Is there no way we can prevent Tool's Eulogy from becoming an absolute abomination at 02:42 minutes...

Is there no way we can prevent Tool's Eulogy from becoming an absolute abomination at 02:42 minutes? It's quite literally perfect up until that mark.

Other urls found in this thread:

hgnnn break my face

Pic obviously not related


But it's really good tho

shhh... are the mods still asleep?

hello yes i am mod

I'll not be listening to it

Who is this?

sauce pls

this picture triggers me

whomst'dve is this

When you're listening to Tool, just remember that they're not like other bands. Their music is incredibly artistic, almost to the point where you have to be paying complete attention to them to even remotely understand them. I remember listening to a song on Lateralus (though I can't remember what it was), where I thought a song was absolute bollocks during the listen. Then, I closed my eyes for a second, and all of a sudden the song had an entirely new meaning. It was insane the way Tool could just become something so different when you take a look into the music.

Another thing you should note about Tool is that it's easy to get a headache listening to them. Not because they're a bad band, but because of how many ideas their music is riddled with and how complex they are. Soon enough your head will fill to the brim and the rest will just sound like noise to you. Just turn it off and give it a listen the next day.

If you don't like the music, you'll definitely at least enjoy reading through the lyrics, and picking apart the song itself and all of the artistic values that go into making it the complexity that it is.


Who's the girl in the OP?



Well posted user. It's ironic that you would mention lateralus, that is possably their most artistic song. Maticulously orchistrated to fit the fibinachi sequence. I have a link to a video that explains it throught the song, no talking, just the song with script on the screen with hubbel pics in the background.
It's very beautiful and makes you think.
I love tool for this.

why do cute girls allow themselves to be abused by ugly neanderthals :(

Because they aren't attracted to fat, meek, baby-faced feminine "men"

wtf I'm gonna start taking steroids and growing a beard and body hair now

both are absolute shit

soft, cute, petite feminine boys are the true GOAT

lol i was listening to H. when i opened Sup Forums and this thread was at the top. Eulogy is one of their best songs desu

wish I was one

ffs one of you faggost post the sauce on this

sauce pls

Yes, for fucking, not being

somebody must know

not as cute and the guy ruins it big time
also tool sucks

what if it's fucking yourself


>tfw a qt will never playfully punch you square in the face :(

you're either a man or a woman on birth control since 13

>"Wow this girl's cute she seems like she's a good person"
>someone posts video of her getting banged on camera by shitskins

every time

Manyard James Keenan, throughout all his bands, has a lot of songs with cool verses and Staind sounding choruses

>that girl's cute
>she seems like a good person
>being cute makes one a good person

kill yourself

literally female logic

never seen this pasta before, is it from /r/music or something

pretty sure that guy's just tan
>mfw snow niggers think anyone less corpselike than them is subhuman

calm down bitter autist virgin, i meant that she's cute in that she looks like a kind person and could be a girl in your neighborhood or class. she's also wearing gym clothes indicating she takes care of her body

t. """"""""white"""""" american

Tool is shit , please stop punching me while asking about Tool Becky.

>"Sup guys, jealous of my Ayran wife?"

>everyone who isn't American must be British


t. alpha Nordic savior of the white race who's biggest fear is a 14 year old Syrian kid who dresses like this

Is that Drake?

seems awfully specific. how's it going ahmed?

never trust women. not even the friendly nerd types

ava sparxxx

much obliged

i'm not even straight and this turned me on

now hol up are these even the same people

