Is Scotland the most cucked nation on earth?

Is Scotland the most cucked nation on earth?

First; they hold and EU for independence. They lose because Scots don't want to lose their government dole from the UK taxpayers which would destroy their "muh green" industry which is entirely reliant on subsidys.

Skip to this year: Brexit

According to polling nearly 2/3rds of Scots want to remain in the EU. This may be enough to tip the scales of the referendum to Stay. Their reasoning is entirely the same as the anti-independence argument: muh money and subsidies.

So; to be clear: Scotland when faced with the choice of welfare slavery or independence not just once, but twice, are now completely fucking it up.

Explain yourselves, Scotcucks.

I bet atleast Sweden would vote to leave the EU.

Other urls found in this thread:

>First; they hold and EU for independence

wew I meant they hold a referendum for independence from the UK

>Is Scotland the most cucked nation on earth?

Given that Scotland doesn't have a nigger president and habitually beats Muslim terrorists to death, I'd say no.

>Is Scotland the most cucked nation on earth?


>we're so based we bend over and let other governments control us and pretend to be in charge

M8 even your premier league is shit

Your English/Spelling is fucking terrible.

What's it fucking terribly?

The union is older than your country.


and it's been dragging the english and welsh crowns down ever since it was welded to it

It's a weird situation. The sort of "progressive" liberal political view is seen as the only acceptable one here, and so people are forced to outwardly go with that view.

But most Scots, on the inside, are deeply conservative on economic issues. It's just a veil of ignorance that surrounds the nation in that no one dares speak out against the small minority calling themselves the majority.

So in a sense, we're cucked, but only on the exterior. We're merely pretending to be cucks.

They legitimately have a seething hatred for us English.

If you look at the two votes from the perspective of trying to screw over the English, it's actually quite logical.

Pathetic, but logical.

scottcuck labour mp's are the ones responsible for flooding britain with 10 million shitskins

Fuck off, it's just banter. Just because you don't view economic turmoil as banter like us doesn't mean that it isn't banter.

No, we've had sociological turmoil at the behest of your socialist politicians infiltrating Westminster.

All just banter though, please vote to leave the EU or you'll have to undergo another clearance.

>They legitimately have a seething hatred for us English.

Wherever I look online, it's the English who have a seething hysterical hatred of the Scots. I guess you just can't handle the bantz.

That was Labour. The ones we have in the SNP only pretend to be socialist because we know it pisses you lot off.

>we're so based we bend over and let other governments control us and pretend to be in charge

Every state in the USA is a cuck by that logic, because every state is subject to the federal government.

>M8 even your premier league is shit

m8, your president is a nigger and your next president is a shrivelled up old lesbian. Your country is 60% white and invented social justice, feminism and affirmative action.

>english and welsh crowns

There's no such thing as a Welsh Crown, fucknuts. It's a principality subject to the English Crown.

Would you understand this more easily if I put in in Spanish? Or maybe in ebonics?

We barely think about you at all unless we have to

Labour has one MP in Scotland, genius. The MPs who flooded Britain with shitskins were Blair, Straw and Mandelson - all English.

This is really just a tip of cucked iceberg. Scotland is the place that wants to totally ban tobacco. This is the place where you got to have a permit for an airgun. This is the place where proposal to ban junk food advertisements is taken seriously. Basically it's what Sweden would be like if it wasn't overrun with immigrants: authoritarian technocratic shithole.

>Tony Blair
>Not Scottish
user pls.

Also SNP don't piss us off, we don't hear them or see them.

>He kicked a terrorist
Oh he only kicked? What a brave lad.

How about burning down their places of worship? Then you can step up to the superior English!


Born Anthony Charles Lynton Blair
6 May 1953 (age 63)
Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Blair was born in Scotland to a Glaswegian father.

Scotland isn't a nation.

>Banning tobacco and jew food advertisements is bad

It isn't really. Who owns the tobacco industries? It wouldn't happen to be Jews would it?

