I've been wanting to take my wife's son to see this for years, and they fucking ruin it with this bullshit. I'm done with Disney.
Finding Dory has a transsexual stingray
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Watch the movie or dont, it matters not. You'll only see the change you want by acting on it.
Its funny cause ive always called her that
The couple in the movie is a lesbian couple with an adopted kid as well.
I now identify as trans-stingray.
Steve Irwin didn't die for this
No fucking way, I actually wanted to see that movie fuck
Is it the same ray from the first movie?
Not going to see this cash in trash anyway
How do stingrays have gender?
The males actually have two penises. They're related to sharks.
We all have genders this is how god made us, everything needs a man and a woman to breed it's only humans who think they can break this rule
>my wife's son
Heh. Cuck.
>wife's son
nobody asked for this, nobody wanted this.
>My wife's son
Hollywood has a history of taking wholesome / relatable franchises and slowly turning them into SJW fests.
Just look at what happened to the Avatar: The Last Airbender series. First it was about a 12 year old boy who has to fight a tyrant because 'the four nations must be separate.' So basically there was a red-pilled theme of 'don't force different races together' running through the series.
Then they came out with Legend of Korra which saw the Avatar reincarnated as a spunky brown woman who finds her lesbian lover:
Disney movies thrive on the family demographic which is heavily christian based. A move in this direction garuntees a significant drop in revenue.
Once again America media chooses to cater to a very small minority. When the film bombs we will have to hear about how homophobic and transphobic america is.
>watched it just last summer as an oldfag
>when Sokka told that village to not put all their faith in the cloud fortune telling or else the volcano will kill them
I was like wew
They're not animals
>what are Kingdoms