that's fine but these asinine posts are irritating. sadly this isn't at all new for Sup Forums though.
>tfw she's disappointed because you're too busy for boop&chill later that day
Anyone posting black people is a cuck redditor
I wish you the best, but if you want to "fit in" I suggest moving to a site where you can have a profile of sorts. Because Sup Forums embodies the depressing impermanence of all things to an extreme degree. If you want to be remembered , this is not the place.