The ease at which you can purchase firearms is completely unrelated to democractic governance.
When people that aren't citizens can vote in our elections, but you need an ID to buy a gun from a shop, you know he's talking out of his vegan asshole.
hell be fine, Bill
there's nothing great about democracy, and we're supposed to be a constitutional republic, not a S American style social democracy that's being superimposed and leading us into a crisis.
>The ease at which you can purchase firearms is completely unrelated to democractic governance.
Autistic shitposting?
Is this a new thing for us Aussies?
>Clintons want to ban voting
Funny since the Hillary campaign and the DNC had actually worked to manipulate the voting system and are under federal lawsuits against them for election fraud in 5 states.
>no voter id cards
>apparently don't have to be a citizen or even alive
>Background checks
not to mention
>assault weapon
That faggot needs to die of AIDS already
>private purchase of firearms is the same as voting.
"A great democracy does not make it harder to vote than to buy groceries."
If voting for a President was as easy as voting in a Facebook poll, then even ignoring ID laws that the modern left hates so much because they're heavily supported by illegals, the intelligence of the vote would be about equal to the intelligence of a Facebook poll. My own parents will vote for candidates or measures they've never heard of before on their ballot, based purely off reading their two-sentence pros and cons on the ballot. And they are gainfully employed, college educated, upper-middle-class white Americans.
Both of these men are felons liars and rapists.
Nothing they say or have said has any value and should be disregarded.
so instead of making it easier to vote he bans "assault rifles"
Bill Clinton was also a serial rapist. I'll take my preaching from someone else
What the fuck is this cuck talking about? To buy a scary salty rifle, I have to submit to a federal background check. To vote, I simply had to register a few weeks before and then show my ID at the booth, which (and as retarded as this may be), is way more stringent than places like commiefornia.
>Present ID, allowed to vote
>Wait in line, examine firearm, present ID, fill out 4473, wait for background check to go through, possibly have to fill out other paperwork for jurisdiction, pay for gun
Yeah, Willie. Way easier. It's only tough to vote if you're an illegal beaner and because if you're so low time-preference that a drivers license is your only ID, you have to wait with the dregs of humanity at the DMV.
almost every democracy has voter ID laws, we are actually one of the few who don't
Voting wasn't very hard. I filled out some stuff, paid a fER and then I could vote.
Fuck off bill.
Voting is pretty easy. Hell, they send it to me in the mail and I send it back.
They don't send me guns in the mail, though.
*high time preference
oh, the irony
>Requirements to own a firearm
Proof of ID
18 (pistols 21)
Clean record of any violence against other people (Examples: Domestic violence and Assault 3)
Pass FBI Back ground check for both State and Federal Level
From there it depends on State regs. California has some of the most fuck tarted laws.
>Requirements to vote
*US Citizenship* (Democrats get around this)
Dead (Applies to democrats only)
Even if we added a proof of citizenship check it would still be more regulated to acquire a gun than vote.
Good thing it's not
>They don't send me guns in the mail, though.
>mfw I just got a mosin delivered to my door
God bless C&R licenses.
It has for 240 years Bill.
Maybe you should have paid attention in history class you disingenuous fuck.
a great intern does not make it harder than your wife has in decades
Unfortunately for him, America isnt a democracy, its a republic.