any other creepy movies like this?
Any other creepy movies like this?
Is this a somalian raping an european girl?
no it's a swede
Can't really think of any because the main thing that was creepy was that fucking music. I legit have ptsd in relation to that film score
they're called new-swedes
What a blessing Sup Forums has been.
One unfunny, tryhard post and we're already off topic onto cucking. Great job, faggot
so spoopy
much pitch bending
You realize this shit is why women don't like you, right?
>i have patrician taste in horror film scores
nice one aspie
Tumblr, reddit or just plain suicide should be your next destination, fags.
I fail to see the correlation, but whatever. Can't expect much from someone who posts anime.
Yeah, I'm so triggered.
You're still not funny. In fact, Sup Forums's schtick is really worn thin.
Better act PC anonymously on the internet to get that pussy!
>Can't expect much from someone who posts anime.
It always comes down to this. We don't have a safe-space here, you don't like the racism, the jokes, you simply go away. It's been a staple for this board ever since it's creation. You're not going to change it now, specially taking such a passive and incredibly disgusting stance.
You're nothing more than a weak man trying to hide the fact that europe is doomed. It's even worse if you're a woman, because you're going to suffer the worst fate from this invasion.
>le Sup Forums bogeyman
>le that's why you're a virgin
I'm not European.
It doesn't matter.
None of that is going to happen.
As usual, Sup Forums is chicken little blowing everything out of proportion. Apparently the new SW movie has a subtext of slaughtering the white male. You faggots see your ideology in everything and it gets very tiresome.
I don't give a shit about PC whatever and I don't live in Europe. All I'm saying is your post wasn't funny and your opinions are outlandish and annoying to follow.
Everything is a conspiracy to you retards.
>inb4 CTR shill
>inb4 go back to your cuck shed with your wife's son
You're unoriginal and have been brainwashed by memes, m8. That's so fucking pathetic.
Why are you talking about Europe on an American website owned by a Japanese?
but no it's not that actually.It's simply a forced pretentious scene from a very mediocre movie
Not Europe here, I just think Sup Forums and racism are wack.
shity movie
nothing happens
i didnt even watch the whole thing lol
I find it laughable how newfags like you come here and tell us what this board is supposed to be like, you use strong words to hide the fact that you are a little faggot who gets mad when other people call out on you bullshit, stay triggered little girl.
How long before someone starts posting BLACKED porn?
Sup Forums ruins another thread. Bravo!
We could've had a nice discussion here about movies - which, believe it or not, is what Sup Forums is about.
I don't care about PC shit from a mainstream movie, never once i touched upon this.
We haven't passed a single generation of their invasion, you may not see the effects of such an enormous amount of people in foreign territory but your sons and gransons will.
It's not a conspiracy anymore, it's not something that is considered an extreme scenario, rapes happen daily and some of the mass ones were obscured for an entire month (Cologne). I don't know which sites you're visiting to get your news, but i know for sure that they won't report this.
>you've been brainwashed
I can say the same about you for believing none of this is happening.
get the fuck off my board Sup Forums
Do you think entirely in memes?
I'm not the one who started complaining about a humorous post.
>humorous post
im gay
I treat women like everyone else; They dont get special treatment
>speaking doge ironically or unironically
Consider suicide you cancerous fuck
Fuck off back to /leftypol/ cuck.
>this level of fanny damage
No clearly I was wrong and you all have healthy sex lives.
I'll bet you're all open and honest about your political beliefs with your significant others even.
>i don't find it funny, therefore your argument is invalid.
Is this what you're trying to say?
>but i know for sure that they won't report this
there are literally stories on the front page of the international section of CNN right now
it's being extremely widely reported, you lying political tool
much mad
That image is Sup Forums in a nutshell.
>anonymous board
>your opinions can be shared freely in today's society
>your behaviour is the same no matter where you are
>the virgin ad-hominem
>No clearly I was wrong and you all have healthy sex lives.
>I'll bet you're all open and honest about your political beliefs with your significant others even.
also correct
if i had to keep up a lie to my SO, id rather die
I'm saving myself for marriage.
you will be shocked in two ways by the new presidency
oh no I've been called a cuck in a thread about racism these bantz are too advantz
>trying to say
Don't you get it, you suck at this, get new material or give up.
It is under constant scrutiny of leftist cucks, and all they have come up with is "muh white supremacy".
They're pretty reliable.
Anime poster literally on suicide watch.
"Trying to say", probably because, ironically, you're the one that's really bad at this.
>ive made an sjw robot
Bad at what, being a comedian, yes, but not as bad as you.
Then we're agreed: alt-right cuckposters and SJW tumblrtards are both faggots.
Bump for television and film discussion.
I'm at least better than you m8, give me some credit.
Goddammit kys you cunts.
I am not the OP but I wanted some movie suggestions and you morons killed this thread.
Great job, mods!
>le just as bad meme
Just go.
The Witch. Same studio produced it, if I'm not mistaken.
>triggered cuckold
I'm not implying anything, I'm stating a fact, you're worse than me and I'm pretty bad.
Say it to my face fucker, not online and see what happens...
>That scene with the dog and owners disappearing under the waves
Really unsettling
So the Tavarisch person is admitting that non whites are unsafe? kekt.
And the Flightless cunt, it ain't natural selection.
I'm sorry, user, this shit is getting out of hand.
>still being a brainwashed thin-skilled little cocksucker
You sound upset friend.
Either way fuck off to /leftypol/ or go jerk off Sargon of Cuckkad.
Truly meta.
Fuck off, this is a Sup Forums thread
Cucks and kikes not allowed
Tough guy huh, I'll show you.
>that asshurt post
>that image
Looks more like you tbqh with you pham.
no, they don't like me because I am not rich and I do not meet any of the requirements so they could show me off to their friends and family
Why would I ever be on Sup Forums in the first place if women liked me?
You're also a cuck
beautifulg boyz :DD
this comeback brought to you by the top minds at Sup Forums
I know, but you really sounded like a whiny baby there.
ITT: angry somalians
Why you immediately assume anyone who doesn't agree with you is an strawmanned left wing radical?
breitbart is based, fucker
>mfw far right retards actually think there are hotter women hanging around with nazis than at liberal causes
kino post lads
You're part of the same group making accusations that do not fit. Perhaps:"You're the girl" since you see that as a derogatory insult.
You're not funny.
Don't you get it? You're just as fucked up.
Somalians would be proud of the rape, these are just assmad yurocucks and wimpy liberal robots.
They don't need women