I deleted all mine today I feel like its pointless
What do you guys think about social media
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It encourages narcissism, and is therefore degenerate
Deleted all of it after MySpace back in 2009. Couldn't stand cunts attention whoring with blog posts. Only thing I have is kik with the same pic I've had for 3 years, just to keep in contact with people i actually know.
I hate it. It directs my thinking too much.
the only ones that i still use is tumblr and instagram because i like fashion and art. but that's it. i kind of want attention, but if i upload something, it'd be obvious that i want attention and i don't want people to think i do.
They're all just data mining programs that people willfully join.
If you're not paying for it, then you are the product.
Jewbook deleted my posts after the orlando shooting it was kind of the last straw also I was filled with hate browsing through facebook posts from niggers about being Egyptian n shit also anti trumpers being equivalent od niggers
I've become "That guy who posts about nothing except news and Trump memes"
basically it's very good, I've managed to weed out the few of my friends who are smart, decent people and had a bunch of retards challenge me and get stumped.
I just consider Facebook and Twitter a means of spreading Trump info. I don't actually really care what my friends and acquaintances do with their lives, I have my own.
Also lol Facebook then tried to ask me if I had joined various "spam groups" like "God Emperor Trump" or "Paul Joseph Watson"
I only maintain Facebook to keep in touch with family and friends, like actual friends, the kind I would rescue in a zombie apocalypse.
Although even that somehow creates fucking drama.
I did the same some months ago, but cause i got paranoid that some SJW hacker would post my Sup Forums posts there
I feel a lot better doe
I don't use tumblr but damn if that isn't how I feel about using Instagram
No dude, you need to make your own website for attention
this is all i use. i had a myspace back in the day, but discounted every other platform as "shit that will disappear in a few years"
i'm so happy I thought that way, even if i was horribly wrong
I deleted my facebook acount 5 years ago and was actually thinking about making a new one.
it's a surveillance platform
Social media is a place where you post pictures of things that you bought, but you don't need, to impress people you don't like.
created a myspace profile back in 2003. Got made fun of in high school because I uploaded pictures of myself on the internet. Deleted it a couple months later. Haven't been on any social media since.
its good for keeping in touch with people and event planning, i just log in once a day to see if anything is going on then log off.
i think its stupid to completely abstain from social media, it'd be like refusing to use telephones because they're too impersonal.
I do this except for brexit. I don't post meme's that's a step too far for me. Well i did post one once actually, it was pic related. But it's not that much of a meme..
wtf is that rusty shit on the ray bans?
Another favourite of mine is posting anti-Trudeau propaganda. This got a lot of people upset.
if i really wanted to catch up with someone from 20 years ago i would have. if you don't have my number i probably don't care enough about you
Fairly useless, i've got a few duds to listen in on some topics, but otherwise mostly a waste of time.
Its what keeps the leather connected to the plastic that connects to the glasses
I use fake names and locations, got drunk the other night and purged my friend list of liberals and people I haven't seen in ages.
It's mostly for shitposting anyways
You don't need it though, i used to think the same, but i have a few friends that don't even have smartphones and still have perfectly normal social lifes
Apparently when people like you they don't have a problem with sending you a text message or calling you instead of using whatsapp
I own Facebook and that's it. I use it to keep in touch with extended family and friends but beyond that not much else.
I have never had a kikebok or twitter account and gave up cell phones ten years ago. I do use google though. Do they already know my blood type and hat size or am I pretty safe from the nsa?
It's cancerous poison.
I first joined Facebook when a college friend had scanned about a million photos and asked me to join so she could share them with me.
It started at nice, friends popping up, pictures of their kids, occasional shared articles about hobbies or whatever...
Then things started getting wierd.
People started amassing "friends". All of my young relatives had over a 1000, and there was some "status" over who had a ton.
A few friends started blathering about politics, and it started getting combative.
Strangers started popping up and getting into pretty snide fights in threads that started as pleasant.
Then really inflammatory threads started appearing, where people I considered friends started in with the whole "unlike me if you don't agree with my pretty extremist views, and if you disagree you're a shit person".
Update posts became bragging posts about 1st class travel, luxury cars, exotic vacations, etc.
Then, en mass, everyone was screaming about chik-fil-a, oreos, or reposting something about Kony was actual activism.
So, at some point I realized that there was no upside to staying, as the original notions of seeing how friends from bygone eras were doing was long gone.
Now, I see incessant screen caps of BLM craziness, "fucking white male", and generally needlessly aggressive behavior.
Never messed with Twitter, as it seemed to be some weird narcissistic deal, and I generally don't care what about random thoughts or where you are going to lunch, let alone your opinion on Israel.
It's all fake, and I don't see how fixating/comparing yourself to other people has any benefit to my life.
I only have a Facebook page and I only use it to agitate my liberal relatives with Trump posts and leftist bashing posts.
I hate them, I only use Facebook to organise things like trips with mates.
