Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
literally who?
literally who
fuck you Marc that hurts
>2017 - 14 days
>Still trying to use social shaming as a viable strategy to censor discourse
The left are going to have a long hard lonely decade ahead of them
Monk Maron?
Jokes on him.
I've had sex with 3 different girls.
Marc Maron Has Ample Time For The "Strong Black Bulls" Who Think His Wife Spreads Easy
Stand-up "culture" is the worst. It's a cult of personality built around whoever talks the loudest
Is it ok when The_Donald does it though?
>unfuckable hatenerds
Why is this clearly older than middle aged man using tumblr insults I'd expect from a 20 something girl with dyed hair and think framed glasses?
the white knights from the 70s found the internet
Is Amy Schumer the Anita Sarkeesian of Sup Forums?
not him but
>bringing up reddit when no one else mentioned it
>doesn't know how to quote
Hey rebbit
(((Marc Maron)))
But she does steal jokes. It has nothing to do with whether or not you like her, it's a fact.
Either it's okay for everyone or it's not okay for anyone, progressives have shown that this kind of hypocrisy is okay with them if they can just call their targets "privileged". Even a basement dwelling NEET who could not be more irrelevant still has white, male, and cis privilege, after all.
Also, wanna here a joke? Marc Maron's career
what a fucking maron
Exactly, there's no "think" about it. She's very plainly a thief and Maron has no time for anyone that "thinks" about it.
>amy schlomo stole my joke that I worked for hours in the blistering sun to dig up from the ground
>no she didn't she just happened to come up with the exact same joke some time after your joke you're just jealous
This is victim shaming and this is a problem
#silentnomore #myjokemychoice #bringbackfonzy
They still don't get it do they, they actually don't comprehend how they pissed normal people off so much with their hypocricsy and bullshit
this. nobody in comedy enjoys Marc. they realize he's got some neuroses so they don't outright shit on his face in person, but they do their best to avoid him. once in a blue moon Maron's name gets brought up in a comedy podcast and you can hear the laughter in the room drain as his name is spoken.
Also, Marc tried to imitate Louis CK with his tv show and failed miserably.
I really couldn't give a shit about what a disparate group of no-name individuals say on social media when the President-Elect does it on a much larger scale with more power to throw at it
And those same "normal people" don't give a shit when Trump publicly and personally harasses union leaders and teenagers on Twitter. How is that not the bigger hypocrisy?
This. I like some parts of her show, but she's clearly stolen some material. Also she's like 3 donuts away from being Melissa McCarthy. Again, I'm a fan, but this is true.
Amy schemer is going to steal this.
Didnt she just steel bits for her show? Also no on cared when joe rogaine got in mencias ass for stealing a joke even though like everyone on the circuit was doing a very similar bit at the time.
Cry harder you faggot
Politics is war
Traitors aren't people.
I listened to an O&A episode with this guy. He is a fucking retard and eventually Opie just kicked him out. Seriously this guy is not funny at all. He think just talking about all his cool 'issues' is comedy. He didn't get one laugh the whole show. Bill Burr was in studio and you could tell he was just like 'what the fuck is wrong with this idiot?'
kill yourself faggot
>it's only a problem when the other side does it, they're the hypocrites
>who think
But it's true, there are loads of sources online showing that she has. She's just a shit human being.
She lost. Get over it.
>hipster faggot has no time for Patrice Oneal
what a racist.
You made the mistake of bothering to reason with anyone on Sup Forums (much less Trumpfags).
It's just a waste of time.
If Sup Forums is anything to go by, Trump can do ((((literally))))) anything, no matter how foolish or confusing or detrimental, and they will still praise and love him. Every single one of his actions is just another brilliant move in his 2D checkers game.
You can't reason with people like that.
Maron got cucked so hard by his ex wife that he's now defending this hsit
Doing something you say you don't believe people should do is hypocrisy yes. You don't get to cry that the other side are hypocrites for doing the thing you said you wouldn't do while you're doing it.
Once again it's either ok for everyone or it's not ok for anyone, pick one.
this is pretty good bait
Get over it, you lost
He literally spent a nonzero amount of time saying he has zero time for them. Can we believe such an idiotic liar?
For how gun crazy Amerifats are supposed to be, you guys don't shoot nearly enough of your """""celebrities""""" .
Stop shooting up your schools. Start shooting up Hollywood. Free your minds, and improve your education at the same time.
My goal as someone with the last name "Maron" is to become more well known than this 50 year old cucklord numale ""comedian""
This tumblr and Sup Forums are the same bunch of whiny bitches, see you all on reddit.
I like marc maron did he really say this shit?
>Maron blames all his shortcomings on his parents
literally a man baby
Literally who?
If only this measly site had upvotes. A tip of my hat to you will have to suffice, sir.
