Rogue One is the best and most rewatchable film of the Star Wars franchise. While it certainly needed more character development on characters besides Jhin and having some incredibly cheesy lines about hope that they felt needed to be hammered in to tie in to the first film, it skips all the shitty bullshit dialogue present in the other films like Han and Leia's cringey ass fight love relationship, to one of the best battle scenes that is worth paying to see at the theaters just for the last thirty minutes. It was a breath of fresh air to see the rebels in a darker light and even a more breath of fresh air that it felt like getting the plans to the Death Star had a huge cost without some bullshit "da Rebels win da day, everyone lives happy!" ending. Darth Vader was intimidating as fuck and the last scene with him was what we all needed in the first three films.
Rogue One is the best and most rewatchable film of the Star Wars franchise...
I know this board was never the cream of the crop, but this is just sad. Remember all those times you made fun of reddit Sup Forums? I'd be amazed if anyone on this board will defend the notion that this board isn't worse than Reddit. Literally a fucking hive of simpletons who don't know what they're talking about
Hey welcome to Sup Forums, and remember: You're here forever.
It was shit
it was an actual movie unlike TFA.
TFA's screenplay couldve been programmed by a robot. it was such pure uninspired shit.
this movie was actually coherent
>wah muh george lucas nostalgia goggles
there's a few minor issues, but 9/10
Rogue One is what TFA should have been: an original fucking script
>It was an actual movie
The second half was an actual movie. The first was awful garbage the felt like it was directed by a different person
Coherent and dull for the first 3 acts.
I feel like I'm watching Monster, with a Star Wars coat of paint and its peeling.
The first two acts were too bad for me to want to rewatch it. Once they reach Edou it gets better but at that point, it is too late.
The entire movie should have just been that. The first two acts were entirely unnecessary. They could have easily fit all the plot points into Edou
Can someone explain to me what they went to that planet where Cassian tries to assassinate Galen. I get the main mission secretly was to assassinate Galen but was Gyn expecting them to rescue him or some shit?
Jyn was expecting that, Krennic was there just to find out the betrayer.
They fleshed out the universe and the Alliance nicely. Also we got that sweet Clone Wars transport thing. Even if there was some over the top feminist superfighting onboard.
The first two acts were just shoving all the characters together which wasted so much fucking time.
Why did we need stuff like the mindrape monster? Why did we need a Jyn dream scene showing her in the little shelter hiding when we had already seen it?
Really made it drag and it felt needlessly bloated, especially since all the characters bite it (in really overly-dramatic ways, like that fucking droid).
>The whole scene with extreme rebels Allah Akbarin' the shit out of the stormtroopers
Im surprised nobody has cried about this yet.
Everyone forgot about it since it was so boring.
Could this end up ruining episode 8?
The glorious atmosphere of the empire at it's peak totally shits all over this First Order faggotry
because it'll capture kids imaginations.
The little girl hiding will probably click with alot of kids watching when they're playing on their own.
I remember it was wierd little things that stuck out most to me as a kid. The top being when Luke throws his lightsaber away in defiance of the Emperor.
I was getting a little butthurt but the heroes blow a load of them up so it was just the film being edgy rather than glorifying insurgency the way it initially appeared.
Perfectly sums up the entire movie, as well.
>he hasn't started ironically shitposting yet
lurk m0ar
>he says as he cheers like a drooling idiot over nostalgic fan service: the movie
Who's drooling over what? I thought it was an 8/10 movie. I just don't circlejerk about the old movies like you faggot.
rouge one is awful, if you liked this movie, then it's most likely that you liked the prequels and you're one of those faggots who thought that "GEORGE COULDA DONE EP7 BEETTER"
seriously fuck you.
Rouge one is sloppy in it's execution. the main heroine is bland and unlikable, they literally had to make a scene where she awkwardly saves a girl, just so they could say "YEAH BUT SHE HEROIC THOO." her character came of as self serving and whiny, which could've been fine if she wasn't so boring or dull. the same with the supposed main guy, who throughout the entire thing was also vey bland and dull, and felt like he had no passion for the missions he was on at all.
I don't mind the robot quips, but they felt out of place if they were trying to go for like a more darker tone for star wars. same with the blind guy and the mifune looking guy. who were honestly alright as characters because they had clear motivation and ACTUAL FUCKING CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH.
the villain was also bland, they pretty much had a chance to make him like a villain who was proud of his work and his plans to build the death star, but instead they just opted out to make him a really forgettable bad guy who is evil because "just following orders I guess"
this is pretty much the entire movie.
why are you helping out the rebellion gynn?
>I dunno just following orders
why are we assassinating the engineer again
>I dunno just following orders
why am I upset of the death star not being credited to me, even though you belong to the fucking empire. which I signed up for because I believe in the empire
>lol dunno
seriously this movie is a fucking trainwreck, the only reason anyone likes this movie is because it's akin to the prequels.
>dumb dialouge
>stupid forced drama and morals, even though star wars has always been about having a cool adventure
>space politics AGAIN
movie sucked.
fuck you Sup Forums, the worst fucking board
What was the purpose of the mindrape squid? Like, what was it for again? I don't recall
apparently because the extremist black guy didn't believe when an imperial pilot gave him clear evidence of a deathstar, that he was telling the truth.
Nigg was paranoid. Because why would you believe someone just defects. Also to show the rebels weren't all peaches and cream and the unequivocal good guys.
I actually fell asleep after half an hour. I was only mildly tired but there was nothing to keep me interested so I dozed off.
Rogue One has its flaws but was good overall. Everyone else and their shitty cliche meme opinions can go fuck themselves.
It wasn't really good but it was a lot more interesting than TFA
>It's another 16 year old who thinks the latest meme movie is the best thing ever discovers Sup Forums episode
So powerful so current best straw wars since episode 3
You have become reddit inverse where you just hate without any critical thinking.
You're just as much of cancer and faggotry as reddit
ITT butthurt alt right "boycott" babies mad that Rogue One turned out alright.
Why did the trash compactor need an eyeball monster in it?
Yeah, I really liked that they actually showed the rebels doing some questionable stuff is this movie. Wasn't expecting that