Why do Americans try to politicize sporting events?

Why do Americans try to politicize sporting events?

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because liberals are immature assholes that don't respect the sanctity of our sporting traditions

>white people

Europeons, americans and canadians are all on the road to cuckdom.

The jingoism displays politicize it

>sanctity of our sporting traditions
>jewish consumerism
lol good goy

yeah, so much jewish consumerism involved in T-ball...


>sacred sporting tradition of t-ball

Incredible how the NFlel kikes use the facade of patriotism to brainwash retards into watching their rigged circus.

what a fackin cuck, he just had to be white too

>learning how to win, lose, compete, and socialize isn't a sacred childhood passage
and I'm the kike? lmao

sounds like you want a safe space?

But this is how morons like BLM and their affiliates should be protesting. It's peaceful. They're not smashing up shops or blocking traffic for a change.

because its easy

Just read this if you want a full overview on all of the ways the government bribes athletes and sporting leagues to promote military recruitment and such



Because people realize sports are just bread and circuses and use that platform to address the issues that actually matter and affect their communities
Such as Ali refusing to go to Vietnam, black power salute at the Summer Olympics, wtc

Sports are not your safe space pleb

Riots are the language of the unheard

It's not an American thing

Aww does the wittle babby need a safe space?

lol faget

>national anthem before every game
>colour guards
>Air Force jet fly-overs
>flags spanning the whole field

and you wanna complain about some guy taking a knee


>shitlib virtue signaling is tiresome
>aw bby want a safe space
how do leftists get away with acting like furries?

they should actually just shut the fuck up because all of their claims are falsified.


Liberals should be gassed.

Yeah you never see politics injected into sports in other countries

Sure but if they are going to protest, peaceful protest is the way to do it. Who gives a shit anyway. No one watches American Football anymore. The viewing figures decline year on year.

>Why do Americans try to politicize sporting events?

Because they're public venues in an increasingly Internet-based world. There is nothing wrong with expressing a political view, and America is founded upon the free exchange of such expressions.

Sadly, people from every political leaning deride expressions that make them uncomfortable as if the only criteria for what is acceptable or not is based upon how nice or agreeable the message is.

When your political ideology revolves around name calling you get pretty good at it

It's true. I got really good at calling everyone who disagrees with me "shitlibs."

are you that butthurt that you can't start arguments without people argueing back? That is what is at heart of the "hugbox/safespace" criticism. You are the ones who rioted to keep Milo and Ben Shapiro from holding lectures/debates/talking at colleges and universities. It's a bit different from saying mean words in an argument over the internet

>the sanctity of our sporting traditions

This is a bit silly, why can't you just say that dragging the political arguments into every sphere of life is annoying

Leftists trying to co-opt the safe space and snowflakes memes is one of the most ironic things I've ever seen.


>muh muh flag/country worship
>you must STAND for this COUNTRY YOU FUCKS
>you don't listen to the anthem every day at school? Fucking shitskin unpatriotic countries this is why we're number 1

adults get paid to play children's games in our society. that's because of work our ancestors did. nothing wrong with paying our respects.

Boo fucking hoo you whiny little baby. Go cry about "muh tradichun" in your little safe space and keep sucking Rodger Goodell's cock.

Sacred childhood passage? Fucking Christ you are delusional. ITS JUST GOD DAMN T-BALL IT ISNT SOME FUCKING RITUAL. Did your coach diddle you and teach about how gown ups wrestle? Is that why you've got such a hard on for the rules and regulations of kinder league sports?

aww is the cuckservative snowflake being triggered right now?

someone does something you don't like so you get angry, snowflake?

Conservatives bitching about safe spaces and then whining about how sports should be a safe space
Is hypocritical bullshit.

Conservatives can't decry safe spaces but then get butt hurt when people take a dump on their hobbies, likes, and religion

Can a Trump voter explain this to me

Why did people get so upset over Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem which showed disrespect for the country?

According to Trump, America is a huge sewer, a cesspool of crime, filth and failure that was one of the worst countries on Earth and needed to be made great again

Why did you guys all support Trump trashing America, but a guy kneeling for the anthem was reprehensible?

>libtarts do thing
trumptarts get mad

>trumptarts do thing
libtarts get mad
It's just divide and conquer at work.

If anyone knows about dividing and conquering its Germany

zzzzz the whole point is that youre just an asshole for kneeling during the anthem, you have every right to and that's fine, but we have the right to call you a douchebag. I dont want people thrown in jail or physically removed from games for doing this like liberals want to happen for people using no-no words on twitter. calling someone a nigger is rude and disrepectful but it isnt a crime. the safe space thing is like reddit moderation, it allows for those in power to silence and sequester dissenters. when did I ever insinuate that I wanted that, let alone explicity state it? all I said is that kneeling during an anthem is a moronic and offensive gesture.

this tbqh. Americans are fucking pathetic.

>This group of rich fucks that doesn't give a shit about any of us is better than this other group of rich fucks!

Why the fuck do Americans take it? Is this what have a strong, independent and free people, with the right to arm itself to prevent the government from being too powerful and overriding the will of the people means?

no, he said DC is a sewer, and that the elites in control are fucking up and holding back our magnificent country.

I would have moved up into his face and started thrusting my hips towards it