Would you ever have kids?
Personally, I don't see why anyone would want some smelly, bratty little mini mes bugging them 24/7.
Just gonna live the bachelor life 4ever i reckon.
Would you ever have kids?
Personally, I don't see why anyone would want some smelly, bratty little mini mes bugging them 24/7.
Just gonna live the bachelor life 4ever i reckon.
Dont you want to die in your bed happy and fulfilled surrounded by your many children and grandchildren, knowing that your genetic legacy will live on?
You know that by not having children your ending genetic legacy of hundreds of your ancestors.
Yes we should leave all the breeding to muslims and dindus
>tepid bait
I have 2 brothers and a sister. If I need my child fix i've got my (future) nephews and neices.
>You know that by not having children your ending genetic legacy of hundreds of your ancestors.
Good. My ancestors were nothing but bigots and sociopaths who don't deserve to have their genes carried into the future. Besides, the world is already overpopulated. The less mouths I feed here frees up more resources for the people that really need it.
Because my instinct is to breed and populate the world with my seed, just like every other creature in existence. Survival of the fittest.
I'm a sociopath, we need some love too lmao.
This 2bh.
OP you're a biological failure.
>t. Bait
Oh boo hoo. Have fun wiping up shit and wasting $$$ on spoilt brats for 18-30 years of your life.
I want to have children but that would require getting a wife and I suck at that.
>waaaahhh waaaahhh everything I disagree with is bait
How does it feel to be a mental midget?
It's not rocket science, just be open and interested and most importantly honest about yourself, you'll find one.
You are not a basement dwelling loser that women would never chose for reproduction. It can't be more obvious.
I'm at an age were my eggs are spoilt and rotten and my kids would get autism or Down.
So I'll pass.
You're not even a bot, but you are using bot topics?
I don't understand, are you genuinely curious?
Doubt that.
Well white children are more valuable than black children or children of any other race because they are rarer, more beautiful and intelligent. So if your white your obligated to have kids and teach them to slay Jews and become little benign slave masters of our lesser subhuman brothers and sisters.
I despise kids so no I'm not having any
What if my Fiance is Jewish user?
>he doesn't feel the want to impregnate a healthy and stable woman and raise a family to protect, pass knowledge onto and raise into decent, strong willed human beings
You are the ultra beta. This should be hardwired into your genetic code, but it's not and you are a failure of a man.
I already have four qt kids, dunno if I'll have a fifth though. It's pretty rewarding if you raise them right, but there are a lot of shitty days. My oldest three are sick right now so I'm kinda dealing with that mess. I don't really ever regret having them, though.
The male model is not the father of the children in this picture.
It is, but I'm smart enough to ignore it. Instead you give in to your base instincts like an animal or some sort of throwback.
Well,I already have two. Wife and I want two more. The thing is, birth is such a fucking amazing experience as you hold a completely new life in your arms. And trult, if you love your kids, you'll be a good father. That's what it really comes down to. Even discipline. It's all out of love. I'm white and so is my wife and we both came from families with a lot of offspring.
nah dude, you just can't fuck white women because you smell and have a 3 inch dick
i'd go 'bachelor' too if my only choice was disgusting yellow midget sluts senpai
I have two kids and we reckon that's enough. Still, I see them and feel a twinge of regret (lacking a better word) for their brothers and sisters who won't exist. That is, I know that a third child would be just as terrific as the first two, and it seems strangely unfair (to him? to Earth?) not to create him. Parental arrogance, I guess.
>White people were once 25% of the global population
>White population now in single digits
>I'm not aware of any white country anywhere on the planet where the fertility rate isn't at crisis level below the natural replacement rate of 2.05, except for maybe Ireland.
Whenever I find my qt Hijabi wife I'm going to have at the very least 3 kids with her.
Mexican + Arab, what will this concoction produce Sup Forums?
I am white. Living the bachelor life in exotic far flung places like Dubai, Singapore and now Hong Kong.
Tell me, who can afford that with kids and a missus in tow?
i don't want to even be married to someone.
Your parents will shack u up with some1 surelty?
Go right ahead. Let the Africans and sand nuggets outbreed us
>Dont you want to die in your bed happy and fulfilled surrounded by your many children and grandchildren, knowing that your genetic legacy will live on?
No because I don't plan on dying in bed like a cuck
Explosive piñata's.
Retard babies. Don't do it.
i still don't understand how this matter so much to someone. just live for yourself, one person can't make a change that huge, so stop caring.
>Mexican + Arab, what will this concoction produce Sup Forums?
guaranteed shitskins
>why would white genocide matter, stupid goyim?
no. well look, i WILL be married. but i'm not sure i really want it right now. i don't like sharing my life with someone. plus i don't trust women
If you don't want kids, you're a victim of the Jewish media.
>if I'm selfish, when I'm elderly and dying alone I'll totally be just as happy with no kids!
k, good luck
if i get super rich, i will have 10 kids
if not, 0 kids
it will happen loong after you die, so why would you care ? you are you, you're not a part of something big that you should keep, that you should protect, that you should do something about. and no, there's no genocide, so you can take off that tinfoil hat now and go outside.
