Describe this character without saying what they look like, what kind of costume they wore, or what their profession or role in the movie was.
Describe this character without saying what they look like, what kind of costume they wore...
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Strong badass female
Mary Sue
generic female actress
She rebels.
Rogue one
she stands against the cis-white hetero patriarchy
I don't even know man what's the movie about?
She loved her father who she hadn't seen in so long and had nothing to live for but to get the death star plans after listening to her father's hologram.
Her father dying in her arms made her 100% determined to go on a suicidal mission to get the plans because that's all she cared about in her life.
If you actually watched the movie you would see she is in no way a Mary Sue (btw that scene where she beats stormtroopers down with a melee weapon needed to be cut out because she never does that again and hence it doesn't make sense otherwise her character is 100% perfect written with flaws).
She never says that. That was cut out of the movie, as well as her running on the beach through AT AT fire.
Gareth's final cut of the movie makes her completely less of any sort of Mary Sue but actually a great written character.
Ironically: the reshoots made this movie the best thing ever.
Girl with daddy issues.
>Ironically: the reshoots made this movie the best thing ever.
Aren't reshoots supposed to do that?
>but actually a great written character.
Suicide Squad's reshoots damaged (no pun intended) the movie but Rogue One's reshoots were the entire opposite whereas the first cut of Rogue One would have been terrible.
Have you actually seen the movie or are you just making judgement based on the trailers because 80% that you see in the trailers is not in the movie.
Ironically it's the complete opposite of what happened with Suicide Squad when everything from the trailers was brilliant but almost all scenes from the Rogue One trailers was terrible and I am happy it got cut out and reshoots happened.
Ira Belle
Roe Gwan
Aistah Worr-Stooree
Rob Botz
Anne Droid
Al Ian
Abe Adguy
Does this movie have the worst characters names of all Star Wars flicks ?
Reluctant, directionless woman who's life lacks meaning so she filled it with anger and resentment, found direction by filling it with a noble goal (destroying the empire) fuelled by the loyalty she has towards her father, she continually defies expectations.
She's a 153-minute long fan theory explaining a giant plot hole in SW:ANH.
>found direction by filling it with a noble goal (destroying the empire)
I'd say her end goal is to get the death star plans not destroying the empire.
you mean she's his daughter
the movie is 133 minutes I believe.
Actually felt kinda short near end.
I wanted more comfy Mads drinking coffee with Krennic in his office.
>the movie is 133 minutes I believe.
Not the one I watched. No, I think you're right.
name two characters from the group who went to that planet to do whatever they did
buck teeth
>ultimately, destroying the death star does nothing
>gg, you died for nothing
Yeah, all I could think about when they were trying to get the Death Star plans was the tons and tons of planets destroyed in TFA.
I fucking hate Starkiller Base. Not because of it being very similar to Death Star but the reason that JJ has it so easily destroyed when the reason the Death Star was so easily destroyed was due to Jyn.
TFA needs to be remade so badly holy fuck
Nothing beats Dooku.
>actually a great written character
Can someone post some good forearm hair pics of her please.
Why does the Empire keep hedging their bets on easily infiltrated giant weapons of mass destruction?
That Irish broad from this was hot as fuck.
Bothans stole the plans for the second Death Star.
So Rogue Two better be about the Bothans - and it CAN be, since all the Rogue One characters fucking DIED
>Bothans stole the plans for the second Death Star.
Oh yeah.
Easy, it's the girl in the OP.
no need no man
fuck the patriachry
A Han Solo type; someone who would prefer to just keep low to the ground and ignore all the shit going on between the Empire and Rebels, until they find themselves with a reason to care about the ongoing conflict. Hope for a better world and dedication to a cause bigger than just herself turns her into a hero, in the end.
The destruction of the Death Star keeps the Rebellion alive.
The Rebellion goes on to topple the Empire, redeem Darth Vader, destroy the Emperor, and establish a new Republic.
Sure, the First Order mucks that up for the most part, but the Rebels did pretty damn good for the most part and none of that would have happened had the Death Star not blown up.
>Death Star
>Is toppled by a design flaw specifically implemented so it could be blown up
>Death Star II
>Was incomplete, left with several weaknesses as a result
>Starkiller Base
>Only way to deactivate the shield is to land on the planet and shut it down physically, something they establish is a suicide mission that no sane person would even consider
Really Starkiller Base is the only one where it's explicitly the First Order's fault, but really, who'd expect them to actually come out of lightspeed WITHIN THE ATMOSPHERE of the planet?
>a giant plot hole in SW:ANH
Because the Death Star has a diffcult to hit exhaust port at the end of a well-defended trench the Empire ultimately wasn't too bothered with until it was too late because of Tarkin's hubris?
Dude. The Death Star's penitentiary level's air shaft is connected to the trash compactor filled with sewage. The architect was just an idiot previously.
I want to mon on her mothma.
it was all for nothing
>luke is an exile
>han is dead
>the order can destroy solar systems
this being a prequel sucks because you know it didnt do much in the end
I meant from this.
>Death Star
>Is toppled by a design flaw specifically implemented so it could be blown up
3 days old retcon.
