>Hello, I'm here to buy your guns
>Who are you sir?
>I'm a public officers
>Are you here to take away my guns?
>No, sir. That's a ridiculous solution proposed in ancient times. Now things are different. We value your freedom of choice.
>Sup man. I like being a free man. So why are you here?
>I am here because of the G.B.P.
>The Great Britain Pound?
>Haha... no Sir. It's the Gun Buyback Program we're talking about.
>You serious?
>Yes. I am here to inform you that we are offering cash in exchange of your gun.
>How much?
>It is $ 1,000 for each millimeter in diameter (nominal diameter) and $ 100 per each millimeter in length (nominal length) of the cartridges your weapon can chamber... all multiplied by a factor depending on the type of weapon?
>Sorry man, I am not good with maths.
>I'll help you with an example. Suppose you have a Mosin Nagant that chambers 7.62x39mm. This means 7.62 times 1,000 = $ 7,620 plus 39 times 100 = $ 3,900
>Jeez. That's more than 11 grands...
>Indeed sir. Since your weapon is bolt action, the resulting value -- namely, $ 11,520 -- is multiplied by one. Please have a look at the price table. You can also download our app to calculate the overall value of your collection.
>That's amazing man... but seriously, I don't want to sell anything.
>And this I respect. So if you're answer is negative, I shall leave presently. Can you please sign here to confirm you have been informed about our offer? You can find out more at our website here. I'll lave you a copy of our booklet and a link to freely download our buyback app.
>Thank you, sir. I must admit it was a bit weird. I don't need the cash right now.
>That's all right. But should you need financial help, do not hesitate to contact us at GBP. ### We value your guns ###
Hello, I'm here to buy your guns
Other urls found in this thread:
Bump because nobody hasn't yet noticed the genius of my post.
Lefties, Righties, gun nutz... al BTFO.
>buy up all the Hi-point .45s and .40s you can find
>300 bucks a pop
>resell for 10,000+ each
>masturbate furiously on top of your giant piles of cash
And so all of your guns are gone!
America's problem is solved.
Who's money are they using to buyback the guns?
Australia BTFOOOO
>I celebrate Christmas in the summer and it's currently winter dawnn undah
You faggots can't even male toilets flush the right way.
Post disregarded.
>Who's money are they using to buyback the guns?
The people's money. And you gun nutz will fall for it no matter what. Because people are stupid.
And if you are well off... wait until Wall Street Jews will make you broke. Then you will sell your guns anyway to feed your kids.
Because all the anti-gunz will vote for kikes... and kikes love socialism.
So they will put extra money coming from their wealthy empires just do defuse the situation on behalf of their libtard voters.
You gun nuts are living a countdown time.
Do you think they will cuck you by creating anti-gun laws? Fuck no. They will drop money on you until you will cuck yourselves out of greed.
>buy nugget for 40 bucks
>7.62x54r, 28" long barrel
>get 12k
>buy 12 ar15s
jesus Christ you are dumb
>moist nugget
Nowhere did it say that manufacturing new guns would stop.
Everyone always talks martial law bullshit but this is the way I've always imagined it would happen. It is the most logical and foolproof.
>not buying 300 nuggets with the money and repeating the process
Seriously the G.B.P would be bankrupt within an hour.
>american government attempts to buy back all guns of their people
>files for bankruptcy afterwards
It doesn't change the matter.
Here. Have the corrected greentext:
Hello, I'm here to buy your guns
>Who are you sir?
>I'm a public officers
>Are you here to take away my guns?
>No, sir. That's a ridiculous solution proposed in ancient times. Now things are different. We value your freedom of choice.
>Sup man. I like being a free man. So why are you here?
>I am here because of the G.B.P.
>The Great Britain Pound?
>Haha... no Sir. It's the Gun Buyback Program we're talking about.
>You serious?
>Yes. I am here to inform you that we are offering cash in exchange of your gun.
>How much?
>It is $ 1,000 for each millimeter in diameter (nominal diameter) and $ 100 per each millimeter in length (nominal length) of the cartridges your weapon can chamber... all multiplied by a factor depending on the type of weapon?
>Sorry man, I am not good with maths.
