>directors of 21/22 Jump Street and The Lego Movie
>actual comedian playing Lando
How quippy will this movie be?
>directors of 21/22 Jump Street and The Lego Movie
>actual comedian playing Lando
How quippy will this movie be?
It's not like Han and Lando didn't 'quip' in their respective movies, whenever the movie displayed a lighthearted tone.
Yeah it will be quippy as hell
Also its guaranteed to include Jabba, Greedo, Boba Fett and end with the Kessel Run
Shiiiieeeeeeet nigggaaaa I got fucking turnt up in Cloud City last night shit was fucking lit senpai. Them thotties were on full throwin that thang back at me.
If it's buddy cop quippy I'm entirely fine with that
I'm not in the mood to laugh. Write actual comedies you fucking hacks. Leave my nerd franchises out of it. I want drama and action. Some emotional weight. That's it.
how does han get the bounty on his head referenced in the original trilogy ? like he failed o pay off jabba but you know for what ?
he called someone a nigger on twitter and got reported for it
why does don glover get so much work...
he brings me physical pain. at least now he will remain in these kinds of films.
Make it stop.
>woah there, lady. who do you think you are? some kind of queen?
>gwarsh, how did you know a krayt was hiding there?
>I know a thing or two about dragons.
>"I've got a bad premonition about this... wait, that sounds a bit strange, let me try that again: I've got a bad feeling about this.... there."
To Chewie when they first meet
>"What are you, a walking carpet?"
Sarcastically to Lando
>"I love you"
>"I know"
Greedo and Fett would suck. The Kessel run could be cool, though, and Jabba is cool too.
The Han-Lando relationship was already quippy so in this film it makes perfect sense to go full marvel
I actually like these casting choices.
Based on the dialogue with Greedo it seems he was smuggling spice, ran into the Empire, and had to jettison his cargo, leaving him in crippling debt because he didn't own the spice but was just moving it.
Han ejected a shipment of spice that he was smuggling for Jabba to avoid trouble with the imperials. Jabba wasn't happy about this and demanded Han repay him for the losses. When Han didn't pay him he placed a bounty on his head.
And then Jabba comes to meet him personally after a failed assassination attempt because Lucas sat on an outtake he just """had""" to use, despite it adding nothing and making little sense. But Han steps on his tail, so funny.
Suma Ree was Jabba's original advisor and the true mastermind behind his crime organization. She gets caught up in an adventure with Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, after she frees a captive wookiee that Jabba was prepared to execute.
Han and Lando follow her onto her ship, the Millenium Falcon. Boba Fett gives chase in the Slave I, and after a narrow escape past the Kessel Run (a thunderstorm inside a black hole) they crash land on a murky swamp planet. The middle of the film is actually pretty good, it's a survivor story where Han and Lando fight over Suma while she forms a bond with Chewie while they hunt.
Then they meet a mysterious green stranger in 4k IMAX 3D who helps them free their ship from the swamp.
But when they leave atmosphere there is Jabba in his interstellar barge. After a short hologram conversation with Jabba, Suma does some ace piloting and tricks Jabba by landing on the control tower; out of sight of the radio dishes. However Boba Fett see's past this and goes out to investigate, where Suma makes a heroic sacrifice and jettisons herself out in an escape pod. This gives Han, Lando, and Chewie a chance to flee and bond over their mutual love of their savior.
This. You guys are sperging over what is very clearly supposed to be a quip flick.
wait lego jump street people are making this?!?
might actually be good
>He's never seen Star Wars
They were already quippy in the OT, you're just a faggot
Hes so great though so no worries
I just want to see a baby Chewbacca
I was about to say fuck you and then I realized George cucked Disney out of Grooting Chewie.
But prequels guys, it cant happen anyways
>George cucked Disney out of Grooting Chewie.
What if Disney decide to do a prequel to the prequels?
They will, but not in time to ride the Groot hype.
But far enough for people to forget about Phase 3 of Marvel.
I might actually watch this one.
Fuck Star Wars, and fuck Disney jews for this entire "cinematic universe" bullshit.
Stop giving them money for this horse-shit.