What happened to Will Smith?
What happened to Will Smith?
He tried to fight the ((((NFL)))) and had his career irreversibly slandered.
He is too old and broken now to play the young fun guy we all loved
He keeps trying to do films in which he bangs a white woman and it turns out that nobody actually wants to see that.
Isnt he starring in some Alien Cop sci fi movie with David Ayer?
He keeps doing Oscar bait movies.
He forgot what made him famous.
You mean what happened to Western society? Fuckin racist white bois
How do we fix it so more people support Kings and Queens in Hollywood?
He hasn't given a legitimately great performance since pursuit of happiness. He plays the same type of person in every film, he's just will smith at this point
>He keeps doing Oscar bait movies.
That in itself is not reproachable, it's just that he keeps doing BAD oscar bait movies.
>somehow managed to make shit worse than SKWAD
He's still trying to make another one of this, amidst retarded popcorn flicks like Sue Side
His oscar bait isn't the typical cerebral/emotional fare like The Revenant or Carol. It feels flaccid and simplistic, like he's still supposed to be appealing to the mass moviegoing audience, but they don't care about that and people who DO enjoy oscar bait don't like it being dumbed down.
He literally started his own company to produced really bad oscar bait cause he desperately wants an oscar
even got his wife to talk smack about the academy awards for not nominating him for the TELL DA TROOF movie
Will Smith in Pursuit of Happyness > Forest Whittaker in The Last King of Scotland
Prove me wrong.
Too desperate for an oscar. He caught leodicapriosis but unfortunately never recovered.
>The Revenant
yes, because a dude freezing to death and being attacked by a bear is so cerebral.
he will regret turning down django until the end of his days
why he wouldn't have been nominated for that either, it's not a very dynamic role
He got old and made a few terrible choices. After Earth was the start of the decline.
>He caught leodicapriosis but unfortunately never recovered.
How did he catch it?
The entire concept of the film is stupid and boring.
His movie came out the same week as NuMale Wars: Strong Independent Woymn One
Rogue One is a fine movie, but anything not Star Wars has no fucking shot thill after Christmas
>Name your son after your wife
>Name your daughter after yourself
gee, wonder why they have gender issues?
Who would ever turn down a Tarantula film?
Leo turned down the role of Hans Landa and regretted it
A pretentious cunt who thinks After Earf was pure kino and his son the best actor of his generation?
I hope he eventually ends up doing THE CITY THAT SAILED someday. I've read the script and it's the most hilariously schizophrenic mish-mash of genres I've ever seen. It'll either win all the Oscars or all the Razzies, no two ways about it.
>Elliot Cooper (Will Smith) is a Homeland Security agent living in New York City, whose dedication to his profession has ruined his marriage. His ex-wife, Anna Reyes, has since returned to her mother Elena's house in Madrid, taking Elliot's daughter Greta with her. Anna is now engaged to Javier Belasco, an arrogant football player. Longing for her family to be reunited, Greta wishes for it upon Elena's old snowglobe. Greta's wish unexpectedly comes true when the island of Manhattan magically detaches itself and begins sailing across the ocean towards Spain, projected to arrive at the exact moment Anna and Javier are to married.
tfw too intelligent to freeze to death
This needs to happen
Is the next Half in the Bag actually Collateral Beauty, or are they trolling since everyone wants Rogue One HITB?
Exactly. If the Fresh Prince wants to actually win an Oscar, he needs to play to his strengths and do a "Thank You for Smoking" kind of film.
That said, I heard he was really good in Collateral Beauty, despite it being rather something really fucked up to the core (in addition to being outright awful).
>Quirky romantic comedy with a magic twist
>Suddenly becomes disaster movie Manhattan detaching itself is actually a catastrophe in which numerous people die
>Goes back to quirky romantic comedy
>Suddenly becomes political thriller with the military botching a supply drop and the government considering bombing Manhattan before it causes some sort of international incident
>Goes back to quirky romantic comedy
>Suddenly becomes action movie where Will must navigate the entire island to avoid collision with a battleship.
It needs to happen.
because he couldn't star as will smith
Oscar B8