>His father's family was Jewish, his grandfather had founded the Harrow United Synagogue.

>Straw's maternal grandfather's mother came from an Eastern European Jewish family.

some parts

the first two are not necessarily bad

I didn't suggest Blair wasn't Scottish. But he is Labour, and Scots have realised how retarded the party is. A large amount of English and Welsh voters haven't yet.

>what is a nation?
We hold differing political views and have a different culture. That pretty much qualifies us as a nation.

Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are Scottish you retards.

The Kirk of Scotland is entirely gay now, as well

I'm not sure who owns the tobacco industry, though I'm certain it's not entirely the Jews (for example in Belarus many tobacco companies are state-run and there are no Jews in the government). But what kind of an argument is that? Jews openly control enterprises in many industries and secretly probably even more so - does that mean any restriction is justified, because it hurts the Jews?

>the first two are not necessarily bad
I think they are, as that's what made Europe and US the way they are now.

Scotfag here, yeah we probably are desu. Although we are 92% white so there's hope if we can uncuck ourselves after Brexit by voting no in the next indyref and getting the SNP to fuck off (former yes voter)

You don't have a different culture or different political views. You are the same as the spastic leftists of England, with a minority who want independence from the British government.

thankyou for proving my point

They may be cucked but they're still a part of the union.

you think a lot of yourself if you believe scots have a hatred for the english

because of our history there tends to be a lot of left wing voters from the days of industry getting ruined by free markets, people here like having higher taxes in exchange for welfare and subsidies

it's like the north of england, scots dislike tories, not the english

Daily reminder the SNP are just Yellow Labour that want Independence

Reminder they want to assign a personal pedophile to every child in Scotland

Reminder they still think independence is possible with the oil crash, their idiocy knows no bounds

Reminder the only reason Scotland stayed in was because Gordon Brown made some hammy speech that swayed them, Scots are inherently idiots.

The entire point of a Scottish person's life is to fail high school miserably, go into some shitty socialist college, waste all benefits money on Buckfast and night on the toon and die with 4 unwanted pregnancies and a shit load of debt.

t. Ulster Scot, aka the missing link between Scots and Humans

Scots aren't spastic leftists. They want to be seen as socialists, helping the needy, when really they're incredibly economically conservative. The SNP also pretend to be socialist when they're actually pro- big business and lowering corporation taxes, which is why they get votes from the scottish left and right.

And if you think there isn't a cultural difference, then you're wrong.

Again, we don't hate you, we just like having a laugh at your expense.

Scots literally have an obsessive, inferiority complex towards the English. Unsurprising when their "culture" consists of bagpipes, sheets innards and a man wearing a skirt.

It's so quiet up here compared to the indy ref.
I honestly have no idea which way most people are voting, they seem to be keeping it to themselves.
Managed to convince my SNP indy gf to vote for Brexit but few others really seem to not want to engage in this or don't seem to care

I think scots are cooler than brits desu senpai

I was a Conservative Candidate in the election recently
>can confirm


>Again, we don't hate you, we just like having a laugh at your expense
At this point it's all anecdotal evidence and subjective, but that's certainly not how it comes across to me laddie

Having been to Scotland a number of times, I can confirm that all Scotch people look like this.

Where I am there's a decent amount of Brexit voters, and honestly I think all the "undecideds" are just afraid to support Brexit in case of backlash. I still think overall Scotland will vote to stay though:(

>Scotch people

Scotch "people".

fuck off fat american prick!!


>Daily reminder the SNP are just Yellow Labour that want Independence

>Reminder they want to assign a personal pedophile to every child in Scotland

>Reminder they still think independence is possible with the oil crash, their idiocy knows no bounds
these people aren't worth listening to

>Reminder the only reason Scotland stayed in was because Gordon Brown made some hammy speech that swayed them, Scots are inherently idiots.
or because no always had a stronger presence than yes?

