You know it's true. Islam is the answer to the Jewish conspiracy and their schemes like democracy and communism which are inventions of the Jews.
>All 3 people still have their heads
>Baseball stadium isn't blown up
Apparently Democracy creates more crates so it objectively is superior.
>Players aren't being beheaded
>Crowd aren't being shot
>Stadium isn't being blown up
Some one needs to tell these fags that religon!= government
Islam makes the people equal under God. It's good and just. The Jews get rich with communism and democracy because they manipulate and scheme. But in Islam everyone is equal because the Jews can't scheme.
pretty sure islam is a form for rule
really makes me think
>baseball games
Sure buddy
can't wait till you hang next to your pets
Islam is not a religion but religious ideology, they have things in koran like sharia law that tell them how their goverments should work
>in democracy, 8 boxes worth of labor are created, even if unevenly distributed
>in everything else, only 3 boxes of labor are created, distributed almost always retardedly.
Fucking take 8 over 3 every day, even if the poorest idiots get shafted for it. Production reigns surpreme
(not pictured: women, gays, or anyone who doesn't believe in their magical sky man)
>implying the little faggot wouldn't be hanged in the citadium
This made me think.
need to photoshop some cranes hanging fags, and suicide bombings in the crowd. the tiny guy stoned for adultery. pretty sure having fun is haram as well, so the entire baseball team would be executed
why havent you converted to based islam yet Sup Forums? it keeps the degenerates at bay
Someone modify this so the wall is 2times as big as to completly block line of sight and write TRUMP below
If the niggus wanna see the game,they better pay
Someone must do a edit to these.
Really makes you think...
leave it to black to not pay the ticket
Someone shoop it so the tall guy cut the other guys heads off.
Someone has to point out the Taj Mahal is not muslim.
You called?
>american """education"""
please don't say anything
They hate Democracy. They believe that Sharia based Islamic State will bring about true peace and equality. Because all are equal in Islam.
Note to get there they will genocide or culturally genocide everyone in their path but this is okay. They only care about how Sharia will be perfect for Muslims.
damn niggers should be paying to watch the baseball and not looking over the fence for free
>Islam explicitly contrasted with democracy
It's not a muslim civilization. Muslim architecture, sure, but it's clearly under a heading of clean, orderly Islamic civilization, which India is not.
Islam is an ideology, including government
>No woman in the picture
Because Islam doesn't allow her to attend
yes it is
and is that supposed to be bad?
All three of them are stealing the baseball game experience. Stealing is haram.
Islam bantz are bottom of the barrel shit tier
It's like they just grab whatever meme is around and insert their crap religion into it without any thought
I did it.
notice how in a democracy there are a fuckload of boxes
Great, now post it on the shitskin's wall
I notice how none of them paid for tickets.
I don't have kikebook.
Someone do it.
reported for violation of rule 4
awww, poor little cuck, first time leaving the echochamber huh?
did i hwurt your fweelings?
At the end of the day they are shitskins anyway. All three options are terrible for them.
That's actually true but only if islamic state is successfully expanding so as to have access to wealth redistributed to it's soldiers. It's one of those "growing through war effort" schemes. Hence why the ottoman empire kicked the bucket the moment the expansion halted.
Cucks just never read the fine script.
yes you did hurt my feelings but that is irelevant, this is Sup Forums and people should be aware of that
you were breaking the rules and I'm simply pointing out that you really need to be an idiot to do so on a site like this
Awwww! I'm so sowry! Do you want to have a nappie in the cucky shed?
also if I may add it is very rude and to be honest appaling to see someone harass innocent people just because they feed edgy
tumblr is that way>
stop making this about me
that was just a random guy you have nothing to do with celebrating his religion with likeminded people without bothering anybody
Awwww, don't cry honey, do you want to watch cuckold porn?
remove kebab...
How about you buy a fucking ticket, assholes.
no, really tell me, what's so wrong about that guy and what's your excuse to harass him?
thats right - you have NO excuse
someone should have a talk with your mother about your raising
and I don't see what do serbian harmonica players dressed in military suits have to do with literally anything
The is doesn't make sense.
Also Islam isn't a religion.
Since when is Islam an economic system? Lmfao
>Semetic people = Jews
>Semetic people also = Muslims.
Eat a hand bag full of westerners.
I'm starting to think that you are trying to offend me, but I'm not a muslim I'm only a human who thinks all people should live their lives free of bad mannered kids raiding their profiles and I'm offended only on basis of your vileness
I don't know what's insulting here, you being so selfcentred or poorly behaved
yes it is
Ladies and gentlemen, also mudslims; Islam
Purge when? Deus vult.
It is, along with being a political and legal system under the guise of religion.
>I'm offended
go back to tumblr faggot
first of all if you don't give a shit why indulge into such behaviour in the first place
also, I don't know if you are aware of not, but the creator of the show filthy frank you just showed intended to criticize and parodize such ridiculous and bad behaviour through that show, so it's like you are shaming yourself with you ignorance
you obviously need to read the rest of the psot instead of drawing things out of context
the sticky in the front page is intended for that so I recommend going through it and you might see your mistakes and get better in the future
>implying he didn't make that channel descreption due to the multiple threats he was getting from asshurt faggots such as you
so you know what a person's channel is about better than he does?
also he has given an interview if you want to be proven wrong yourself
Yep, i saw that too, he also talked about how people were claiming to know where he lived and were coming to get him because muh feelingz
then you should know what I'm talking about unless you view world through your pink glasses
>Parthenon and the Collisium
>terrible architecture
That's just fucking wrong