So the Orlando shooter killed gay people because he was gay and couldn't live with it...

So the Orlando shooter killed gay people because he was gay and couldn't live with it. So straight white males made that poor man feel ashamed of himself and caused him to become emotionally unbalanced. He is as much a victim as the poor souls he shot.

Other urls found in this thread:

That explains why he pledged allegiance to ISIS... How?

>White kid kills 9 people in a church
>Shame all whites and gladly destroy and subvert white heritage

>Muslim kills 50 in gay bar
>He is defended and called a victim

That's not even bringing up San Bernando, the two attacks in Paris, or even 9/11.

Goddamn I'm genuinely sickened by Liberals.

>that picture
at what point is it bad that im laughing it up about these faggots deaths


He was in so much denial about his sexuality that he pledged allegiance to the most hard line group he could think of (which does not represent true Islam by the way). It was by doing this that he hoped the world would think of him as a straight man. The bigoted, homophobic system put in place by white Christian males in America is to blame for this atrocity.

Haha, so it was just fags pushing the myth that people who hate their disgusting faggotry are closet cases?

I'm more disgusted than entertained by all the people interviewed in the past few days. Scott Pelly was crying last night after he interviewed some black guy who looks like the umbrella dude from the outkast videos

Yeah it does in fact represent true Islam. It's based on wahabism and that shit is pretty much just follow the koran word for word.

I hate my race now

Gay democratic Muslim Used A Sig Sauer Carbine to kill fags. Republican white men and AR 15s are blamed. So retarted.

And thus we have the human condition.

Oh fuck now I'm a #RefugeeMissile

Yes and the media. Just the same as they always have.

This. First i loled about this faggot in his ugly pink pants. But the expressions on his face them real to me. It got me to think, can homos feel real love?

He also pledged (or similar) to one of ISIS's Islamic enemies, and a third group. Did he have multiple personalities as well?
I think he was trying to hit a run for Trump, which is ever weirder.

Better yet the liberals in this country try are conditioning first generation immigrants that this country is racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic to the point that these people grow up hating the country they live in and where their parents fled to.

You guys are good at pretending to be retarded liberals. A little too good, if you ask me.

Well, that is actually true.
Homophobes are all secretly gay.
Just as arachnophobes all want to fuck spiders.

>Then why did he shoot gay people?
>Why did he not shoot straight people?


>He also pledged (or similar) to one of ISIS's Islamic enemies, and a third group.

He pledged an allegiance to ISIS, whilst doing it. I'll take the shooters word rather than some faggot staff members that recognised him

He did this because he is Muslim, not because he is a closet homo

I haven't been following much of this, are people actually defending this piece of shit?

I think you're joking but it really is a distorted emotionally unbalanced manic love, and I say this being somewhat of a homo. That nigger in his pink pants is just being dramatic and crying for attention.

>white people's fault a guilty muslim homo killed people


he was muslim

>most of the victims were niggers

The leftist must be questioning their lives by now.

The world has gone mad.

Someone please end it.

On the contrary, because he used a gun it's now a gun issue. Leftits must be so happy that they don't have to pick a side now. They can go right back to bashing gun owners/white people/Trump

And timothy mcveigh was seriously anti-gun
And those guys who blew up abortion clinics loved getting them abortions
Trust me, I'm a completely trustworthy non biased source :^)

People buying the "he was gay" story


>went to Pulse
>cased it
>came back killed a bunch of feggits

>now everyone thinks he's gay

Wew lad

I'm laughing too. I'm not a murderer, but if more gays die at the hands of a Muslim, I will give that dune coon a standing ovation. These people are too retarded to exist. Maybe this is what Muslims mean when they say killing gays is the compassionate thing to do. Who are we to argue with them?

>calling all of isis gay is not a provocation guys, honest!

You're missing a lot of the evidence of the gay claim. A classmate said the shooter asked him out and that the shooter FREQUENTED pulse, as in a regular patron. His ex wife was also suspicious of his oroentation. I think he was a self hating gay.

No. Their trying to come up with any reason for him doing it besides being Muslim so Muslims don't get blamed, but they're not defending him specifically.

Liberals can't be critical of anything non white, so instead of going after islam they go for their failsafe by blaming republicans and guns.

No it yes was the islamaphobic gays who wouldn't pretend to be goats that made him mad

I would say it was his own Muslim community that made him hate gays more than average white people that he didn't hang out with.

He's Bi-sexual, but had difficulty getting a gay man to date him, so he took his revenge because he could not get laid.
>Her fiancé, Marco Dias, speaking in Portuguese on her behalf, said Yusufiy believed that Mateen had “gay tendencies” and that his father had called him gay in front of her. Dias also claimed “the FBI asked her not to tell this to the American media.”
>“That’s bullcrap, right there. No offense. That’s straight-up crap. He’s been around us,” Smith said. “Some of those people did a little more than (kiss) outside the bar … He was partying with the people who supposedly drove him to do this?”
>in 2006 — and one time Mateen asked him out “romantically,” according to the Palm Beach Post.

“We went to a few gay bars with him, and I was not out at the time, so I declined his offer,” the former classmate told the paper.
>“He was very creepy in his messages, and I blocked him immediately,” the man said.
Also, the FBI caught another Bi-sexual with a bomb who was going to attack a gay pride parade.

He's waiting for an otherwordly jizz