>The entire point of a Scottish person's life is to fail high school miserably, go into some shitty socialist college, waste all benefits money on Buckfast and night on the toon and die with 4 unwanted pregnancies and a shit load of debt.
every country has a lower class

>t. Ulster Scot
that explains how you know so much about the above

Scots are Brits you dumb yank

There's zero chance Scotland votes to leave overall. Absolutely none.

>no always had a stronger presence than yes

There is literally no difference between New Labour and the SNP, they're all centrist social democrat cucks.

SNP were pejoratively known as the Tartan Tories for a long time - they've only recently gone for the new socialist look. Doesn't mean they've changed on the inside. Chances are, had independence happened, there'd have been a huge split within the party where it would break to the hard libertarian right and the crazy Labour-esque left

Have a listen to traditional scottish music, it will change your opinion my American friend.

>According to polling nearly 2/3rds of Scots want to remain in the EU. This may be enough to tip the scales of the referendum to Stay.

This is an exaggeration surely?

They aren't cucked (because nobody wants to live there) but theyare even more leftist than us.

So they're capitalist but pretend to be lefties as well?

How is that not New labour?

Honestly we're just island slavs

Sorry, I'm retarded and can't read and thought you meant NEW New Labour.

If you mean harkening back to the days of Blair and Brown, then yes, it is pretty similar. If that Labour still existed, they'd probably be in government right now.

>8% of the voting population.
>This may be enough to tip the scales of the referendum to Stay

This. Scotland is culturally more conservative on average than England. Problem is Conservative Party has been seen as the 'English party' since the 80s/Thatcher so people who would normally be inclined to vote Tory end up voting Labour/Lib Dem (if they're pro-Union) or SNP (if they're anti-Union) so the centre-right vote gets completely split. The Scottish Parliament is a cucked hellhole made up of far-left lunnies but it's not a true reflection of the Scottish population.

>he unironically lives in scotland
top cuck

Enjoying that union cock up your ass?

I was born in Edinburgh and now reside in Glasgow. It is the most "progressive" and left leaning city in Scotland and as a result, I am exposed to pro-remain arguments on a 75% bias.

I don't want to be the typical jock with a chip on his shoulder, but I think some anti-english sentiment in the past was valid, however as a result we have moved to a ridiculous, hypocritical place where we are now apparently committed socialists and always have been (Adam Smith never existed apparently). It's a pathetic joke and our English brothers are right to laugh at us.

You don't understand the pain of being Scottish. A beautiful country and culture with potential that is again and again squandered or stolen from us.

That's the point I'm trying to make, if Blair didn't send us to Iraq he might've gone down as the most popular politician in Scottish history.

>not friday nite by dj badboy

absolutely treacherous

It's an exaggeration to say that scotland votes are ever enough to tip the scales. The population of London is bigger than scotland.

Scotland is now 10% pakistani/indian, and 5% black IIRC. They cucked themselves verry fast.

5% muslim, 1% black. You might have meant your own country with those statistics lad.

London and Scotland are both lefty shitholes that together could tip remains favor.

I lived in Livingston for years and moved to Glasgow like a year ago, surrounded by white guilt and dirty commies, but I like it better than Edinburgh desu

Exactly, and almost everyone I've spoken to recently is voting out anyway.

>Labour has one MP in Scotland, genius

History didn't start with the 2015 election, genius. Labour had 50+ MPs from 97-2015 and Scots made up a disproportionate number of the big beasts in the Labour government - hence the complaints from the English of a 'Scottish Raj' and of Scotland being a 'Labour fiefdom'.

>Blair, Straw and Mandelson - all English.

Blair was born and educated in Edinburgh to parents from Glasgow you fucking tool.

In addition to him there was Brown, Cook, Alexander, Darling, Campbell, Murphy and many others from Scotland dominating the Labour Party. The leaders of the Labour Party from 1992-2010 were all Scots (John Smith, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown).

