Who are the dumbest athletes on average?
I've gotta say it's probably boxers or fighters.
Who are the dumbest athletes on average?
NFL players
NFL players
NFL easily.
Latvians are allowed to celebrate their history
NFL RBs, TEs and Defensive players
Central Defenders
MLB only like 4% of players have college degrees
>TEs dumb
>LBs dumb
Stick to divegrass Nigel
tell me about latvian history
>le run forwards and be tall man
>le smash head first into midget runner man
You know that's because they're drafted in their teens and almost always elect to play minor league ball instead of college ball.
like if you mean are made retarded because of it, it's the nfl easy. Basically if you play in the nfl you have like a 99% chance of having CTE.
But it also depends on the position. Pretty much if you play running back in the nfl, you are going to have holes in your memory, mood swings, and fits of anger for the rest of your life.
But just dumbest and not just from the sport dumb, it's baseball. Baseball players are basically retarded. For one reason or another, baseball for most positions isn't very mental.
Boxers or NFL players.
>le smash head first into midget runner man
That's not a linebacker. You're thinking of a defensive tackle or defensive end.
in their teens/early 20s: people who play sports (or roles in sports) that are almost 100% strength/athleticism based
later in their careers: anyone whose sport involves getting hit in the head
You're mistaking "Patriots TEs" with "Actual TEs". TEs are one of the smartest positions on average in the NFL.
Also Middle linebackers generally serve as the play caller on defense, and LBs have to learn how to do pretty much every role on defense.
Why would centre backs be less intelligent than anyone else
soccer players. i don't even consider them as athletes.
>Central defenders dumber than wingers, strikers, and other pacebabbys
thugs tend to get selected as CBs
especially thugs who aren't good at doing anything other than being big
then, those thugs practice smacking their head into a ball (or their opponents head) thousands of times
at least, that's how it used to be, and how it still is at lower/amateur level. at the top professional level centre backs need to be more intelligent now
>phil jones and john stones exist
>asking this question
>no one ITT thread said basketball players
We shoot da ball gnomesayin
how can NFL players be dumb when they go to american colleges?
Because the ones that are actually talented enough to make the NFL aren't the ones staying until they graduate.
american colleges are a joke
>at the top professional level centre backs need to be more intelligent now
Yeah this was my point. Centre backs have to be able to play out from the back in the modern game, look at all the top ranked defenders and you won't see many 6'4 brutes.
Top athletes don't do anything in college other than play their sport and party. They're classes are often "taken care of" and they likely weren't smart enough to get into that college without a sports scholarship anyway.
I mean there are plenty of smart football players who choose to take advantage of their education and learn, like Andrew Luck or that Ravens Center that just retired, but it's not really required
because they major in "general studies"
NBA players are way more intelligent now than they used to be ever since Stern made a huge push to clean up the league and the rules changed to favor finesse and skill more than pure athleticism.
It used to be by far the "dumb thug league" decades ago, but NBA players are certainly more intelligent than most NFL players now.
right, that's the theory, but I think most parts of the world (other than maybe germany and spain) are still adapting
especially since having a CB who can play out from the back is only really useful if a) the rest of your team is used to playing that way, and b) you aren't shitters who are going to be defending all game against superior opponents
Ah yes the famous Latvian history. Who doesn't know it? I must be the only one.
NBA players because they're all black.
nah to racismato mate
>implying racism isn't a buzzword for people who can't handle reality
Lots of boxers are pretty eloquent.
nice, epic, edgy
remember to link to this thread so your Sup Forumsros can see your epic raid
>If I don't agree with it it doesn't real
thank you based Cuckmany
One need only look at the average arrest rate and a players union ability to negotiate with owners to deduce the intelligence of players in sport.
NFL has by far the most problems with players committing crimes in the offseason and their player's union is an absolute joke that gets perpetually buttfucked in CBAs because their players cant last a year in a lockout without going broke.
so let me get this straight
you literally take away a spot from a likely hard working citizen, that actually contributes to society because a black gentleman can jump really high?
makes me think
from my experience, it seems that the sport with most americans is probably the dumbest
>you literally take away a spot from a likely hard working citizen, that actually contributes to society because a black gentleman can jump really high?
Those players bring way way more money to colleges than some guy getting a STEM degree. Without college football and college basketball, all the other athletic programs couldn't even exist because their funded completely by the first two.
The misunderstanding here probably comes from the fact that my fellow hue looks at colleges as public institutions, like they are here in Brazil, instead of private institutions, like they are in the USA.
>One need only look at the average arrest rate
But that's pure bullshit because the sample sizes are vastly different. If every NFL team can have 53 players max x 30 NFL teams = 1696 potential players, but the NBA has a max of 15 players x 30 NBA teams = 450 potential players.
However if you do it properly and make the sample sizes the same
>From 2010 to present, the NFL had an average arrest rate (for a population of 100,000) of approximately 2,466, followed by the NBA’s 2,157. Comparatively, professional baseball and hockey players clocked average arrest rates of 553 and 175, respectively, over the same period.
(nb: that's a highly "left wing" source)
So even though there's, potentially, ~3.5 times as many NFL players as NBA players the arrest rate is almost identical. Interestingly the MLB and NHL are way lower. Why? Let's take a look at how many blacks are in these sports
>"More than three quarters": NBA
>65%: NFL
>40%: MLB
>Didn't bother with the study because it's almost entirely white: NHL
So the more blacks in a sport the more likely there are for players in that sport to be arrested. I'm sure there's no correlation though and it's all just pure coincidence or some right wing conspiracy.
