>co worker is anti-trump
>he makes up complete nonsense to justify his opinions
>Trump blamed LEGAL immigration for the Orlando shootings, how can you defend that??
the fuck am I supposed to do against this?
>co worker is anti-trump
>he makes up complete nonsense to justify his opinions
>Trump blamed LEGAL immigration for the Orlando shootings, how can you defend that??
the fuck am I supposed to do against this?
Other urls found in this thread:
1, give me the sauce donald
2. Outright call him out on his bullshit, just call him a liar and demand he gives your proof of what hes saying
I have, I even googled 'trump blames legal immigration for orlando shooting' right infront of him and got no hits. He says he's a conservative but he hate Trump to the point that he's voting Shillary.
How the fuck can I combat this when logic doesn't seem to work?
All these terrorists have come here legally. They either get visas or are anchor babies. The point was these people shouldnt be coming here. You have someone like the orlando shooters dad, who supports the taliban, being allowed to come into this country. You cant let people in who have a non compatable worldview as western civ. If we would ban immigration of people who support sharia, the murder of gays, rape of women and so on, then these attacks dont happen.
Sauce of image
Source? Reverse image search yields nothing.
a generation of people were produced in an educational system where the intelligent and logical were weeded out. They are the first generation like this, and they're all between 18-34 now. If we don't have 8 years of trump to un fuck the education system, hell, even 4 years, there will never be another generation of kids raised in the united states of america with any sort of intelligence or reasoning ability.
>not recognizing Monster Musume Harika No Shingeturo Yata Shinimatake Ippo
Honestly I was hoping I was wrong and it was porn.
That's what's strange. He's going back to school for a degree in Mathematics and he's obviously intelligent, but he clearly cannot get over his hatred of Trump and just blindly accepts whatever he wants to about him that's negative no matter how absurd.
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou 33 Page 29
>What religion did the killer follow?
>What religion did the San Bernidino killers follow?
>Now where did his parents come from?
>Where did the radicalized wife in San Bernidino come from?
>Now where is the place, and who are the people, that he wishes to temporarily halt immigration from until we can better screen and protect ourselves?
Doesn't matter if they come in legally or not, if you willingly let in anyone and everyone with blatant disregard for the area of the world in which they come from you are an idiot.
Fucking easy. Have a smug spider.
>no pig girl
Absolutely halal
trumps existence attacks everything he was taught, and he was also taught mental tricks so that confronting him with it will never work, or he learned them on his own. Intelligent people can convince themselves of some very stupid things.
worst of all, about the only way to get them out of this state of being is when reality threatens their life and they are forced to change. This kind of philosophy on their beliefs is why they use law to ruin peoples careers over mean words. it's only logical but I digress.
No harm comes to him for hating trump, if anything he gets social awards for hating trump. He's a selfish person and society affords him every luxury to be a selfish prick.
just ignore him unless he starts getting violent, then report him.
>I was wrong and it was porn.
That can be arranged
Sorry you don't fit our requirements, but it's ok you can be 3rd gender.
>you will never clean your centaur girlfriend's vagina from the seed of her bullies
why even live?
>These people are retarded
>By the way they're arguing with me and i don't know how to defend my opinions that i got from bandwagoning
>Please tell me how to use my brain
Monster girl a shit
I know that feel, OP.
>spend 4 years being indoctrinated at a libcuck university
>racial tensions flaring up everywhere
>leftists going absolutely mad and destroying western society
>decide to try to escape all of this
>landed a comfy ESL job in Japan that I start in a couple months
>finally get to know the other new teachers that are assigned to my area
>most of them are weaboo tumblr SJW types asking about if tattoos and colored hair are acceptable for teachers in Japanese schools and how the local LGBT scene us
>the ones that added me are constantly shitting on Trump
>mfw I literally cannot escape this insanity
*LGBT scene is
>as opposed to Democrats who blame LEGAL weapon ownership for those shootings...
It was really nice of them to cater to the American audience for once
Blame immigration all you want dumf fags. FBI always has knowledge and tabs of the suspects months before the event.
Shit, they're so fucking on that shit that they show up in places beyond their jurisdiction, like Paris.
I shit you not. The alphabet soup knows Everything.
Chill, Finch.
I am hard as diamonds right now
Make up some stuff in return, might as well. Ask him why Hillary bombed Cambodia, that kind of shit
get this nasty shit outta here
Too many pages, read it yourself
alright alright
Back to business
>tfw spent my very valuable time searching for hardblush online
>only ressource I found was fucking imgur with it´s tiny-ass resolutions
>not going to u18 chan for that
Beat me to it
And Sup Forums claims to be not degenerate
What are her superpowers?
Give type 2 diabitus to her enemies??
mainly flying
>implying you can stop Faith
I cannot possibly, they slighted my ancestral imageboard by stealing it´s mascot at one point of time.
Sauce on this plox? Whats the name of it?
>tfw since Wild Tea Break hentai, I got a bonner for small guy and tall girls
Fuck. Japs are ruining my sexuality.
the title is literally right there.
Genetically engineered monmusu when?
What is the name of this cancerous comic?
Faith, the human blimp
Just headbutt the daft cunt lad
Well shit. I thought that was just "the kids tought" at the moment.
>stopping me
He's only human, no matter how much like a computer he tries to be. He can't know everything, and the media has mastered turning what people don't know into proof of their authority over everything, by supplying believable lies to fill the gaps in our knowledge.
They are the new Holy Empire, and I myself honestly fall for their lies on occasion.
>16 posts by this ID
>they are all lewd filth
Nothing pornographic about it.
Is this new? It's not on panda yet
Im the only one that is seeing this in fucked up black and white?
Also, in the thumbnail, he looks like a better version of the G-Man from Half-Life.
Better luck administering medicine to the dead m8.
Move on to the next one until you get past the zombies and talk to a rational thinker
>that face
Allah akbar forgive me.
>fat chick
>Getting an extreme 10/Ideal male counter part
Hypocrisy of that shit comic is real
Who else but France?
Same thing, different country
Ignore it, petty fucks like that will get you in trouble. Don't shit where you eat, meaning don't talk politics at work.
>Women are beatiful and healthy even if they are a hungry skeleton or a landwhale, thus we need to erase impossible bodies from the media
>But keep the hot guys, because fat dudes are gross.
Get your facts straight shitlord. All wymon are butifel.
Jennifer Lawrence is a stupid cunt though, so it doesn't surprise me that she'd double think this way.