Sup Forums Approved Literature

Books on philosophy, politics, economics, fiction, post em all.

Other urls found in this thread:!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg through competition&ots=cztsK5QVaJ&sig=fzkjf3BTLtaEHrSzJHN52m6pvtA#v=onepage&q=prosperity through competition&f=false



Here is a guide I found while lurking in /lit/

THE book which destroyed islam and the Quran. English version to come, just wait a few months Sup Forumsbros.

As far as philosophy goes, plato and aristotle are essential. Marcus Aurelius' meditations helped me a lot for general life advice. Also epic poetry like Homer, Beowulf, Nibelungenlied, song of roland is fun

>all this new age blue pilled faggotry


Then please enlighten us with your immensive collection of "redpilled" books.

>Inb4 "b-but r-reading is bluepilled"

>This kills the libertarian


What does that say frog, and what is it about?

Any tl,dr?

Does pol know any good books on geopolitics

«It's been almost ten years that I am no longer a Muslim. I stopped having faith in Islam after being seriously studied the bottomless pit that seems to be the sacred texts of the Koran and hadiths Sahih. This long and difficult work, both on the commandments of my former masters (the God Allah and His Prophet Muhammad) that on myself led me to glimpse conclusions and theorize the concepts that I have to day yet never heard or read anywhere! I could choose to die with all these secrets but I preferred to take the risk of being the author of the book you hold in your hands. It is always the same Islamologists I can hear and read from so many years here in France. All have the final conclusion that the Koran is the source of any problem or the Islam that the Prophet Muhammad is a religion of peace, love and tolerance. But do you know a comprehensive and systematic study of Islamic sacred texts that would be able to raise critical findings on key Koranic tenets and analyze the limitations of these dogmas by passing moral or Manichean concepts of good and Wrong ? This is because I know of none that I launched the challenge to achieve what I have always wanted it to be accessible to all! I spent years reading, studying, dialogue and debate, even if it means sacrificing my scarce free time and spend endless sleepless nights ... All this in order to convince you that it would have been irresponsible of me to shut everything I know.»

A better tl;dr than I could write


also Bill Gates's library:


Read this instead.

The Republic is so awfully written and is just Plato strawmaning arguments through Socrates.

Sounds good, will read.
Thanks for the ref!

No problem! It's an eye-opening book..


is the right wing nonfiction always biblical and related to christianity ? is being right wing christian ?

Not an argument. :^)

Here's a full e-book PDF if you want it now


Great book. You will get a feel of Europe as it sways back into tyranny because of barbaric tribes and counter revolutionaries plunging into honorful death. It was as relevant then as it is now.

om nom nom

>I've never actually read Plato

We know





nice try

Tolstoi's War and Peace, greatest historic novel ever written

>Economic Redpill

Should we call this the Gold Pill?


The Protocols of Zion - Victor E Marsden
The International Jew - Henry Ford
The Culture of Critique - Kevin Macdonald
obligatory Mein Kampf (unabridged) - A. H.

Plato's avocation for abolishing the family denies him Sup Forums's seal of approval. Aristotle gets it, though.


You can be serious

Is basic economics worth reading?
I´ve heard that is more focused on economical education than being a economics textbook, but not sure any review?

Any good sugestions for a book which sumes up the history of Rome from the begining to the end?

>The Protocols of Zion - Victor E Marsden
This is bluepill conspiratard crap.
Your other suggestions are good though.

10,000 year explosion


/pol stash epub+pdf updated monthly!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

Any and every book on micro/macroeconomics with no equations inside it is bullshit and opinion sperging.

People only think Plato's republic is good thing because its old and they love antique literature.
In fact, its garbage.

>implying i need other people to tell me what to think instead of going through trial and tribulation to overcome my shortcomings

how do you figure that?

because the jews said it was not real?

meanwhile, everything in it has become self evident in the world

think for yourself


I would suggest,

Against the Gods, Bernstein (economic history, philosophy)
Security Analysis, Graham, Dodd (light finance)
The fourth (and richest) Reich, Hartrich (history)
Prosperity through competition, Erhard (politics, political economy)

An Irish guy figured out that it was just stitched together from bits of an older work of satire. Believe what you want about the world, but the Protocols have been pretty soundly debunked.
Believing in conspiracy theories just to confirm your existing opinions is the definition of bluepilled.
Engage with reality.

