The Rogue One reshoots is the reason why this film is so good

Pic related is all deleted scenes.

>Jyn running on the beach against AT AT fire with the death star plans gone
>Jyn going up against some tie fighter gone

Ironically: Disney's reshoots is what made Rogue One the best sci fi movie of the year.

Jyn's "I Rebel" line got cut out too, making her more better written instead of plastic like Rey is in Force Awakens.

The end sacrifice scene was possibly entirely done in the reshoots (because I remember reading some leak months ago where the entire Rogue One die all together in a ship when they are trying to escape).

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>the best sci fi movie of the year.
My god... Hang yourself shill.

If you don't consider this the best sci fi movie of the year then what is?

Arrival is an entire different movie and yes I enjoyed that but you can't compare that to this.

This shot wasn't even in the movie either.

Why did they force a romance in the last five minutes of the movie?

>Jyn is standing near the only person she has ever known for so long in her life apart from her father
>romance when they never kiss and just hug
Are you autistic?

>disney interference is why this film is good
good goyim

Do we know what else was cut?

remind me why they all need to die, other than shitty writing?

what? because they aren't in the OT dumb ass

quite a few are good actors who didn't want to sell their souls to disney

Right. Rival is sci fi and Star Wars is fantasy, magic included, in space.

I dunno, I kinda wanted to see the TIE fighter scene.

I am glad they all died. That was the best way to conclude their story.

Romance? They were just embracing eachother before they died...

>(because I remember reading some leak months ago where the entire Rogue One die all together in a ship when they are trying to escape
Vader probably slaughtered them all in the original cut. That really disappoints me that we missed out on that. Still a cool movie though.

>Jyn's "I Rebel" line got cut out too, making her more better written instead of plastic like Rey is in Force Awakens.
Jyn is an awful character. She goes from not giving a fuck to sacrificing herself and not a muscle in her face have changed a bit in two hours. Diego luna's Character at least has an arch and it's interesting.

In what way is them all dying shitty writing exactly?

>star wars
>sci fi

It's not sci fi because it's set in space. For all you morons, sci fi deals with scientific ponderings that's what the sci stands for science fiction. There is literally nothing dealing with science in star wars. It's all fantasy.

>embracing a friend before you die is romance

it's easier to kill everyone than to put some effort into your retcon

wheres kyle btw?

This triggers me too. It's a Space Opera/Fantasy. It's not even a little Sci-Fi.

They didn't. I thought they were going to but they didn't.

It's not good though

Does anyone have a video of the end scene with Vader I don't give enough of a shit to go with it I just want to be spoilered.

You can not like something. That's fine. The movie was objectively good though. It was a well made and competent movie.

Nothing in rogue one is a retcon you literal autist
Unless you want to claim that 1-3 are all retcons too

i think it's stated in 4th that the whole commando died in the operation

Wasn't that the boffins in 6?

name one pls

The flaw in the death star being put there on purpose was sort of a retcon. It sort of wasn't at the same time though because there was so much in A New Hope that supported it.

maybe i'm not sure anymore

>rebels are diverse


>rebels vader murders are all white

makes you think

odd coincidence, no?

It would be if they weren't already dead.

The flaw being put there intentionally has been in the EU for awhile.

The Luceno Rise Of Vader novel had ex-jedi joining the empire and trying to dismantle the empire from within.

stop throwing around these terms like you know what they mean

Dr. Strange


>dismantle the empire from within

So Jedi suddenly become engineers? Sounds awful.

Well yeah. That's an EU in a nutshell.

>people are legitimately upset it's not canon

I'm sorry. We're the words too big for you kiddo. Here you go. I dumbed it down a bit.
>It's okay to dislike something but whether you like it or not it was a well made movie.

Jyn is fine. Felicity is the problem

The flaw being planned made more sense than the flaw being there and no one knew.

She's got a pretty decent arc. She goes from not caring about the rebellion to having a reason to want to help get the plans due to her father's involvement in building the death star.

Movie was awesome. Really was everything I'd hoped from a post-Lucas Star Wars, more than TFA ever was. This got the balance of new and old right that I felt TFA really fumbled. I also think TFA won't age well as the nostalgia lenses dim a little for people.

Saw's "what would you do" speech.

Why couldn't've we have gotten this instead!?

at this point it's like the entire trailer was cut from the movie.

I agree. Just the fact that the Rebels stole the plans and Vader knew about them means that someone from within must have put the flaw there. The Rebels wouldn't have any motivation to steal the plans if they didn't know about the flaw. It really should have been so obvious from the beginning.

>The end sacrifice scene was possibly entirely done in the reshoots

Hey cunt, how about you spoiler that shit next time?

Because it's a good twist.
We're so used to Luke Skywalker and pals escaping doom unscathed every time, it ends up being a genuine surprise when we realize we've spent a whole movie watching actual cannon fodder go on a suicide mission.

There's all these action movies where they go "THAT'S A SUICIDE MISSION" and end up totally fine.
C-3PO has that line about how the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field are 3720 to one. Guess what happens? The odds are on their side.

This is a story where they go "odds are we don't make it out alive" and guess what, they all fucking die.
That takes balls. The movie's not perfect, but I respect it for the risks it takes. We didn't get another Force Awakens, where it's the same story beats in a different package.

This gives me faith for the rest of the movies they've got in the pipes.

See it in the theater, user.
The camrips are all shitty quality and don't do it justice. You can feel the collective vibe of "oh sweet fuck" radiate through the audience, it's a total blast to see with a good crowd.

Also, more importantly, Vader wouldn't have any motivation to get the plans back if he didn't know about the flaw. It's not even really a retcon. All the pieces were there from the beginning. Rogue One has just solidified how fucking crazy good A New Hope was.