>I'll help you with an example. Suppose you have a Finnish Mosin Nagant that chambers 7.62x53mm. This means 7.62 times 1,000 = $ 7,620 plus 53 times 100 = $ 5,300
>Jeez. That's more than 11 grands...
>Indeed sir. Since your weapon is bolt action, the resulting value -- namely, $ 12,920 -- is multiplied by one. Please have a look at the price table. You can also download our app to calculate the overall value of your collection.
>That's amazing man... but seriously, I don't want to sell anything.
>And this I respect. So if you're answer is negative, I shall leave presently. Can you please sign here to confirm you have been informed about our offer? You can find out more at our website here. I'll lave you a copy of our booklet and a link to freely download our buyback app.
>Thank you, sir. I must admit it was a bit weird. I don't need the cash right now.
>That's all right. But should you need financial help, do not hesitate to contact us at GBP. ### We value your guns ###
>mind the flag
>So if you're answer is negative
>mfw Australia dont know you're and your
>Seriously the G.B.P would be bankrupt within an hour.
No. It will be something like Subprime loans.
You will be fucked by the following bubble.
But in the meantime most of the population will be unarmed... because they will have sold shit by the time.
what do you think niggers are going to do with all that money you just gave them for their shit high points? crack? more guns? a hit on Tyrone that bitch?
I cannot phantom how stupid you are. are you a fucking abbos?
is this why fucking Australia needs psa about not sleeping in the roadm
I'd gladly trade guns for gold.
>3 oz per functional firearm
> 5 oz per "military pattern" rifle
You didnt say guns would be banned in the post. Current buy backs are not in places where guns are banned and there has been people on /k/ that abuse them by making pipe guns to make some easy money.
If guns were banned Id still hold onto mine since their value will only continue to rise from then
You sure have vile dreams user.
Only for the first few days of the program. After that, gun prices skyrocket, and that AR costs you 50 grand. People who don't sell off their collections now sit on a goldmine and the used gun market disappears overnight. Gun manufacturers start selling directly to the program through proxy buyers, so the new market dries up too. Some manufactures start making guns in ridiculous calibers to take advantage of the program's rules, like the Eargesplitten Loudenboomer.
Here's how this would actually go:
>Who the fuck is it
>behind the other side of my locked door "It's officer slightly-less-gay-than-OP"
>Do you have a legally valid search or arrest warrant for this specific property.
>Get the fuck off my property.
>You didnt say guns would be banned in the post.
At no point I meant that. Guns will never be banned. Read what follows you smartarse.
>get out of muh property
>whose money will be used?
>gov bankrupt
>no way it's gonna happen
>new guns will be built
All of your fake solutions will not save the gun community even if they are applied.
Read this:
>If guns were banned Id still hold onto mine since their value will only continue to rise from then
Okay. Here we have a proof of a guy who will never go around murdering people.
The system I have conceived is meant to solve America's problems. Not to take away all of your guns.
This will happen:
>Real gun-nutz will keep the guns.
Good on them. These people are not the ones who usually go around killing people.
>People who are not authentic to the gun community will sell them.
Good. Because these dudes kept guns at home but never cared to practice or do shit. Not real gun-lovers. Better they sell shit than not.
>Poor people will sell their guns. NEETs will sell their guns, etc.
Good. Because it's deranged and degenerate psychos who go broke first and then attack others out of frustration. System is rigged so before hitting the bottom of the barrel all of your guns will be sold.
>Niggers and drug addicts will sell their guns.
Yes. Because niggers and potheads will do their best to buy some crazy shit like a wealthy house with a pool full of cash and then go overdose on drugs while hookers suck their dicks.
(cont. from )
So my system solves basically everything:
>true grits keep their gunz
>average faggots sell them out of lack of interests
>degenerate minorities and petty criminals will sell them because they're stoopid and sheit
>organized crime will not sell them (but organized crime will always have guns, that's something you fight against. They will never follow the rules anyway)
>migrants won't be able to buy them
>poorfags won't be able to buy them
Gun violence problem solved.
Freedom is preserved.
>Majority of firearms in America are 5.56mm or higher.
>For the sake of averages we'll just say .30 caliber, so 7.62.