It's being traditional I think, Christianity is one of the roots of the western civilization.

I found Erhard for free. This is the ultimate book on political economy and government policy.

I suggest you all to read it. through competition&ots=cztsK5QVaJ&sig=fzkjf3BTLtaEHrSzJHN52m6pvtA#v=onepage&q=prosperity through competition&f=false

Epictetus' Enchiridion
Meditations of Marcus Aeurelius
Art of War (Sun Tzu; maybe more /k/)
The Prince by Machiavelli

Sun tzu is real bullshit. The only good thing about it is that one of those spergings is clearly a Mulan song.

It's not bullshit. It's not all useful, but for rudimentary reading in strategy or combat / competitive philosophy there're good points and it's readily available.

well it's a pretty high quality piece of satire considering it is a real book.

>stitched together from older work of satire

aside from the major problems with that notion, there is the fact that it is not satirical in nature.

there is also the fact that henry ford knew it was true and based his book 'the international jew' on the protocols.

nice try kike

>The Flying Inn is a satirical novel first published in 1914 by G. K. Chesterton. It is set in a future England where the Temperance movement has allowed a bizarre form of "Progressive" Islam to dominate the political and social life of the country. Because of this, alcohol sales to the poor are effectively prohibited, while the rich can get alcoholic drinks "under a medical certificate". The plot centres on the adventures of Humphrey Pump and Captain Patrick Dalroy, who roam the country in their cart with a barrel of rum in an attempt to evade Prohibition, exploiting loopholes in the law to temporarily prevent the police taking action against them. Eventually the heroes and their followers foil an attempted coup by an Islamic military force.

decline and fall by edward gibbon

you forgot the art of war from carl von clausewitz

and believing that something self evident is "just a conspiracy theory" because the subjects of it say so is the definition of idiocy.

there's a good documentary about this phenomenon.

it's called
>the conspiracy theory conspiracy

>jews control western governments
>jews control all mass media
>jews control and manipulate global economics

>but they said they don't so it can't be true!

>Chesterton claimed he originally conceived the book to be “an epic about the Crescent and the Cross,” which explains the presence of another key character: the Islamic “Prophet of the Moon,” Misysra Ammon (read M.Ammon, if you like). But there is no great clash between Christianity and Islam in the story. Instead, the upper class simply surrenders to Islam through what Dalroy describes as the four acts of the Empire: “Victory over barbarians. Employment of barbarians. Alliance with barbarians. Conquest by barbarians.” But it is the lower classes who have to pay the great price for this conquest when the great Muslim virtue of abstinence is forced on them. Thus Chesterton changed the emphasis of the book into a defense of democracy and Christian custom.

>Finally, he defended the drinking songs in The Flying Inn, as being true Temperance songs: temperance is about moderation not abstinence. Self-restraint and self-control are acts of freedom. Prohibition is not. Though drinking may be a caprice, says Chesterton, “it is a caprice that cannot be forbidden to a citizen, but can be forbidden to a slave.”

John Locke - On Liberty? Not sure you guys would consider it exactly right wing but if you read it, I think you would

I'll make a note to check it out, thanks.

Why is it garbage

iirc, Locke called for limited government. That's classic liberalism. It's currently more conservative though. Good read either way. Leviathan from Hobbes as posted before is also quite good.

"On War" user, is there a particularly good English translation?

Also, on Epictetus' Enchiridion I recommend the translation in my pic (free on GooglePlay but best to read original text than the automatic formatted text)

get this lads

this desu, this work makes Rousseau look like a fucking idiot

"The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" / Heinlein - libertarian revolution on a lunar penal colony

"Anthem" / Ayn Rand - her "Animal Farm," sort of

thanks, my gypsy friend.

sartor resartus

>>Niccolo Machiavelli - The Prince
>for pseudo-intellectuals
I bet you're a frenchcuck.

No. It's just the christcucks' way.
The true red pill is that christianity is a cuck religion, it weakens strong men and is only good for the weak. Check my picture, it is about slave and master morality.

>Il était une foi...
That was a pretty blue pill racemix propaganda.
Also the old wise man had a really long nose, right?


> (You)
>>Fuck off. You didn't even read the reviews. It was written by two physicists at UC Santa Cruz who went to MIT and NYU.


>le Nietzsche face

Please user.