I can't for the life of me think where I've seen such figures about race being relative to crime before though...:^)
He's right about player unions doe
I think it has to be figure skaters or gymnasts. they stop bothering to go to school much earlier than any other athletes. others at least have to stay in school until they 'graduate'. skaters and gymnasts are competing when they are 12.
not sure I agree
sure boxing has the brain damage aspect but its not garaunteed, and there seems to be a genuine range in intellect among the prominent people
like your AJ's and floyd mayweathers are dumb as bricks, but people like de la hoya, the klitschkos, tyson fury come off as genuinely intelligent
the klitschko brothers even have PhD's
You know what else is interesting? If you assume the NBA is at least 80% black that makes it 15% higher than the NFL and do you know what the difference in the arrest rate between the NFL and NBA is? 14%.
Like I said originally, pure coincidence.
why even have sports programs at universities anyway
All the photos of chinese-canadians you could have picked, and you used a shopped one. Pathetic
>yfw that has nothing to do with there being more Jews in the NBA than in the NFL
>yfw that's just pure coincidence too
>t. Jacques Chang
the years of intense training and discipline to make it as a professional fighter must require a fair degree of intellect. obviously there are exceptions but hard to imagine the average thick runt maintaining that.
In soccer, probably the "fast black winger". Every other position requires a lot of intelligence and communication. FBWs are literally just "run faster than everyone else".
In American football, probably the wide receivers. They're much like the FBWs, except they even literally have their routes pre-planned for them.
Defenders are usually quite intelligent. The best defenders are always clever (maybe not book smart, but they definitely have good brains). You have to be able to anticipate what's about to happen, which is an art that requires a lot of on the fly analytical and critical thinking. Attackers just look for holes, while defenders have to so much more.
The stupidest athletes in general would probably be darts players or something like that.
>The stupidest athletes in general would probably be darts players or something like that.
Good at maths though.
Suppose so, but they aren't exactly doing complex non-linear differential equations. It's simple one- or two-digit subtraction.
that's not intelligence though, it's just doing what you're told like in the army
A lot of elite level boxers are smart, or at least ring smart (which is functional intelligence I guess).
Andre Ward is smart. Joshua is at least articulate. Golovkin speaks 4 languages.
I guess they have all checkout paths memorised anyway so they don't actually calculate anything. Still the instant throws are impressive.
not really, the military basically own you and take over control of your life with zero distractions. if you're just some kid in a boxing gym it's down to just you and your trainer
only boxers that are dumb are western boxers
wtf has college to do with intelligence?
A lot of NBA players believe in flat earth. Speaks volumes desu
>all positive American history is white
>if a white American mentions this he loses his job
yeah nice celebrations you got there
>Jews help the players Union
What the fuck are you on about? Jews want to make more money, not give it to the players.
You think Jews like the fact that LeBron is basically circumventing the power of owners, GMs, and coaches? You think Jews like LaVar ball starting his own shoe brand instead of signing with Nike?
Why haven't you guys said olympic weightlifers yet?
>meat heads
>everyone roids on pro levels
>doctors take ´care of sterons
>coaches take care of the programming and training, nutritionist, dieticians, cooks etc do everything for them
>sport requires no thinking, only physical exertion for a max of 10 seconds
>no quick thinking like football, baskeball, tennis where you have to adapt to an opponent
>literally two movementsyou have to perform
>did I mention roids?
Poor people sports like basketball in the USA or football in the rest of the world
I feel like weight-lifters aren't really stupid, even though I understand the logic of your post. There's no money in weight-lifting, so I feel like you need a balanced lifestyle to be good at it. A sport like football has the temptation of muh money and encourage one-track-mindedness because at a pro level all you need to do is memorize a playbook and play.
Soccer players, most of them didn't even finish middle school. If you ever ask any world class player a smart question they will crumble and stutter something like " i onlys plays fùtbol".
Lmao shit on America all you want but we undeniably have the best higher education in the world.
NFL by a wide margin.
It has to do with the physicality of the game, it lets niggers nig without repercussions so they think they can keep nigging in the real world too.
Basketball has the highest nigger ratio
TEs are pretty damn smart actually. They have to be proficient in both pass catching and route running as well as the blocking aspect of offense.
Linebackers are also really smart. The dumbest defenders are definitely corner backs.
But you're right about RBs being the most retarded. They literally don't need brains to just grab the ball and run head first into a bunch of 300+lb linemen and hope for the best. They're disposable used up by the time they turn 30 and then tossed to the side.
Ever listened to Emmitt Smith talk? That guy is literally retarded, but he could run into people really well so it worked out for him.
American football players
Swimmers seem pretty dumb
>spending time thinking about dumb people
In the US, college linemen can be dumb as stumps and still succeed. Even some skill position players can get through a college career if they are very talented, but few make it to the pros.
the smartest players go right out of high school, which is the smartest move, especially for pitchers.
Is an horse a athlete?
>tyson fury
explain further
Nah mate, just add things like Jazz, Rock and Roll, and a bunch of peanut products from G.W. Carver.
Basketball obviously. A game that requires 0 thinking
RBs also have blocking duties and can catch out of the backfield.
Literary mentally retarded categories in Paralympic sports.
Football players. Just look at Messi.
Apehoop players handsdown
Mostly correct about NFL players. This is the average Wonderlic score by position. The Wonderlic Test is 50 questions given in a certain time(like 10 minutes don't remember exactly) and however many correct is your score.
20 is considered average. Some sample average scores from regular jobs are
>Chemist 31
>Electrical engineer 30
>Accountant 28
>Electrician 23
>Security guard 17
>Warehouse worker 15
>Janitor 14
In football generaly strikers, wings, and niggers. The bests coachs most aread played some defensive role or even defensive player in their footballer carrer. Just reminder Zagallo, the first knowed foward who helps in defense.
Sup Forums needs to fuck off
Baseball and it's not really close.