I'm in the position now where a lot of my friends have moved out of the country. And twenty years ago it would have been a big deal, there would have been big going away parties, and it would have been a big deal if they visited home, and there would have been letters back and forth the whole time. But now everyone thinks 'We have facebook, we have skype, there's no need to go the extra mile to stay in contact, we're always going to be in contact'. But it doesn't work that way. People think that having facebook means they don't have to put in extra effort to stay in touch, but it's such a shoddy facsimile of real interaction that people end up falling further off the radar than they would have otherwise. It's bullshit.
I don't have any real social media. I only have a twitter account that I use to post racist stuff about blacks or hatred towards muslims.
>not realizing you're currently on social media
Do you know where you are
>tfw kony was 4 years ago
They got everything they need the day you were born.
>not realizing this is the anti-social network.
You stupid fucking american turd.
Tyler Durden pls
Oh it totally is but I am addicted to shitposting all over normies with accounts of fictional characters like grand Moff tarkin. Feels good.
so Sup Forums is NOT social media? is that what you're trying to argue?
> i kind of want attention, but if i upload something, it'd be obvious that i want attention and i don't want people to think i do.
this is the exact reason why I've never liked, posted, or done anything on social media except for using the messenger on facebook for a long while. Well said
We don't socialise here. We're not friends.
Instagram is more narcissistic than twitter and facebook combined. People post photos of anything "fancy" they are doing to brag. Holliday photos, hotel rooms, new cars, new clothes, meals at restaurants, etc, that's all it is. Instagram is nothing but bragging for social status.
Twitter is a constant battlefield of inflammatory arguing, celebrities shilling to fans, and the comments section on breaking news without the article.
Facebook.. well you know. It's mostly leftwing, people treat their profile like an extension of their life and it's basically a combination of all the others.
You know what I mean
I was forced to make kikebook account during school, used it a couple of times. Forgot password. Made a twitter account during GamerGate shitstorm just to shitpost, got bored after a few days. Forgot password.
Other than that, I never had any (((social media))) accounts. Don't see the point.
Yes. I am saying that we aren't showing off who we are and we mostly just bash eachother, nobody has a profile, nobody has a collection of their posts to show off. It literally doesn't matter what threads you have posted, what you posted in other threads. We have ids here so you can track who you are talking to in the current thread, and that changes things a little but after that thread is dead nothing you said matters or will be remembered by anyone.
People on social media are making a catalog of their posts so everyone else can view it and see what that person is about on a social level.
None of that matters here because it doesn't exist.
The only thing that matters here is your point, your argument, your joke, your insult. It's the information that you are posting that has the emphasis. Who you are is completely irrelevant and therefor not social.
Suck my dick.
I can't be fucked coordinating all my friends into an alternative internet based communication system.
I don't post to facebook, but I have one.
People get scared because "man, they're totally spying on you"
No, they're collecting keywords and metadata to better serve you with effective ads. If you're an informed consumer, then most advertising will be essentially useless on you.
It's just so weird, I and presumably everyone else grew up being told "never, ever give out your personal details online". And now we've completely flipflopped.
>We're not friends.
like you're truly "friends" with most of your friends on social media? you come to Sup Forums to socialize and talk shit with people. it is social media. it is possibly the most pure form of social media in that the main purpose of Sup Forums is to socialize. that's why this site isnt worth any money. it's just a bunch of assholes talking shit and there's hardly any way to target products to specific users.
yea, i know what you mean. still though. it's social media.
>People think that having facebook means they don't have to put in extra effort to stay in touch, but it's such a shoddy facsimile of real interaction that people end up falling further off the radar than they would have otherwise. It's bullshit.
This guy sees it.
It isn't real.
If someone is truly in your life, you actually interact with them more than clicking "like".
anti-social media
Haven't used social media since 2010.
I have a Facebook account just to log into a various of hookup apps. Then fuck.
>We have ids here so you can track who you are talking to in the current thread, and that changes things a little but after that thread is dead nothing you said matters or will be remembered by anyone.
it's social media in its purest form, i'd argue. it's just like having a conversation with a stranger in real life. what you say to that person basically vanishes like it does here (you hope).
>People on social media are making a catalog of their posts so everyone else can view it and see what that person is about on a social level.
i could have copied the remainder of your post but whatever. it seems like you feel like social media is determined based on permanence and connection to yourself? i think social media is better defined as a place where you can express yourself online and receive feedback. that's exactly what Sup Forums is. the degree to which your online expression is connected to YOU is irrelevant as far as im concerned.
you post shit on Sup Forums because you wish to express yourself. expressing yourself is the essence of socializing. this is social media whether you like it or not.
>People think that having facebook means they don't have to put in extra effort to stay in touch, but it's such a shoddy facsimile of real interaction that people end up falling further off the radar than they would have otherwise. It's bullshit.
Imagine it's 1850. Three of your siblings died in child birth, your one living sister has been married off at age 14 to a creepy old man who lives 12 hours away by carriage. Your younger brother is an apprentice to the butcher and works fifteen-hour days and sleeps in the meat closet. Your older brother went across the ocean in a fucking wooden boat to go live in the colonies. You never have time to make friends beyond the men you work with. They die and you don't even ever know. Your whole family dies and it takes you years to receive their last letter. They might as well have never existed. And you think you have it bad?