There's what? 3million plus guns in the US?
So that's 22,860,000 millimeters.
So that's 22,860,000,000
I don't think I need to continue anymore, considering this is a small estimate.
Plus I have a couple funs worth more than you could offer.
I'm gonna help you just because I enjoyed reading your post.
Mosin Nagants are chambered for 7.62x54mmR rounds. The R stands for "rimmed," however it is a center fire cartridge.
You didn't address my point at all - most people in America, at least smart gun owners, wouldn't open the door nor sign the paper nor sell their guns.
What would you do for that rather large amount of people? I know you live on your shitty island nation with a few people, but America has 350 million people - your program is beyond feasibility.
>Gun manufacturers start selling directly to the program through proxy buyers, so the new market dries up too. Some manufactures start making guns in ridiculous calibers to take advantage of the program's rules, like the Eargesplitten Loudenboomer.
Of course I didn't lay down before you all the rules of the program. Tricks will be used.
Like "all guns before a certain date".
And also, if you read:
you will see all of this is conceived to lure niggers and potheads into selling their shit.
Organized crime unfortunately cannot be managed like that... they will never follow the rules anyway... but petty criminals might give up just for the sake of quick cash.
So your gun rights will be preserved and market will still be there. Just poorfags will be unable to commit violence because being a poorfag means you have already sold your gun and won't be able to afford a new one.
>Mosin Nagants are chambered for 7.62x54mmR rounds. The R stands for "rimmed," however it is a center fire cartridge.
Not the Finnish version I quoted.
plus it will result in huge black market imports to fuel the buying craze. you think russian mob wont just flood the market with 20,000 aks?
>most people in America, at least smart gun owners, wouldn't open the door nor sign the paper nor sell their guns
You are attacking me on the hilarious nature of my example.
Of course the situation I described is just a metaphor for a buy back program.
My figures are tentative.
Some rules might break the market.
Gun manufacturers will need to agree to some shit.
So your argument:
>people won't open the door
Is not an argument. It's just a counter narrative.
If nobody opens doors to strangers in the US, the State will advertise buyback by mail.
And if you reply nobody reads the mail... there will be posters on the streets.
So what are you arguing against?
Are you arguing against my scenario's narrative and letter? Yes.
Are you arguing against my scenario's spirit and meaning? No.
Do you know what's the name of people who don't grasp metaphors and jokes?
I'll help you: A U T I S T s
>your program is beyond feasibility.
It is not meant to take away ALL American guns.
It is just meant to lure people in risky situations and prone to crime to give away their weapons before their financial situation worsens.
Maybe my figures are ridiculous.
After all, OP is a joke.
But think how a buyback program might fuck most niggers in town and lure them into giving away stuff for cash.
Think of this.
>sell the 50+ shitty nagants i have sitting around for $11k a pop to some jew
sounds good to me
>you think russian mob wont just flood the market with 20,000 aks?
This is actually great.
Because there will be a constant flows of weapons TO America.
Russian Army colonels will cuck their government and sell shit to you... literally cucking their own country's arsenal (protip: they have already did it after 1989, so there is a precedent).
Third worlders will rush to ship their guns to 'murica.
So this is actually genius because you will vacuum clean the world of guns. This will EMPOWER the Eagle. Not diminish its strength.
I know you aren't allowed to own guns despite being a basic right.
Americans that know their rights wouldn't do this. There would be, most likely, violent riots.
Gun manufactures know this wouldn't be sustainable.
You post this and argue like mad and then when you're btfo you say it's just a joke guys. I'm not changing the narrative, you did.
>sounds good to me
Long live America!
>Americans that know their rights wouldn't do this. There would be, most likely, violent riots.
Man, I am just saying the gov will offer to buy back guns.
Why should you riot?
I never said:
>guns will be banned
No need for that.
>Americans that know their rights wouldn't do this.
And in fact I agreed these people will keep their guns. And will not be a danger because they know rights and laws and sheit.
>Gun manufactures know this wouldn't be sustainable.
will be owned by kikes, sooner or later.
>You post this and argue like mad and then when you're btfo you say it's just a joke guys. I'm not changing the narrative, you did.
