Good morning POL
Pic related coming straight from my FB Feed has really got me thinking...
Good morning POL
Pic related coming straight from my FB Feed has really got me thinking...
Other urls found in this thread:
Wtf I hate trump now
Reminder to hide and sage shill threads
>guilty by association
>straw man
>false dichotomy
Pick your fallacy, any fallacy.
Do liberals think they're accomplishing anything by making strawmen like this?
I thought it was very obvious that the Trump movement loved armed gay people.
I can dislike people without thinking murder is just.
Facebook is seriously killing me lately.
Not as BTFO as they will be when HRC crushes Trump in a landslide this November. :^)
Dude I've been sitting there stewing just watching everyone i know dive into insanity
>What should i hate more
This should be the Sup Forums dilemma.
Islam is more foreign to western values than homosexuality
Once we remove kebab then we can turn inwards and clean house
being against fag marriage doesn't mean it's ok to just genocide all fags
You commie agitators aren't even any good at sowing unrest and creating division. Milo is our official journalist. We don't resemble your strawman in any way. We're the alt-right not the religious right.
Pls if any muzzles are here tell abu the next attack should be a bomb
this anti-gun talk is too much
Jokes on you, shill!
Our hate is boundless!
a lot of the friends I have on Facebook are from before POL now I'm going through my feed just thinking about cleaning house.
Don't be shitty. We're supposed to solve these problems together not hide from them. Coward.
For me it's very simple
>I hate fags, I'm glad a bunch of them died
>I hate muslims, I'm glad he didn't kill any decent person and I'm glad he got shot down
I don't hate fags at all. I'm a pro-gay rights Trump supporter. I just hate Muslims.
I think we need to embrace the gay community and be firm in our belief in closed borders to remove Kebab. Tell ppl who post shit like this that we only want a safe and isolated country away from religious fanatics.
Nice, really makes you think
Why in the everlasting fuck do you care about what other men do with their genitals?
My problem is that I despise the gay community and will never accept them as countrymen. I know people, who happen to be gay, that are alright.
Not sure if I'm being clear. The gay community always been the equivalent of BLM. People's sexual orientations are not my business until they make it so.
Because they make parades about it, they behave like depraved motherfuckers in the locker rooms/toilets and because they keep pushing their agenda into the general population and, even worse, the kids.
My problem is not with individuals, it's with collectives.
I'd care because their actions affect society in a non-direct way. They can influence people to become like them. I wouldn't want my children to be gay because it would terminate my bloodline and bring shame to the name my ancestors have long fought for
Hate muslims, hate gays a bit less and love guns.
Why would he do this?!?
Wait, you care about the continued existence of your bloodline ? Of your society ? Of your nation ?
Actually I hate terrorism and love Americans, even club-going degenerate gays. I would rather our society reflect more strongly to their choices in a critical manner but I most certainly would never agree that they should die because of them.
Oh shit OP.
I'm now #MentallyHill
>the right hates gays
>prove it
fuck off you dishonest piece of shit.
w2c make america again safari hat?
I get what your saying. I went to San Francisco recently and the whole gay pride thing started there but while I was there gay couples were normal and blended in. I saw nothing super gay. I think they flaunt it worse in places that seem less tolerant.
>crazy fucking muslim kills 50 fags
>it's white people's fault
But trump has always been pro gay even back to the 80s. In his own words he "has been to many gay weddings" and he has even wished gay couples well
>but gay mairrage
Trump simply dislikes government run mairrage and thinks it should be up to the states/individual organizations to decide who they marry not the federal Supreme Court.
