ITT: movies that were hailed as "modern classics" when released but now everyone's forgot

ITT: movies that were hailed as "modern classics" when released but now everyone's forgot

So many generic and utterly forgettable movies are hailed as such.

Bvs will undoubtedly be a cult classic.

It may not be a modern classic in a remembered by the masses level, but then again few films are there. Mostly blockbusters.
The Artist itself for example, an excellent film, top of 2011.

ITT: movies nobody watched


Every single Palm d'Or since Apocalypse Now


t. pleb

>Pulp Fiction

any Nolan movie

For you

I remember people getting mad that the Oscar for best screenplay didn't go to this. Everyone said it deserved it because it's so complex, when anyone who isn't autist would obviously know why The King's Speech (another forgotten "modern classic," which is pretty good desu) is better written than that.

Inceptions still pretty highly rated. Interstellar would be the better choice imo

Every best picture winner since like slumdog millionaire
birdman is pretty good but it's definitely already been forgotten

You can't remember this because you're a kid, but there was a movie called Gandhi in the 80s which everyone got over

without the memes that movie would already have been forgotten

>all that jazz
>paris, texas
>barton fink
>the piano
>pulp fiction
>taste of cherry
>dancer in the dark
>uncle boonmee

yes, all forgotten, watched by nobody

Did anyone who's not an autist who's obsessed with Pixar despite being an adult actually watch Up or Wall E more than once?

>hailed as "modern classics"

It wasnt though. It received great acclaim, and that's fine, there are far worse films to have won best picture.

Literally one of those movies is still widely watched

People who care about cinema don't forget so easily

>inb4 whatever


I know right.

Take last year, Spotlight was the definition of forgettable oscar bait

Touchy subject
Good acting
Serviceable but predictable plot
Decent score and cinematography

I enjoyed it, but there's just nothing special about it if you've like ever watched that kind of movie. It's objectively well made, but just so uninspired

The apex of mediocre "classic" but never seen Oscar bait will always be The Reader for me

>consensual pedophilia
>da nazis
>omg pretty lady is illiterate
>war crime trials

I will always defend The King's Speech.

>The epitome of middle-brow ‘quality’ drama — admirable within its limitations, but Bernard Schlink’s Oprah Winfrey Book Club-approved book wasn’t exactly literature, as this isn’t exactly cinema.

kek, this review sums it up pretty well

I hope White Almond did a review, it's his dream movie to tear apart