I've got my wonderful nephews and nieces with more on the way.
I'm too drawn to them, Sup Forums has only increased my fetish for them, I'm too far gone boys.
Why don't you trust women? I'm sure around 10% of them are genuinely good people.
heh, keep being delusional
0 it is
i'm not good enough for the good ones to stick around, and i don't like the idea of better-ing myself just to keep someone around.
I have two kids. The marriage fell apart, but it was worth it thanks to them. I'm lucky they turned out so well considering who their mother was (I was a retard who got married at 18 because he didn't know any better.)
And they're not your children. When you die, your bloodline will end.
>implying you truly don't care
If that's true, then I guess it's good. We need to breed degenerates with no desire to keep their genes going out of existence.
i don't want kids, a girlfriend or a wife
i do want a friend tho :'€
Get a dogger
>survival of the fittest
Lmao you don't actually believe this do you? We passed that point long ago
shit. this, my friend, this.
For those who would like to have children, what are your thoughts on adoption?
nigger how fit are you ? fight me. race me.
>your bloodline will end
>nieces and nephews
you're one of them super retards aren't you?
Pretty chill my fiances brother and his boyfriend adopted a kid from Russia and they seem happy.
>adopting kids from someone related to you due to death of that person, accident, they are bad caretakers
>adopting random kid
C (is for cuck)
>adopting kids that aren't even your race
Holy fuck to the cuck shed with you
Are you stupid or just pretending to be?
the fact that you care so much about your race, makes you a huge cuck
see this is what I mean when I dont complain about low birth rates of whites. That problem fixes itself - only those who want kids will procreate , those who dont, wont.
In the end, even the whites will have higher birth rates again, when they're rid of those who do not have the drive to procreate and who ruin the statistics.
Exactly this
>caring about your own race makes you a cuck
I think you are on the wrong forum.
There's no point in even being alive if you're not having children. Once you get out of your edgy teen phase you'll realize the importance of it.
My grandparents had 7 children, and I intend to have a lot as well, assuming that I'm in a financially secure situation.
If you're not planning on having children or don't want any and it's not for an outside reason (financial issues or health, etc), I won't take you seriously. Then again, that mindset is pretty degenerate, so it's probably best that you don't continue it to begin with.
idk, like, the white normie chads don't. only the white betas that feel threatened by black guys. and yes, normie chads are what we should aim to be, they're the manliest of all man.
People here will tell you
>muh genetics
>muh race
>muh bloodline
But unless you're royalty none of that really matters. The best thing you can do as a white is kill as many non whites as possible. Your children will be indoctrinated by the Jews no matter what you do. and the more slaves they have the better. Your wife will leave and take all your shit, forcing you to live as garbage. The best thing you could do to spite modern society is not play the game. Do whatever the fuck you want
noun: bloodline; plural noun: bloodlines
an animal's set of ancestors or pedigree, typically considered with regard to the desirable characteristics bred into it.
a set of ancestors or line of descent of a person.
>of a person
If your brother has a kid, that doesn't continue YOUR bloodline, child.
Thats what im saying man. MGTOW and all that. Fuck what society and the cucks on here think.
I think you need to go back to basic biology class
please be detailed on how it's important for you. what's your life goal ? mine is just being happy and not hungry. and i don't see how a family would make me happy.
I don't want kids because I don't want them to be raised in this shitty world
Stacy is white and they go for Stacy. They want the top bitch with the top genes. They don't admit to their racism and will spew liberal bullshit if needed but their behaviour is different.
They'll gladly pump and dump those others that want it though.
Oh, so you're just some edgy virgin?
>get shown literal definition
>"heh well you need to go to school"
The greatest warriors die of old age on a bed, as it means they won every battle they ever faced
You clearly don't understand genetics
MGTOW master race reporting
Nice argument
>not having kids
Good goy
depends on what my wife would want
if she says she does then ill eventually get used to it
if she says she doesnt im getting clipped the next day
>I don't see how a family would make me happy
Look around. Do you ever see fathers who say they hate their children or regret having them?
stacy is pretty and everyone goes for stacy. the non-stacy whites are fucked though
>creating more slaves for die Juden
Good goy indeed
The cuckold King
>die happy surrounded by children
I work at a nursing facility as a caregiver. Most people die alone, heavily medicated. I probably know more about most of my patients than their own fucking children. Children are leeches. Fuck this gay Earth.
You're stupid.
How often do you hear about that guy that regrets earning several million because he started his own business instead of a family?
>Children are leeches
If you had some you wouldn't think like that, I guarantee it
I'd like to if I could ever get into a position where I could properly provide for and raise them. There's also the hurdle of getting together with someone.
But that is not a reality.
What a well reasoned and thought out post.
By definition children are parasites, these days that extends upwards of age 22 or so
Never, because anyone smart enough to do that much understands the importance of offspring
Yes, otherwise what's the point of it all really? That said if you asked me I couldn't really explain why having kids would make life any more meaningful so I guess that's just biology/latent catholicism speaking.
Theres probably loads of people like that 2bh. Hopefully i wont regret it lol.
And what importance is that? Lol