>but his supporters hate
>but the GOPnik party hates
Views of supporters =/= views of candidate
If trump is so anti gay why do so many gays and trannies openly support him? Maybe it's because he doesn't hate jack Shit and gays, a group that is very hated don't want to be stripped of all rights to defend themselves while the government brings in people who want to execute them
The reality liberals don't want to admit that this pride/degenerate leftist shit associated with gays is all a show to attempt to gain votes publicity and seem more "progressive"
The truth is actual gays who just want to live their lives HATE the left because the left thinks they can dictate for them what they should do and gays KNOW that shit like pride actually tears down what they worked for in the past by making them MORE HATED
> Implying a majority of Trump supporters want to kill gays or muslims just for being gay or muslim
>MFW I only have a Facebook so I can like Donald Trump
i've been here for quite a while now and have to ask
is this peak Sup Forums right now? trump+brexit+far right austria is a wonderful trio of current events
Guess I'm a #RemainGewehr now
Sarcasm aside. That is true as fuck hombre.
The "gay community" is another very small minority of a minority like BLM used by the left to promote their own shitry agenda and drown everyone else
Trust me most actual gays hate that "community" probably more than you because of the hate and shame it brings them. They just haven't voted until now because there was no party for them. The religious hated them and the left was fucking them up to use as a token pawn in their game that would ultimately be discarded
Maybe not the peak but the beginning of the climax. Shit is going to change soon desu
Libtards will always blame someone other than Muslims. No matter what Muslims do, the libtards will be there to make excuses.
Nothing is ever Muslims' fault.
But trump doesn't hate fags. He wants to help americans and crush the terrorists. Muslim was a terrorist. Sup Forums hates SJWs.
Keep moving along, you weak shill
True, it's why liberals blame Jews for 9/11.
Yabbut the Jews did 9/11.
Gays are sinners, but as long as they aren't swinging their penises around in front of my children in the name of gay pride I couldn't care less.
And nothing can ever be Muslims fault
Memes aside the lefts and our "leaders" and their relationship with Islam should really really make you fucking think especially when the left recieves billions in funding from the likes of the Saudis to and I quote "continue promoting tolerance and acceptance of Islam"
>"if you want to figure out who controls you, learn who you're not allowed to criticize"
Delete it and never look back
But terrorism has no religion! I know this because Hillary and Obama say so.
Liberal president won second term, partially for position on gay marriage.
Liberal party wants to import Muslim culture from the area they tainted themselves. Incumbent president won't address issue hurting campaign for fellow party member. Liberals hate guns.
Naturally they place the onus on the guns.
Can't have their cake and eat it too.
2/10 shilling for getting a response
This just in
"Cyber jihad"? Lets have a cyber crusade
>i'm against gay marriage
>i hate gays
Liberal strawman
I hate radical Muslims. I hate gays.
You know what I really hate though?
Senseless killing of my fellow Americans due to some ass backward desert cult. That really pisses me off.
When hasn't Sup Forums been?
Beyond all jokes the stuff here is often literally a joke.
Personally, I hate the fags worse. They're part of the left that imported these muslims in the first place. They took every opportunity to shame the rest of us who pointed out that it might not be a great idea. Every other week was another "fags for islam!" parade in some city or another. Another cop shamed in the media for profiling or islamaphobia.
Now the muzzies are killing fags and you'd think that they might have some sort of epiphany and finally realize what we've all been saying. But no. No, it's still somehow the right's fault. Damn Constitution! That's what shot up the bar, not the religion that calls for their deaths!
Muslims are gonna do what Muslims do. When an embassy gets snackbar'd or an office shot up, you knew those were the risks when dealing with one. But these faggots? It's the fucking cognitive dissonance that's so insufferable.
Naw you're just incapable of logical thought. This was a win win. Muslim terrorism helps trump. Fags die. Other fags vote for the only candidate willing to stand up and call out murderous ideologues.
Faggots being plastered on the news media kind of sucks although it's not much different than normal.
So the straights do not influence the kids or what
It's not a win/win though bc now they have spinned it towards Gun Control. Which of course people will gravitate to bc they don't want to be labeled islamaphobic. This helps Hillary in the long run.
Hillary shills fuck right off.
How long were you waiting to use that one?