Well argue that you are wrong about everything to the point that addressing you further beyond calling you a dumb faggot would be pointless.
You dumb faggot.
>not socializing on a not social media site right now
that's what we're doing according to you. if you were just lurking then that would be a completely different story. instead you just expressed your opinion online to argue that i am in fact a faggot. welcome to social media.
Never had social media.
You're a dumb faggot.
No social media.
But I don't have friends.
So, yeah.
NOT. AN. ARGUMENT. Sup Forums friend request sent and pm'd. plz respond.
The only people I'm friends with on Facebook are people I've known in real life for almost a decade and still regularly see in person.
Serious question:
I have no facebook, or a cellphone, the only way I keep in contact with family and friends are going to their place, or have them visiting me, or meeting them in stores for grocery. What is facebook for? Do they post some shit just for likes?
There's always that someone at gatherings and parties that says they're gonna upload a pic to facebook, and I never liked that. Is there something I'm missing, or has everyone turned into Mario punching bricks for ups and coins just for no reason?
What the hell is this picture, OP?
OP's Ray Ban sunglasses with blinders. OP doesn't like distraction, hence why he deleted his accounts.
when fb first started it was exclusively for specific colleges where you could keep track of friends and organize parties and try to get laid by random chicks at your school. you couldnt get a fb account unless you were at a specific school.
then they opened it up to everyone and the entire culture of fb changed. people started using it as a place to store their home movies and family photos. they started using it to track their daily lives. the like button was perverted so people could like products to better direct advertising towards them.
it's a complete shitshow now. most people under 30 either dont have a fb or are loosely maintaining an account.
>it was exclusively for specific colleges where you could keep track of friends and organize parties and try to get laid by random chicks at your school.
Sounds like it's still like that, in one or more ways, because I hear couples do fight in "public" over facebook, revealing pretty personal issues. Glad I haven't got an account, knowing people's opinions (be it political or everyday things) are available in any way possible is too much.
I use it almost exclusively just to chat with my friends, I also check the newsfeed for news and sometimes I look up events around my area.
I never share videos I find interesting or take selfies, I don't see the appeal. I rarely like anything unless it's an event that involves me or just something funny.
Too many people use social media seeking approval, I even had a classmate asking me to "like" her profile pic, which had no interest in.
It's a really fake culture, I try not to involve myself too much.
I have only kikebook, no pictures or any info beside my first name and a false surename. I use it to keep in touch with friends.
Two days ago I deleted 99% of 8 years worth of my facebook profile, then unfriended everyone and deactivated.
Got sick of raging every day.
I hate the superficial stuff.
I hate the leftist circlejerk.
I hate not being able to cite hatefacts for fear of destroying my future career.
It's used as a platform for women and womenly men to share bullshit and reinforce each other's social status for holding basic bitch, status quo beliefs.
I just keep my facebook for news and some intellectuals thoughts. For the majority of people it's a place for narcissism, degeneration and jealousy.
Social media is public masturbation.
I have LinkedIn cause work makes us maintain a page.
It's not the same at all.
On Sup Forums I'm free to imagine any poster I don't like is a fat, virgin, repressed homosexual, micropenis adolescent blowhard simply sperging out in mommy's basement.
Call it plausible deniability, if you will.
On facebook, I'm forced to KNOW people I love are helpless morons. It hurts in my chest.
Mass communication is what caused almost every problem with modern women.
You're in Greenland so I'm guessing you pretty much know everyone where you live, therefore you have no need for facebook.
Most of my friends have gone to uni and I like to keep in touch with them so I have facebook, twitter etc.
I don't have it but I'm pretty lonely and sometimes think of making a facebook. But the return is so low for the cost of having to take a pleasant photo of myself and make my account look inviting and so on.
I don't know people in Nuuk, other than my family. But I do know most people up north, so you're correct. It's more of a principle of limiting how much you want to know about people you feel close to. People I know that use facebook are constantly checking it out, so I imagine there are looking for something in all that nonesense, or hoping for something they can pass on to other, perhaps gossip about trivial things. I don't think people should be THAT easily reachable at any given time.
I have had facebook on and off for years. But I recently had about 1.5 years without it. I've just come back........... and honestly it makes me hate all my friends. Hardcore left, mainstream narrative crap ALL THE TIME by people who are just VIRTUE SIGNALLING... showing how "kind" and "caring" they are...
It's totally vapid, narcissistic and an utter waste of time. Does not better or extend friendships imo. Brings out the worst in people.
Also, its a terrible platform for open and free communication.. owing to the complete group-think that goes on. Contrary views are never welcomed. I think social media is just revolting, thats my 2 cents... I was happier without it.
Makes me feel so fucking voiceless too; I know I can't ever say what I really think because it will impact my career and future. I feel like all my friends are blind.