It should be a private companies OBLIGATION to guarantee safety of whomever uses its service, regardless.
I agree I would rather do business with people with high security, but did Pulse explicitly advertise that they were able to stop an isis attack if targeted?
>everybody blaming everyone
>nobody taking responsibility
like a bunch of fucking children
You mean like a bunch of sissies and fags. It's the left eating on his own episode #83639
he blames white people for allowing being gay
muslims never change
White people are trying to behave like moral superiority and parents to every other race on world.
We are trying to keep little children in check : Niggers, Spics, Sandshit but its terrible going out of control because we try to discipline them in nice way and without blaming them.
Looks fake. Source?
>only TMZ and perez hilton articles show up
who would have thought tabloids are less biased than CNN
It should be a private citizen's OBLIGATION to guarantee safety of themself, regardless.
Obviously. By simply enforcing a gun free zone you assume tacit responsibility for the lives of all patrons, even the murderous psycho ones.
its from TMZ
The father is the one to blame, teaching his children a cavemen religion when he lives in the most powerful country on earth. He should have stayed in the shithole he was born he he didn't want his offspring to see homosexuals and degeneration that is forbidden in his faith.
We are going to see homosexual militias in our lifetime
"I'm gonna PUMP ... YOU... fullll, of leeEEad."
>be me
>be Saddam Hussein
>fake my death
>move to America
>discover son is gay
>try to stop this harem
>he goes nuts
>kills 49 people
>now i have to make him look innocent
>we wuz dicatorz n shit
I think ISIS took responsibility.
Funny thing is this is the type of person that the Trump temporary ban would have prevented from entering the country.
Important extremism does none of us any good..
Alexander the great had his own homosexual militia so... Same with some greek city-nations.
And they were told to fuck off because religion of peace couldn't possibly do anything like that.
Well, I suppose he's half right. But by extension it's the state's fault for making the club a gun free zone by law. If just the bartender or DJ had a gun the outcome could have been different.
Itsa me!
we told them to fuck off because we don't want them claiming the work of OUR mentally ill, to use in their propaganda purposes.
The sacred band of Thebes was a 150 gay couple battalion, very successful they even beat the spartans.
He literally pledged allegiance to ISIS.
I'm okay with the gay brigade
Isn't this the same guy who thinks he's the presidnet of Afghanistan?
the dude was gay
I thought that's why the state sucks my bank account dry through my asshole in order to
1) protect the fucking borders and don't let people from problematic areas in
2) kill violent criminals
3) don't pass laws that forbid citizens to adequately protect themselves, i.e. carry a gun. (in Florida CCW'ing in establishments licensed to sell and consume liquor is illegal)
I'm more than okay to privatize security and judicial services, but then the state should stop taxing.
1 gay man kills 49
we need to moblize gay units immediantly
No proof of that you shill.
Provide proof or kill yourself immediately.
if his point that the club denied ccw permits then yeah, sure.
oh wait it isn't fucking niggeruslims
>It should be a private companies OBLIGATION to guarantee safety of whomever uses its service, regardless.
Yes, every 7-11 should have an armed mercenary on active duty at all times.
They beat the Spartans once, and they weren't all gay....
Pablo, your historical illiteracy is going to land you a place beyond the wall.
Please, don't play into the homosexes propaganda about the Greek, yes they were fruity and flowery, but our PSDs show them having slightly more homosexuals than our society, and in our society, homos are barely 3%.
Well, that is the long term plan for the US and the EU.
If you make your business a gun free zone, you should have better security.
Would you work that job?
>running for Afghan president
he's going to milk this shit to no end
What kind of sane person brings his rifle in a night club anyhow
check grindr
didn't grinder deny he had an account?
Out fucking standing straya
damage control
the absolute madman
ISIS will take responsibility of any major disaster. They'll probably claim the gator attack at some point today.
>same shirt as Jewish subversion
Fuck off neo stormfag.
>muh damage control
so yes?
what a lad
Nice dubs,
Although true, the responsibility and duty for an individual's saftey ultimately rest with the individual. You can depend on trigger happy cops who are under trained , under political scrutiny and over weight for your saftey, I'll rely on my gun.
I wouldn't even help other people, my gun is for my saftey, if I can run... duces I'm out.
I 100% believe he was raped by his father and so hates gays because of it
Have you seen his dad's twitter? It's page after page of crazy "I am president of Afghanistan" shit interspersed between photos of topless muscled men
It's like a halal /fit/
Responsibility rests on the mad man who shot the place up and the government that is making it impossible for citizens to defend themselves. Also we need to deport his family or jail them as terrorists.
Some Britannia declared the animal as "Allahgator"
You do realize there was a class action lawsuit against the Aurora movie theater Greg Holmes shot up:
Same directions. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
First thing to blame is the shooter and his way of thinking.
Second is those who encouraged the shooter to do it and their way of thinking.
Third is those who could have stopped the shooter and failed and their way of thinking.,
Not really surprised. The Pulse is going to get sued to death no matter what happened.