Trump is making Canada money. Top kek!
>Canadian companies are cashing in on so-called anti-Trumpism in the United States, offering our neighbours to the south an escape plan should Donald Trump become president in November.
>Come to Canada.
Trump is making Canada money. Top kek!
>Canadian companies are cashing in on so-called anti-Trumpism in the United States, offering our neighbours to the south an escape plan should Donald Trump become president in November.
>Come to Canada.
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Man on left
came here to kek at that pic
Is this pic real
How great it would be if our liberals went to Canada. The liberals who are threatening to leave are welfare shitheads who simply parasite off the government. If they left, America would truly be great again.
This is Canada BTFO actually. The left already have a stranglehold on your democracy, imagine what will happen when you get flooded with American liberals as well.
Please reconsider. You guys were never anyone's favourite country, but I don't want to see that happen.
im banking on this
shut the fuck up and worry about your own damn country you nigger
fuck off lad, let them make their own mistakes
it is none of your buisness
>mfw the wife is taller than him
>mfw he's a manlet too
Fuck you burger, we don't want your trash
>Murican libruls move to Canada
>they ruin the country
Feels haram
sounds like a win win m8
they are not trash, they are progressives like yourself
don't worry they really aren't that bad
they'll fit right in sand nigger
Trudeau already made a statement that americans say this every election year, but immigration statistics don't really change much during those years.
take them all
Canada, I'm really fucking sorry.
I always knew that Trump coming to power would come at a terrible cost to your country, but I would never wish our liberals onto anyone.
These bastards will pay for this shit one day.
I don't know mate, any other year I'd agree with you, but 2016 has already been a hell of a ride. The west, especially Canada, has started surpassing our memes from even two years ago, we can't assume the rules are the same as they've always been.
People are already coming to terms that Trump is inevitable.
>Canada taking Australian refugees
>Canada taking American liberals
Just want to publicly thank all leafs in this thread for their sacrifice. It will make America and Australia better places.
Hopefully they actually hold true to their word if Trump wins and all move up there. Hell, ill start helping them set up gofundme's if they want.
How do you want your wife, pham?
Why won't they go to Mexico? I mean Trump says he wants to build a wall between USA and Mexico, liberals get offended that Trump hates Mexico, so they threaten to move to Canada?
These people are in for a serious wake up call if any of them are stupid enough to think a free ride is waiting for them up here.
Actually we are everyone's favourite country
nobody is moving anywhere
taxes are shit, canadians have a very negative opinion of us even before trump
also the living standards are awful and housing is beyond jew tier
I'm fucking dying. I don't care if this is real or not. Holy shit. I have to go for a walk before I fucking stopped breathing.
>the living standards are awful and housing is beyond jew tier
How the fuck are the living standards awful and the housing is only jew tier in vancouver and toronto.
she looks like a pornstar tbqh
You are like a North Korean talking about how shit South Korea is. You believed the propaganda. Just yesterday i found an Igloo to rent for only 2 beaver pelts per fortnight.
JUST kek my shit up senpai
Seems legit:
holy shit lads wtf!!!
Nobody says Mexico.
Nobody is planing to head out to the paradise to our south.
Why is that?
you have to have a lot and i mean a lot to live good in mexico
what you call middle class is consider well off over there
also the obvious stereo types