>the foundation of every positive attribute of Western civilization
>kept in print over the centuries due to near universal recognition of the importance of the ideas contained within
>poorly written


>The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels by Alex Epstein
>Equal is Unfair by Don Watkins
>Free Market Revolution by Yaron Brook
>The Virtue Of Selfishness by Ayn Rand
>Philosophy: Who Needs it by Ayn Rand
>Ender *logy by Orson Scott Card
>Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal by Ayn Rand (This basically explains and btfos all arguments against the free market and minarchism)
>When Google met Wikileaks by Julian Assange
>Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
>The Big Short by Michael Lewis
>A History of pi by Petr Beckmann
>The Health Hazards of NOT Giing Nuclear by Petr Beckmann

Read We The Living. It's set in Soviet Russia.

Read "Racism", "The Cult Of Moral Grayness" and "Collectivized Ethics" from The Virtue Of Selfishness.

Read "Global Balkanization", "Apollo and Dionysus", "Cashing in: The Student Rebellion" and "The Age of Envy" from The Anti-Industrial Revolution.

Read "An Untitled Letter", "Causality versus Duty", "Selfishness Without a Self", "Philosophical Detection", "A Letter To Boris Spassky" and "Faith and Force:Destroyers Of The Modern World" from Philosophy: Who Needs It.

"The Esthetic Vaccuum Of Our Age" from The Romantic Manifesto.

"To Young Scientists" from The Voice Of Reason

Anything you like from "Capitalism: An Unknown Ideal", It mostly deals with special cases and has a couple of chapters on the basics.

If you read even half of this, you'll understand what Objectivism is.

>That was a pretty blue pill racemix propaganda.
>Also the old wise man had a really long nose, right?

Very good list here.

The econometricians, they're ever so pious
Are they doing real science or just confirming their bias?
Their Keynesian models are tidy and neat
But that top-down approach is a fatal conceit

Is this accurate?
I just found it in my folder and remembered we're having a thread

What's the deal with "The Republic" being mentioned so often?

I just ordered this book, it's very good for understanding basic constitutional law and great insight on the cases during his time and his more international idea of laws with other nations and why we made right/wrong choices. very good.

It's actually a shit book with downfalls in basic principles of governance and political sciences. its just "herpderp im so philosophical durrdurr" and then the person doesn't understand basic government structure, or why a free market can't exist in an authoritarian state.

Is there a lefty version of this? I want to avoid the echo chamber meme and read as much as possible

Das Kapital vol. 1-3
Communist Manifesto
The State and Revolution
What Is to Be Done?
On Guerrilla Warfare
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
The Motorcycle Diaries
Guerrilla Warfare

this for starters, will do better pic for communist literature later

>Joyce at the apex of tin foil
You have to be crazy to read it


Here you go.

I do not enjoy liberal ideology or progressive political stances in literature due to their vagueness, but I made a textfile of such literature, hopefully you can find them on your own time:

>Dog Whistle Politics - Ian Lopez
>Unreasonable Men - Michael Wolraich
>Harlem Nocturne - Farah Griffin
>The Jungle - Upton Sinclair
>The Little Blue Book - George Lakoff
>Workers and Thieves - Joel Beinin
>Buyer's Remorse - Bill Press
>The Global Struggle for Human Rights
>Street Fight - Jason Henderson
>The Invisible Bridge - Rick Perlstein
>Animal Farm - George Orwell
>Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
>Great Expectations - Charles Dickens

The last half of this last is standard US secondary school reading literatures. Im sure you'll find recommendations otherwise for more books. Lefties tend to be more victorian era or post-WWII

>Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

That book is so deep in the red pill it's disgusting. It looks like a 'muh blackness make white schools irrelevant,' but it actually details why the degeneration of white educational standards is the reason why oppressive and segregated materials and standards for students today exist. I seriously recommend that for anyone who wants to go into teaching and is politically far right winged or hitler 2.0

I won't lie, I will have to force myself to read even half of that but I also want to have a deeper understanding of libruls/marxists.

I recommend you start with upton sinclair's The Jungle if you wanna read about gore and disease killing off immigrants and ppl screaming "MUH HEALTH RIGHTS." you'll immediately want to read more after the first chapter.

Communist manifesto is only 60 pages short and it's the absolute truth

The Gay Science

Thus Spoke Zarathustra