I'm surprised the English aren't more pissed off about this.

Thanks to the McMafia that was New Labour, Iraq, mass immigration and NHS privatization were all done by Jocks.

Ah, don't get me wrong. I do love Glasgow, it's one of my favourite places and I've lived in quite a few in the world. Even lived in London for a ahwhile (never again).
It's just all the RISE and Feminists for independence morons make me want to jump off the squinty bridge.

I used to think the whole "the english fuck the scots" thing was true but the more at it it seems maybe the opposite. Scotland does very well considering how tiny it actually is.


don't lie, man, dude spent barely any time in Edinburgh, was raised in Australia and England, was educated there as well

Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England and Sweden are the most cucked in my opinion.

If we went independent we'd have an even cuckier country ruled by the EU and an immigration policy with the express goal of making us brown. I'd rather be a NEET nation in the UK than a huge cuck in the EU.

No to independence, yes to leaving the EU. We can uncuck the whole UK together English, Welsh and NI brethren. We are British and our internal rivalry is not something hamfisted Americans can understand.

>northern ireland

I'll be honest, I voted for indy then, but I was a dumb teenager and now I'm a jaded 21-year-old

would vote to leave EU, but I ain't a citizen yet, my 5 years is done but being a student I don't have the spare cash for the permanent residence application shit

Most people in Scotland are voting remain simply because they think they're will be another Scottish referendum if they do.

A lot of english voters are falling for this bullshit as well.

Jesus fuck are those goblins I'm looking at?
The fuck is wrong with your genepool bagfags?

stay cucked

> 6% shitskin in 10 years

They are cuckening pretty fast desu.


but I think if by some miracle Scotland leaves the Union after Brexit, the EU will already be in the process of collapse by the time we can get back in

Why have they been allowed to take over our universities with their shitty pseudo-intellectualism? It's like we're sending our 18 year olds off to far left adjustment camps after they're done with school.

There simply is not a voice of rationality or reason in university politics and it's where most of this complete crap comes from.

the best specimens from the mines of moria, sweden

Yes, it fails at everything. It fails its young people, it failed socially, it failed to form an identity (other than killing people), it failed in creating a country, etc. The only thing it can do well is killing it's own civilians.

Westminister takes a dump on it and Northern Ireland just takes it. The place has become so bad that it cannot even get money to cut grass and the UK and Republic of Ireland don't want it.

You are not on Sweden level though so it's not all bad.



Precisely. The SNP artificially created this justification for another referendum because there are fuck all other reasons to start one over.

Scotland maybe just barely likes the EU more than rUK but it's not enough to go fucking independent over. All the polls now are poisoned by the "vote remain for independence" idiot thought.

Scotland is totally cucked. I'm Scottish but live in England as my wife is English.
Cucked ratings for UK nations are as follows from cucked to not cucked:

1. Scotland. (completely cucked)
2. Wales. (cucked, but not Scotland tier)
3. England. (mainly cucked, but not in the North)
4. Northern Ireland. (they will fucking kill you and make a nice cup of tea)
5. Outlying islands. (remote and hard as nails)

Pic is near my home. It's in County Durham. It's quite uncucked for England.


It's still recovering, give it time lad.

>le scotland is cucked meme
It may be a brainwashed liberal shithole but it is far from cucked, English MPs cannot vote on Scottish laws but Scottish MPs can vote on English ones.
It's Scotland that usually fucks us over on votes.
If anything they have too much say but like all liberal shitholes it's never enough for them.

Only Scot I've ever met was a TOOOOOL.

Do keep up

I know but I don't trust people in Northern Ireland. I just spent my time in law and making money as I feel there is nothing else to do.

I feel that most people there are utterly crazy (some for understandable reasons, others for not) but I feel alone even in huge crowds. I feel like an observer, not a person of Northern Ireland.

Scottish independence was just unfeasible and I think most people just don't understand the EU situation properly