Do you feel it Sup Forums?
Mental illness is skyrocketing all around us.
Everything feels unstable and something just feels..... "off" about modern society.
I was much happier in the 90s hell even early 2000's.
What the hell is going on? Why is everything going to hell?
I'm looking for answers aside from jews
Do you feel it Sup Forums?
Social decline due to a lot of factors.
A few:
LGBT-obsessed society
Liberalism becoming fascism
Popularity of the worst black culture
Social media and narcissism
Economic slowdown
Legitimate Jewish media manipulation
Information shaping
Racial tension due to Obama and his leadership direction
Don't worry à nuclear war will end it all soon
What is the catalyst though? A lot of these factors existed even in the 90s yet everything was so much more vibrant. Closest event I can recall when everything started going to shit was obama becoming president
Honestly, I think it was the rise of a perverse and evolved brand of Liberalism. It value feelings over facts and twists every bit of information in any given subject to fit its purposes. Instead of outright lying, it introduces half-truths and warps issues to make it seem like their "truth" is the only one that isn't morally wrong.
I think you are onto something.
People were so much friendlier a decade or two ago and common sense was still somewhat prevalent. All this double speak and ignorance of blatant facts really took a toll on my psyche
Just had to get this off my chest and make sure im not the only one feeling like this
Anyone who doesn't see it is at least somewhat indoctrinated. The window of what's normal and acceptable has shifted so blatantly and quickly that we can actually observe it as individuals without being history majors.
society collapsed the day they printed lotus cobra as a mythic rare while introducing mind sculptor in the same set
9/11 happened and the oligarchy took it as an opportunity to accelerate its authoritarian control over society.
NWO is legit. The elites believe that the year 2001 was truly the first year of the new millennium. You see the symbolic importance in that?
Problem is there is an entire generation that believes this is the normal. I was fortunate to be born in the mid 80s and have the ability to gauge just how bat shit crazy everything is becoming. It's not just society, I see it with my friends and family as well. Truly frightening
"Dredge is the hitler of mtg"
>Things were better in the early 2000s
oh you mean when you were 10 years old? yeah i fucking bet they were
This is true as well, 9/11 gave them the excuse to make a massive power grab not only legislatively but also to control how people behave and think.
I want happy families living in a nice big house with a fence and a dog, eating together at the dinner table discussing their day etc. Instead we get skyrocketing single motherhood, dysfunctional kids and men who are into watching their loved ones get inseminated interacially. What the fuck
>I'm looking for answers aside from jews
Maybe you're projecting your mental instability onto society
A perfect example I use to illustrate the Overton Window thing is the "transgender" debate. 10-20 years ago, they were deemed to have mental issues. Now, with no substantial change to the medical research, they are uplifted and touted as just as natural as homosexuals. We know this isn't true but it's no longer acceptable to say so. See how it's sliding downhill?
They usually agree with me.
They're filling everyone's minds with nonsense to keep people them divided while they rob us.
I was born in 85. I was 16 on 9/11
To be fair I feel I am a bit older than the average pol user
Nice infographic, saved
Social media changed everything IMO. Gave a voice to far too many idiots.
You are hardly in position to speak with millions of muslims being invited to your nation that haven't been propely vetted. This is also the problem, same with the US. We have no proper border and we are getting flooded by the south. How can this be turned around?
Multiculturalism always ends in bitterness and bloodshed.
I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
Now that rings true.
This is one of the biggest factors IMO. Social media is really what started to accelerate this bullshit we are currently seeing, facebook and twitter being the biggest offenders
While I see all that, is it just because we choose to focus on that?
When I go outside I don't see it as much.
Indoctrination in schools.
Teach people their victims.
Shame people into not speaking out against the approved opinions.
As for mental illness? That one's tricky. Could be something like the food we eat these days, or just plain old propaganda. You're feeling down? Depressed, here take these to make you "feel better"
Get out of the cities and large urban areas and stop spending so much time on the internet.