Around 2004-2006 Stand-Up Comedy took a huge dive. It started becoming about cliques and comedian circles. If you weren't in those circles or got too big you would get shit on by the the lesser ones.
It happened to Dane Cook and Carlos Mencia. They exploded in the scene and then the rumors and speculations that they stole bits started to surface. Propagate by guys like Joe Rogan, Louis(He never outright said it but he never came out and denied that Dane Cook stole his jokes either).
That's why we've seen such a rise in female "comedians" as of late. If you're in the "it" social circle you'll get pushed and praised by every other male comedian.
Stand-Up Comedy died when Patrice did.
I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump. Frankly, I was pleased to see an anti-establishment candidate shake up the political landscape. And I was titilated by the fact that Sup Forums and other memesters could actually (however slightly) influence the election and assert some form of populist power over our federal government.
That said, those same memesters don't seem to be interested in holding Trump accountable to his campaign promises. He's already reneged on several of his key campaign issues, yet for some reason that doesn't matter to them anymore.
I'd be less troubled if Trumpfags were actually willing to criticize and pushback on some of Trump's decisions. Worshipping one man this much is unhealthy - look at the liberals and Obama, and how they failed to keep him in line after he was elected.
Love the irony of using this insult to defend Schumer.
>its a leftcuck projects with their insults episode
this article is from over 11 months ago
stale news, sage
It's already confirmed that Maron just wanted more time in the spotlight
Other female comedians were the ones who claimed she stole jokes, not random 'hate-nerds' (?)
Stealing jokes is the Cardinal sin of comedy, fuck you schumer
Isn't Marc's whole schtick being a sarcastic hate-asshole?
>don't seem to be interested in holding Trump accountable
There's your problem, lad. It was all a meme. I literally only shilled for Trump because he pissed off the right people. Now that all the fun is over, I couldn't give less of a shit.
>someone please have sex with me I'm a nice guy!
t. Marc Maron
I expect you to do the proper Sup Forums thing, become a contrarian, shitpost Trump, and fervently support the Democratic candidates in 2020, r-right?
As long as progressives still have a stranglehold on culture and media, gas the kikes, race war now.
If I'm unfuckable how have I had sex with 3 different women in the last month?
>inb4 prostitutes
I'm way too poor for that
Marc Maron is such a sad fuck. his whole shtick is "I'm an edgy junkie in my 40s, aren't I cool?". dude hasn't said anything funny in 15 years. i'd really love to punch him in the face more than anyone else I can think of. not even other comedians like this sack of shit.
>Either it's okay for everyone or it's not okay for anyone,
Fuck off with your fairness bullshit
Yeah, fuck them who cares
WHOOOOOPS. my bad senpai guy
> that time when norm told maron he was a better interviewer than comedian
the hurt in his face
When did Amy Schumer become the pillar of modern comedy that everyone runs to defend
>be liberal """""democrats"""""
>spend an entire year doing nothing but slander, fake polls, character assassination and question dodging
>don't spend a single goddamned minute talking about how your candidate is better, just how the competition is worse
>even have major new outlets do "Hillary has 99% chance to win!" "Pepe: The Alt-Right Hate Meme Virgin White Supremacists in Their Basements Use to Oppress and Spread Fear"
>create the narrative that the only reason that the vast majority of people voting trump are doing it is because they are racists and stupid and probably white as well
>black people supporting trump? Uncle Toms
>mexicans supporting trump? Cousin Juans
>asians? fuck who cares about them they don't matter at all
>trump starts gaining in the polls
>DNC leaks show that you rigged the candidacy against the popular pic in favor of your corporate shill candidate and alienated a tremendous number of liberal voters who will now vote trump
>But his taxes! The taxes!
>leaks showing that not only is your candidate receiving tremendous money from corporate overlords, but money from mideast oil barons who have been directly linked to funding terrorist groups who have performed mass murders all around the world
>"we want to war with Russia, who clearly hacked the DNC"
>russia is supporting the only actual government that isn't an Islamic Theocracy because it is in their backyard and not separated by thousands of miles of ocean
>still have major news outlets force a narrative of incredulity and sarcasm at the prospect of multibillionaire anti-globalist man with amazing hair winning and continue to try the guilt tactic
>elections roll around
>to the very last minute force a "He will never win he cannot win" blackout coverage
>he wins
>demand recount
>he wins even better than you thought
>b-but the public vote that never had an effect on any presidential election ever
>maybe take this moment to reflect on yourself, look at WHY you lost
>nah dey racis sexist WHITEs
>untalented hollywood jew who could never get work without nepotism and connections defends forced untalented hollywood jewess.
well color me surprised.
>mfw maron gets a paycheck off amy's next project.
You literally just described Obama supporters.
Sup my fellow undercover redditor