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take the quiz www.isidewith.com

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kill yourself bernout

kill yourself commie

Kill yourself cuck

fuck you nigger

Is Gary crescent fresh?

wtf, i'm a #Jewmissile now

After Trump's anti-gun and no fly list comment, I'm voting for johnson.

Well, guys, after seeing my results, I'm now #MentallyHill

About what I expected.

>78% bernie

I've taken this test like 100 times now and I always get 99%-95% with Trump.

hell yea


Gary Johnson's pushing gun control harder than Trump.

Not surprised.

Am I a nazi now? The Swedish media would say yes

Trump for God-Emperor.

fuck trump



Trump-Sanders 2016

for nationalist socialism

I'll just link my shit because it feels like it's all over the damn place. (pretty much right on the money for a left leaning moderate tho)


I took it before and got 92% Little Marco 90% Trump or something like that

Feels robot man


Actually, yeah.

Hmmm, better than expected.

I am cancer?

I answered every question.