Outside of these places it is not all as bad as you make out.
You're a fucking ugly bitch. I want to stab you to death, and then play around with your blood.
G'day newmate.
I'm not in a major city and I don't see it often. Doesn't make it any less valid. It just means it's not completely propagated yet.
Relax Mario, no one spat in your spaghetti
>Abandon the cities and put your fingers in your ears
This is not a solution. This stuff is going on and while it might not reach all corners of a country yet... You can fucking count on it if you keep running from the problem.
This is feeling that everyone feels in thier present. Nostradamus thought the world was going to end way back then. People in the 1950 felt the impending doom of nuclear war heads. We're no different thinking we're so special that we're going to end it all.
>protip: we're not
Maybe if you fuckers actually go outside and talk to real people, you'll realize that reality is different than the internet.
Do you like Huey Lewis and The News?
It's precisely because I do those things that I have come to this conclusion you dense fool.
It's all in your head. Try to take a wider perspective on things
No, you believe this from sensationalized Internet reality and memery.
All these fucking idiots in this thread.
Do you know what Ed Gein said about women?
It might be a weird question to prove that there isn't medical research, but a cursory wiki glance says:
>Zhou, Jiang-Ning; Hofman, Michel A.; Gooren, Louis J.G.; Swaab, Dick F. (1995). "A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality". Nature 378 (6552): 68–70
>Evidence suggests that people who identify with a gender different from the one they were assigned at birth may do so not just due to psychological or behavioral causes, but also biological ones related to their genetics, the makeup of their brains
I have been wondering why and how there has been a change in classification but can't find a reason why. I would need to exhaustively look for lacking evidence but I assumed taht hthe conventional logic was as above as to why it changed.
The internet, which started as a generally level playing field for pageviews, has consolidated. Most people get their information, and thus opinions, from the same sources: Google results, Facebook, Reddit etc.
Additionally, with smartphone adoption, people are exposed to these information (or disinformation) platforms at all times.
This has created a pseudo virtual reality, in which peoples thoughts and opinions about the "real world" are shaped through the filter of these mediums.
>tldr; people are living in a dreamworld, Neo
If you rob people of their voice, of their identity, then all they left with, is nationalism and violence.
>Nigel Farage
Cell Phones fucked up our brains...
Here people use them less, so I think things are worse for you guys... but soon we'll catch up...
Also your women are unstable whores... marriage is out of the question
The internet is the biggest thing I've noticed. I go into roughly 4 people's houses a day and usually if their child is a fucking retard he'll just be sitting on the computer the whole time. Usually the parents will say they have ADD or autism which I'm starting to believe is horse shit.
Also obsession with equality and faggots.
Hippies and yuppies grew up and started forming their world, showing they had learned nothing as they grew older.
A generation of dreamers who are incapable of action.
That's well and good, but even if it's partly related to genetics, which even mental issues are often linked to, it doesn't make a difference. It's a malfunction, the cause of which can be investigated as time goes on. We do know, however, that self-harm and denial of it being a problem is wrong.
modernity, social complexity, total alienation, hyperreality
man was not built to live in these times, yet we do
do you like huey lewis and the news?
Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
>Mental illness is skyrocketing all around us.
>Everything feels unstable and something just feels..... "off" about modern society.
I imagine that the current "feeling down" was 10 times worse during the weimar republic. If the current course continues, we can welcome some good old fascism in the next 4-5 years.
I can barely contain my erection thank to leftist tears already.
4 houses a day?
Damn, Tyrone, you be enterprizin' this burglarizin'
I'm 50.
It's the end of the world.
Of course it "feels like" the end of the world.
What you feel is the death of hope.
The devil is coming
Or maybe he was waiting for us all this time
This is how I feel
Single mothers single mothers single mothers
That's exactly what it is. Instead of the Jetson advanced future we have all been dreaming of bursting with crativity and technology created with altruism, we degenerate into propaganda driven technocracy that is at the cost of trust, sanity and virtue