Them surviving would piss me off so hard.

>That takes balls.
No, it doesn't, because it's a prequel to an existing trilogy full of characters the audience already cares about (and they make cameos galore), where the audience goes in knowing none of the characters appear in or are even referenced by name in any of the following four movies. What would take balls is if they killed an original character in a new movie, like if Finn died trying to engage Kylo in a lightsaber duel at the end of 7.

This. Just sneak in if you wanna be a Jew about paying for movies. Seriously.

>Coming onto Sup Forums the night a Star Wars movie is released
>Not expecting to get spoiled
I'm sorry user, that sucks, but you totally deserved it.
I went into a fucking media blackout the whole week leading up to Force Awakens, spent some time reading books and shit, sure enough I missed all the pricks on Steam who changed their usernames to "HAN SOLO IS KILLED BY HIS SON KYLO REN".

Also, Saw was bald in the first trailer, he had a head full of hair in the movie, meaning almost every Saw scene was reshot.

>inb4 he was bald in the opening flashback

Yes, but we only saw him on the Erso's marshland planet, on a screen and looking down Jyn's hidey hole, never in his homestead.

No you stupid nigger shill.

Except for the fucking dead bothians

Well the TIE was swapped out with one of those new batwing-TIEs so it'd be more prominent in the movie, selling more toys.

I'm sure it was a cut scene from the flashback dude. You're way over analyzing.

Yes. I'm a Disney shill suggesting that you sneak into our movie. Kill yourself you paranoid moron.


Plot twist the actress who played the girl is supposedly in talks for returning to the same role in the future for the Luke Skywalker film

Well maybe we'll get that, who knows.

The point is, they could have easily given this a happy ending.
>"We escaped with the plans! We saved the day! Yippee!"
Everyone goes.
This is Star Wars, it prints money, they easily could have kept all these characters alive and gave us ROGUE TWO: THE ONGOING ADVENTURES OF JYN ERSO in a few years, with more toys based on recognizable heroes.
But instead, they all fucking die.
Because sometimes victory is built upon sacrifice. It's the kind of decision I feel would really bother test audiences, yet we got it anyway. Considering in the past year, we've gotten movies like Suicide Squad (which were objectively killed because of executive meddling) and TFA (which was fun and reignited the franchise, but had people worried that all these new movies would just be derivative soft-reboots), this is something surprising and original.

>it's a total blast to see it with a good crowd
>a good crowd doing anything other than sitting in silence enjoying the movie

clapistan everyone

That doesn't make sense.

I know social interaction flares up your autism, user, but it's really the best way to experience a movie.

The "what would you do if they catch you, if they break you" thing was him talking to Galen. Good cut. The opening sequence was fully coherent.

K2's death was a rewrite as well.

Originally Jyn, Cassian and K2 all escaped from the archives with the plans on foot

>shills taking their masks off and literally asking people to go see it in theaters so the Mouse has his shekels

Jesus fucking christ, can't get more transparent than that

>"Careful you don't.... choke"

>Implying they were clapping
>Implying there wasn't just a barely audible collective gasp as the lightsaber turned on
>Implying you need audio cues to read the mood of a room
>Implying seeing movies in a crowded theater doesn't enhance the experience, so long as no one's talking or fucking around on their phones

Just go to an early morning show or buy out all the seats if being in close proximity to other humans flares up your auts that badly.

>K2's death was a rewrite as well.
K2's death was good.
Originally Jyn, Cassian and K2 all escaped from the archives with the plans on foot
Yeah. They totally were originally going to have Vader slaughter the main cast. It's a shame we didn't get that. Damn.

Honestly, thank god for the reshoots.
The last hour saved this movie for me, mostly because it gave the characters a degree of pathos through their sacrifice that had been missing for the rest of the story.

Pretty sure pre reshoot they survived and the test audience probably threw a shit fit

There are no shills bro, stop being retarded.

Everyone liked TFA on here the first weekend too, before all the relentless forced meming took hold and it became an impossible position to take without 16 howler monkeys wailing at you.

as fun as that would be, spacing out the death and giving each one their own special moment was better.

And yet there was no emotion whatsoever when they all die. Nobody cares for badly written characters.

>He's such a neet that he doesn't go see movies in the theater, appreciating the superior sound and picture quality while treating movies as a collective experience along with the people he sees it with
I'm so glad I was born with the proper amount of chromosomes. Just eat your crab legs and have a good time.


>go see our movie goy
They really don't let up. Why does anyone need the 'experience' of a room full of strangers? Can your shit movie not stand a solo viewing?

You're right, it doesn't, but its happening

I felt emotion when K2 died.
I was more just surprised when the others went, and appreciated it from a story standpoint after it ended.

Test audiences said it "didn't feel Star Wars enough". I'm assuming it went too far with the Vader slaughter at the end and they had to tone it down. Also that first half of the movie probably had a lot less quips.

Hey I was pretty upset when k2 died

what shows more acting ability

a stormtrooper killed by a rifle?

or felicity jones?

>no shills on Sup Forums especially after this year the election brought us tons of Hillary shills
0/10 youre shit and plain as day

Felicity as Jyn did a decent job, much better then whoever fucking played Rey

Shitty film you mean.

>Marvel X DC: The Movie

Pretty sure everyone dying wasn't star wars either.

Are you that autistic, to consider huging a romance?

>Everyone liked TFA on here
>pay for our... I mean this movie or you're a neet

I was wrong, you can get even more transparent

It's a movie that sells itself on grand special effects. It's meant to be seen in a theater or very large screen.

I forgot

Felicity no emotions jones
Her acting when Mads died was pathetic. Cassian was the stand out and based Donnie

>im an unemotional cunt

remind me why she got the lead of this movie

ip man was robbed

He's 12. Leave him alone.