Mike Stoklasa or Rich Evans?
Mike Stoklasa or Rich Evans?
Childhood is idolzing Mike Stoklasa
Adulthood is realizing that Jack Packard makes more sense
this guy is terrific
Anything but beardfat.
>Mike makes him out to be a secret child sex offender in the last BotW
>he starts looking visibly nervous
Mike needs Rich to make fun of and bring out his A material, Rich needs Mike so that we can hear the hyena laugh. They're two sides of the same coin.
>tfw he realizes his role is to be the stick-in-the-mud sjw of the group and he embraces it despite the fact that it makes him unlikable
the real mvp
>they will be 40 soon
That's beardfat. He gets visibly upset whenever they make racist comments or rape jokes.
beardfat is like that unironically, i can see jack being a bit more tongue-in-cheek about about, like in the star wars holiday special episode
Kill yourself
this. jack is just playing a character. even on the pre rec streams while beardfat is like that 24/7
>Everyone hates AIDs Moby
He's out of Rich or Mike league, but he's better than Jay
Nah, everyone hates Beardfat now. Jack is alright
>went to clown school
>tried all the drugs
>travelled the world
>returned home and became a family man
if aything he's had an interesting life desu. some of his abroad anecdotes are bretty gud
he has toned down the reaction-tier bullshit. pre rec has gotten a bit better as well. i can kinda watch it now.
>people here actually dislike Jack BEER CAN COCK Packard
> Latest WotW
> Mike calling the shots
> Everyone bows to him
> Fat beard guy says last one
> Rich not even included in discussion
Mike wins
Jack is now the best memer of RLM. Wow, what a turnaround.
mike has a sharp wit and excellent comedic timing, and rich has a funny laugh
clearly rich wins
gotta go with my man Jacko
Myson, Urson, Hison, Herson
Guess Jessie cucked Mike with the BIG JACK COCK
This is why they broke up
I think Jay has the most kino opinions but Mike is the funnier and more charismatic host. I have no time for Rich, they seem to only bring him on for fandom movies he has "expertise" in but his actual knowledge is shallow and about 12 years out of date.
Mike's dark, sardonic humor (mixed with the occasional dumb pun) is what makes it for me.
Mike did plinkett
>This is even a question
Who has the most rape convictions?
>Jack is alt-right
Rich Evans is fucking useless, never says anything of value, isn't funny and has that hideously cringe laugh that just likes to ruin everything.
hey fuck you Rich's laugh is pure and cured various STDs i had
What's his endgame?
Liver failure
>tfw the Plinkett prequel reviews came out over two-hundred years ago
>tfw the name of the latest Plinkett review was just Star Wars: a Plinket Review, and never mentioned being a Force Awakens review thus everyone that bitched about the first half of the review not being about ep VII is wrong and should feel bad.
Mike looked like he was sick of it all. Will he shut it all down?
It's jist prequelfags who are tired of being BTFO and wanted Mike to give TFA the same treatment even thought it's not nearly as bad
>prequelfags are real
>and they're here in Sup Forums
I want off this ride.
They're mostly people born in the late 90's and early 00's who've based their entire childhood around the SW prequels and don't want to realize how shit they are
mike>rich>jack>jay>jim>colin>jessi>max landis>beardfat
>jack over jay
When is their Rogue One review coming out?
Who's the main character in the RLM movies? Who's the main villain?
Mike is the protagonist
Alcoholism is the main villain
Mike is the anti-hero.
Rich is his sidekick.
Jay is the love interest.
Bearfat is the villain.
Len kabasinski is the psycho henchman
he honestly gets way too much hate around here
Because he was pretty unbearable early on, back when beardfat was actually called "wizard."
Theyve switched places basically
Why did they stop calling him wizard?
It trips me out that Rich is really shedding pounds. I'm glad for him.
He's got a sheen of disingenuous on him.
>laugh and clap
>silent laugh and clap
>hammed up shock face
He's a typical reddit tier normie, a herd follower.
the TFA review came out 2 days after its release, so we can expect the review to come out tomorrow.
Jay is Turboman
Mike is Dementor
Rich is Booster
It might be longer, Mike changed his opinion of TFA after seeing it more, and blamed rushing to get it out on that, so maybe 3-4 days this time.
What's wrong with beardfat?
he's a numale cuck
well is he belligerent about it?
that's like hating retards or babies
Why the fuck don't they have any more subscribers? They don't even have 500k
just about any other big youtuber loves them, you think they would at least have a million.
an all white channel deserves nothing, and youtube knows this
Wow no wonder Jay always stays passive and adapts Mike's opinion so quickly.
RIP in pache, Rich
>all these videos of mike 'look-a-likes' getting into fights with black people
I'm starting to think I should ask some questions
It's because their videos are weird and hard to get into.
>Go to watch a movie review
>Begins with some ironically shitty 10 minutes comedy skit
>Click off video and go watch some other youtube faggot