Opinions on his role in Rogue One?
Opinions on his role in Rogue One?
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The actors all did their job. Not bad, but honestly I don't see myself ever rewatching R1. I felt the Star Wars fatigue hit me HARD in the first 20 minutes of this movie. I'm pretty cynical about the constant remaking of movies, so I'm sure most people liked it, but I felt so apathetic towards all of the characters. I need more than just a Marvel movie with Star Wars furniture. Preferably just no movie at all, the story has already been told, but I guess people want to see Darth Vader 'on the big screen killing rebels' or something
Jiang Wen - the long haired Asian guy - with his White wife / kid
literally a mexican intellectual
and then they say disney doesn't have an agenda
>what's your call sign?
>eeh .... eh.... Rogue
>Rogue One
jesus christ what a fucking hack
i don't think any one disagrees that disney and most stood don't have a liberal approach . diversity is good for making money as it carves out markets to sell stuff to
Liked him. He was a subtle character Under his handsome young exterior he's just a fucked up old war vet with a warped morality.
They only showed enough romance to point out to he audience that they didn't pull the cliche shit so that alone is commendable.
>a great commercial that is almost squandered by the fact that it's shilling beer that only got popular because Vin Diesel preferred watered down beer it over fucking Belgian Ale
Poor character
Decent actor
>Ira Belle
>Roe Gwan
>Aistah Whaarz-Stooree
>Anne Droid
>captain Abe Addguy
Seriously worst fucking names in a Star Wars flick
That was the other brown guy
Why exactly did he kill that guy in the beginning? I didn't get it.
Brown? Wait I thought Cassian was white
Because he was a ruthless cold blooded rebel. I liked how he was written
>disney must be EVERY thread
theres a mouse where your cock should be. grow up child.
Kyle Katarn?
>not wanting to talk about the best sci fi movie of the year
Go and see this in cinema now! Seriously one you see it you will understand why so many are talking about it.
If you just wanna keep calling people shills then your choice.
i liked him in Blood Father
Because he would of ratted him out to the Empire if he got caught. No loose ends.