Chicken isn't vegan?

chicken isn't vegan?

This was good. I enjoyed World's End, tried to watch Hot Fuzz a couple nights ago, pretty interesting first hour or so but i really lost interest with the The whole entire town including his fat mate are in a secret society angle. Really needless.

wrong thread mate

this ain't no cornetto shit

Officer Angle!

That reveal had the best line in the movie though.

>ingesting gellato


Posting in the wrong thread.

Envy Adams

Suck my dick, pal.

this movie was pretty good but it could be better.
how are the comics?

too bad Brie is an SJW


she only looks good in that specific movie. same for all the other female cast.

>you know this one girl with hair like this?

>Ramona starts talking in her heavy voice
>"haha I dye my hair a different color every other week, get used to it"
special snowflake

Her booming voice threw the character off for me.

besides, her entire character was what was HOT

the actor is meh, but Envy is great

but it was very fitting for the character (used up whore with loadsa baggage)

>You will never curl up with Brie, read Captain Marvel and commit to the social and economic liberation of black people


>when the cops cheer and high five on the way out

funniest part of the movie




fucking hell brie larson


>Because you'll be dust by Monday... because you'll be pulverized in two seconds. The cleaning lady? She cleans up... dust. She dusts.

> I enjoyed World's End,
> Didn't enjoy Hot Fuzz


only hipster faggots enjoy Scott Numalegrim

>too bad Brie loves money


>so what's happening Monday?
>well, she has the weekend off