No. You are insisting on thinking I am being an anti-gunz.
I am just saying how buyback will solve gun violence issues. I am not saying my system will make all guns disappear.
It will just make sure guns are in the right hands.
Sorry. Should have been reply to this:
>. I'm not changing the narrative, you did.
No man.
My narrative just says gov will offer to buy back guns for good prices.
You are arguing against what you think you are saying.
I explained my idea of a buyback program is not anti-guns nor an alternative to gun ban. I have just said it is a way to cuck poorfags into selling their guns... this will reduce petty crime rate. Not organize crime rates (that's another story).
>Niggers will sell their "gats"
I don't think you understand the American nigger.
Those "Gats" defend massive drug business.worth more than what you're offering.
Those drugs come from somewhere and they will consistently keep their pawns armed.
>Those "Gats" defend massive drug business.worth more than what you're offering.
This you said falls into the category "organized crime".
As I said:
>organized crime will never follow the rules and must be fought differently.
But Dindu Nuffin WILL sell his gun.
So he will not have a gun when crack is finished and he will need to rob a shop to get cash out.
Netherland next target, I heard.
>Mosin Nagant that chambers 7.62x39mm
But the economics of this would be temporary. Another manufacturer will come along or not play ball. The gov can't keep inflating prices forever
Why is people answering to the shitposter?
to buy all weapons in america
and that's probably a little generous
>But the economics of this would be temporary. Another manufacturer will come along or not play ball. The gov can't keep inflating prices forever
No, but maybe they can keep the buyback up long enough to cripple some communities... then soar the prices a bit and keep just a permanent buyback program at market value or slightly higher than market value in certain regions, at least to control the flow of guns to such regions.
Basically, the same thing EU did with milk.
With the PAC, the Common Agricultural Policy, each State had a quota of milk.
Those who over produced milk were not allowed to sell it, not to cripple other producers or lower the market price.
YES. This caused fucking riots, but in the end the socialist system prevailed... and people are still drinking milk.
So there are ways this can be done so that, e.g. guns are not over-produced... and buyback programs can be deployed continuously here and there when the need arises to control the production of guns in the country.
>Why is people answering to the shitposter?
Because I am a genius.
>and that's probably a little generous
Another autistic person who is arguing against my allegory and not against the point of buyback programs being more effective than prohibitions are when it comes to disarming poorfags and Dindus.
Unorganized nigger crime, crack sales. That crack has to come from somewhere. It's not organized, but it's not something that can be tackled in the way you propose to the average nigger. They know their guns are what defends them, and you'd be surprised at how smart they can be when it comes to street stuff like this.
I'm sorry, but your plan won't work simply because no one would do it.
We aren't saying this method is effective if money grew on trees, but when you can't pay the people to go door to door offering to buy guns, you can't get it done.
>you'd be surprised at how smart they can be when it comes to street stuff like this.
There will be legends and myths told in the tribes.
You may to sell everything except your last gun.
The last gun is like your spear. A hunter sells his prey but a warrior never sells his spear.
>The second amendment is only for the rich
Fuck off.
>Fuck off.
I'm just telling you the story of how kikes will end it.
It will not go away with a blow.
It will be a whisper.
C'mon man at least do a quick Google search or something
100 million guns at 11 grand a piece is more money than the defense budget
>100 million guns at 11 grand a piece is more money than the defense budget
You're like, say... the 3rd or 4th autistic person in this thread who is addressing my figures seriously.
Do I need to repeat the audience that all my shitposting is basically a way of saying:
>they won't try to take away your guns
>they will just use their financial powers to manipulate you into giving them away
All of you expect bans and rules and people searching your place... but as I said the gun community will not die with a bang -- pun intended -- but will die when jerking off on a pile of cash.
Of course there is the option in which the whole buyback initiative will not be used to take away guns but just take away those excess guns you don't want to be around... and make everything more expensive just for the sake of avoiding lone wolf scenarios.
If you read the thread and didn't get this, I have bad news for you:
>Mosin Nagant
I'd trade my gun's weight in gold.
9 pounds for a nugget
Already corrected here:
Do you read the thread or not?
Kikes agree.
Now they own your gun.