>Death Star II
>Was incomplete, left with several weaknesses as a result
Wasn't incomplete, was fully operational and probably designed to look incomplete so Rebels thinking they stand a chance get lured into Palpatine's trap.
>the order can destroy solar systems
Not anymore.
Pretty sure the exhaust port being capable of destroying the entire Death Star is considered a huge plot hole in ANH.
R1 explains the plot hole by saying the designer was really a Good Guy who put that fatal flaw in there on purpose.
until starkiller base 2 is made in episode 8
The point still stands.
She was fighty. Always looking out for herself. Loner.
>enitre ships could literally fly into its super structure and nuke it
>not incomplete
if you were a designer of a death weapon, why not engineer the reactor to go critical and explode once it turns on?
>im going to let it kill a planet THEN let rebels stop it
what the fuck is that logic?
You mean episode 9.
Maybe that would have been too easy to detect.
That being said it literally doesn't matter since The Empire either builds or find just new Death Stars and the Republic doesn't even care as seen in TFA.
What are their names? No googling.
>describe this character without describing it
But the Space Nazis forced him too! He had to be sneaky about it! If it was just rigged to blow up then we wouldn't even have LET GO LUKE.
It was supposed to be HARD to detect. Mads made it clear that they didn't really need him to make the weapon, so he had to sneak in an easily missed flaw.
Arab Defector Guy, Hispanic Guy, Jyn Erso, Asian Guy, Blind Asian Guy.
too easy to detect?
once the reactor goes critical you cant shut it down, destroying it fast is the point
this movie would be infinitely better if ip man was the lead
prove me wrong
the movie would be better if anyone else was the lead.
Following the view point of the imperial pilot would have been the best I think.
>anonymous china pandering character #1
>anonymous china pandering character #2
>female protagonist #2
>secondary third world market pandering character #1
>secondary third world market pandering character # 2
How could I forget? Disney's characters have so much soul!
who said felicity jones could act?
did they cast and say "we need someone who can act like a cunt 24/7"
would've been a good movie if it wasn't a female character
>disagrees with me
>"I bet you haven't even seen it!"
Every time without fail
Yeah but it was pretty great for the few decades up until TFA.
At the very least it beats Vader and Tarkin rolling around in the Death Star just Alderaan-ing whoever decides to cross them.
I imagine it's a lot harder to explain to a team of Imperial engineers why a reactor is set to explode when you turn it on than why it has a thermal exhaust port.
It's like
>No, you don't get it, it needs JUST enough power to totally blow up for the laser to work. Like, it just needs to get to the point where it all explodes and then it'll work fine.
compared to
>No man, that shit gets hot, it's gotta vent somewhere. I mean, MAYBE someone could exploit it, but it's literally a METER wide and I've SURROUNDED it with guns. It's either this or there's no venting and the reactor goes critical, so maybe just shoot anyone who goes near it with one of the 5 billion cannons and TIE fighters I filled this thing with.
Bodhi, Jyn, Captain Cassian, can't remember because they said it like once (but he was still cool), and Chirrut (though I admit I just know that from the toys, I always just thought of him as Donnie Yen).
She was a bitchy cunt who was a cunt because her dad left her but then became less of a cunt when he died. She didn't have a character outside of her relation to her father in the movie.
>people aktuális believe this test is a valid measurement of wether a character is good or bad
Apply it to Princess Amidala.
If you can't do it, it indicates the character has no character, no personality.
this test is stupid
What I'm saying is that in movie history, there is too many good characters who wouldn't pass this test, and too many shitty characters who would pass it. Amidala is a bad character but not because of this
You're not doing it right.
>or what their profession or role in the movie was.
Freedom fighter and monarch are roles.
It's about describing a character's personality.
oh, maybe I'm stupid then kek
kys tripfag. You know she'd want you to
Felt like her character was specifically written for Emilia Clarke
bottomleft: abu-jaffar
topleft: ignacio
middle: stacy
top right: hatchet
bottom right: ip-man
>people aktuális
Nahát, nahát! :DD
>her father is the Death Star itself
I seriously didn't understand this movie. Her dad was a computer ?
With auburn hair, I find Emilia most dickable, so maybe that'd have had me more invested in the character - Even though she was mother of bacons in Terminator Genneyisisynsiysnys and THICCmelia wouldn't be a good fit for spindly soldier girl Ira Bell.
Was she supposed to act in the movie?
She just did resting bitch face for 2 hours. Except that one completely out of character/logic scene where she breaks down and cries over a hologram.
So can we all say that the one true empire are the good guys?
>hire Forest Whitaker as an actor
>never get into his characters or story
>make all his scenes completely pointless and out of place
>kill him off in the first quarter of the movie for no reason
Did Disney just need a black guy in the movie or what?
>Join the Guard they said. See the world they said. Fight terrorists they said.
Autocorrect testvérem
I know Jyn and Donnie Yen
None of them have any character
Choose one and only one
>Who is Ellen Ripley
>Who is Sarah Connor
Aimless no good untrustworthy pushover bum wirh abandonment issues who finds a purpose when she discovers the truth about her father and why she's alone
>Autocorrect testvérem
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