Right. One of them.
My least favorite and least used one.
As the sole, sovereign issuer of a floating-rate, fiat, non-convertible currency, the Australian government can issue as many Australian dollars as it wants, at any time, to any person, for any reason.
The question "where is the Australian government going to get the money" is never applicable. It's a nonsense question as long as the currency in question is the Australian dollar. There can never be a question of solvency as the Australian government will never run out of Australian dollars.
An Australian is smarter than the entire Democratic Party. Instead of trying to change the Constitution, which is impossible for at least 25 years, try buying them.
It's completely unworkable. Mandatory gun buy backs only work in countries with small numbers of gun owners who are registered. In America, over a third of the population owns guns and almost none of them are registered. It would be a fucking mess.
Only the rarest variant of finnish Mosins use x53r why the fuck didn't you just say a normal mosin using its intended cartridge?
It's like you're pretending to know more about guns than you do.
>>It is $ 1,000 for each millimeter in diameter (nominal diameter) and $ 100 per each millimeter in length (nominal length) of the cartridges your weapon can chamber... all multiplied by a factor depending on the type of weapon?
>take shotgun shell
>cut it open
>insert arrow in shell
>chamber that shit
>Here you go sir, that be 320000 $ for the length and 18000 $ for bore diameter
>1000 new shotguns
>rinse and repeat
It would probably be subsidized by the people, but some losses would be recouped by selling the guns to terrorists and drug cartels to further American foreign policy.
Greater London?
If the government was buying Mosins for over 11 grand, you won't find them in a store for $200 anymore.
That goes for literally every gun.
>Not 7.62x54r
If you don't know about guns don't talk about taking them
>>It is $ 1,000 for e
sorry I only accept gold
>solve America's problems.
nowhere did you mention forbidding government to borrow
>>degenerate minorities and petty criminals will sell them because they're stoopid and sheit
we already do this and the criminals keep buying more guns
>gut ar 15
>Put leadlweight in
>give him empty shell
>make money
>sell $50 sporterized Carcano
>buy nugget crate
>sell nuggets
Shit please m8, I'll be able to afford to import that t-72 I've been eyeing on mortar investments, maybe two, and get the permits for the cannon so I can have a giggle at the hilarious prices I'd get for selling a 125mm to the buyback.
>mosin nagant
Get out
Usually people who are NOT autistic and read the thread realize the issue has already been taken care of:
I was writing about AK, but then realized I wanted to introduce the part on "muh multiplier" so I downgraded everything to a Moist Nugget to make it easier.
I just forgot to update the caliber.
But I have done it here:
Of course, this is just you hitting at a detail and copy pasta error of mine. I took responsibility for this. But autism never ends and in fact you are still here arguing about a wrong figure rather than addressing the main issue.
Yeah, but Swedecuck proves my point: some people are just stupid so they will give away their gun before thinking twice about the mistake.
And it is THESE people that deserve guns being taken from them.
So the system works because Swedecuck here has just agreed to sell.
That's all we need. Idiots sell guns to the State.
Intelligent ppl keep them.
Problems solved.
Hi-points are nigger weapons only used by niggers.
>only used by niggers.
And poor fags
>Hi-points are nigger weapons only used by niggers.
I saw your flag and thought you were referring to yourself. Makes sense. Nigger.
>And poor fags
Most likely to carry on theft or go on a frustration killing spree.
My system ensures people will always be able to sell gun at minimum notice (to the state). This will allow them to sell guns before getting broke.
>moisen Nagano
That nigga ripping you off mayne
>buy stockpile of cheap nigger-tier handguns like Jimenez Arms and Phoenix Arms
>sell them for a massive profit during the gun buyback
>keep all of my actually good guns
Although hi points are mostly associated with gang crime. Poor tags who want some form of self defence can't go wrong with them.
>Build zip guns from $10 worth of pipe and wood
>Sell for >$1000
>Bankrupt the fuckers trying to disarm your fellow countrymen
>Buy gold plated, tiger stripe Deagles with the profits
>Send one to your helpful buddy in France?
they have gun buy backs all the time in the hood. they get like some from old ladies who's husbands have died to turn in a revolver for about $70.