"As we rebels prepare to fight the empire of Trump, the film is more pertinent than ever."

>"As we rebels prepare to fight the empire of Trump, the film is more pertinent than ever."

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


That they will resist and get killed?

Come January the 20th, he's gonna get gassed right on the spot.


>What did he mean by this?
He meant "Ooga-booga, gibs me dat, white boi!"

Fuck drumpf and fuck Russian people.




Part of me hopes Trump becomes an actual dictator and just starts executing liberals in the streets. Then liberals will be forced to fight then realize they already banned all the guns in their libtard utopias, then the credits roll.

>And of course Rogue One is political in a meta sense, with its wonderful diversity in casting. Of course that is political. It wouldn’t be if the world — including Hollywood — treated everyone who isn’t white and male with the same courtesy and benefit of the doubt that white men get, but it doesn’t.

>The heroes of this story are women (mostly white, alas) and nonwhite men; the villains are white men, like Imperial science officer Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn: Mississippi Grind, Slow West), who is overseeing the completion of the Death Star. (Note to alt-right dudes: If you don’t want the powerful villains to always be white men, work to support women and nonwhite men getting to positions of power where they can do evil, too.)

>It’s really, really obvious in a way that it wouldn’t be in another similar movie that when Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen: Doctor Strange, The Salvation) — the engineering genius behind the Death Star, and also Jyn’s father — shows up with his team of Death Star engineers, they are all middle-aged and old white men. It’s such a blinding contrast to the Rebellion, and even beyond the Rebellion to the “militant” “extremist” Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker: Arrival, Southpaw) and his very diverse gang, whom Rebel leader Mon Mothma (Genevieve O’Reilly: The Legend of Tarzan, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith) shudders to think about having to work with.

>And while the Rebellion may be pretty diverse, the white men among the Rebel characters are never more than support for the heroes. This is astonishing, and delightful.

what did she mean by this?

uh oh this is going to trigger Sup Forums

Brown people are ready to take over your country.


This person should never write another "review" again.

you don't understand liberals if you think they want to ban guns.

but nice try, Sup Forums


Awww, what did the Ruskies do to (((you)))?

>people still trust RT

Why though?

can't wait to hear what pokerstars.com have to say

>Lobotomized and depersonalized, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” the latest entry in the film franchise, is a pure and perfect product that makes last year’s flavor, “Star Wars: The Force Awakens,” feel like an exemplar of hands-on humanistic warmth and dramatic intimacy. Sure, J. J. Abrams’s movie offered merely effectively packaged simulacra of such values—but at least he tried. The director of “Rogue One,” Gareth Edwards, has stepped into a mythopoetic stew so half-baked and overcooked, a morass of pre-instantly overanalyzed implications of such shuddering impact to the series’ fundamentalists, that he lumbers through, seemingly stunned or constrained or cautious to the vanishing point of passivity, and lets neither the characters nor the formidable cast of actors nor even the special effects, of which he has previously proved himself to be a master, come anywhere close to life.

>There’s none of the Shakespearean space politics, enticingly florid dialogue, or experiential thrills of the best of George Lucas’s “Star Wars” entries (“Attack of the Clones” and “Revenge of the Sith”). The script of “Rogue One” is so flat and inexpressive, the direction of the actors so methodical, as to render these artists nearly robotic and synthetic. “Rogue One” isn’t so much a movie as a feature-length promotional film for itself; it’s a movie that is still waiting to be made.

Memes aside, what the FUCK did he mean by this?

Oh look, a Tweet by some random nigger. Let's post it on Sup Forums! Hurrrrr

How can anyone trust Rotten Tomatoes anymore when it includes reviews based entirely on personal politics and not the actual quality of the movie?

>What did he mean by this?

Some fag on a movie review site thinks he's a freedom fighter.

>Oh look, a blog by some random nigger. Let's include it in our review aggregate! Hurrrrr

you don't understand liberals if you think they don't want to ban guns

but nice try, cuck

The guy is a bribed critic on the popular aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes. Disney Entertainment is known for buying reviews for their mediocre to awful movies so they can have a positive consensus among normies. This was admitted in the New York Times review of Rogue One, A Star Wars Story and also it's obvious when you look at the praise they receive.

Also, since this is your first day here, be aware of the shills because the same guys posting positive reviews of Disney's flicks (as the OP) are here shillposting to convince you to go see their movies. And we can't have none of that right haha?

I'm not even right wing but holy fuck that is pure cringe

Literally "no u"

He's just calling a spade a spade.





This is the kind of people you support if you watch Rogue One

so is the other post, so is your post, what's your point?

now give me your address so I can come over and fuck your wife

you are a retard

Listen here you fucking piece of shit nazi fuck. If I ever saw you in the street I'd snap your fucking neck in two. I've got a gf who is literally at my neck and call day and night, I'm 6 foot and lift like a beast. You're just some sad sack Trump supporting cunt on a malaysian basket-weaving forum. What have you ever done in your life, you cuck faggot? Fought in "le meme wars"

Fuck outta here, and back to your containment board

>use politics to shill for a cynical hollywood moneyspinner

But the military (at least more than half of them), bolice and rednecks support Drumpf while the libs hate guns

How are they supposed to fight the """empire""" again?

Why is diversity inherently a good thing? What if the "diverse" actors are shit at acting? It seems like it's being pushed just for the sake of it.

This is legit mental illness

Who the fuck thinks like this

Just saw Rogue One last night, as a trump supporter, what the fuck are these reviewers talking about, there is 0 pushing of any anti republican stances in it.

Honestly I could write a review saying this movie felt like the american people rebeling against the liberal government against all odd.

Its almost like you can push your own personal narrative on any movie.

>(Note to alt-right dudes: If you don’t want the powerful villains to always be white men, work to support women and nonwhite men getting to positions of power where they can do evil, too.)


So what do they want to do? Just ban guns that look scary to them? Arbitrarily of course.

It's just an agenda, it's faux progressiveness. I know the word is overused but it really is virtue signaling. They don't even know what diverse means, to them diverse means no white people(mostly white males)

Is this an epic new pasta?

>work to support women and nonwhite men getting to positions of power where they can do evil, too
OK, boss. Now what?

>This was admitted in the New York Times review of Rogue One, A Star Wars Story
you're saying it's been admitted Disney bribes reviewers... yeah, gonna need a link to that article in the NYT

That's good to know actually cause I wanted to see it. I just don't know if I can take another 110 pounds girl fighting off trainer soldiers again.


We don't want anyone getting hurt! You're scaring the kids!

>6 ft

No wonder you're so upset senor noheight

I'm never ever seeing this shit piece of propaganda

Considering its mainly blaster rifles it makes perfect sense why she is able to fight off soldiers and the diversity of the cast is never mentioned because no one besides these stupid fucking liberals cares

I'm not kidding. I hope Trump declares martial law and then every single Hillary voter gets gassed in a camp.

You literally voted for a federal felon who sold state secrets, campaigned on committing an act of war against a nuclear power, and outright admitted to desiring to weaken national security and allowing enemies into the country.

You want less taxes or more taxes? Fine.
You want more regulation or less regulation? Fine.
You want more or less programs, funding for sciences, or education? Fine.
You want to go all the way and get outright socialism or outright libertarianism? Even that is fine too.

But when you stand up and blatantly say "I desire to allow our enemies and terrorists in to our country, weaken our security, and get millions of our people killed", then there is no amount of mental gymnastics that will qualify one as anything other than a traitor. A Hillary vote was, axiomatically, an act of treason.

from what I understand, anything that looks tacticool or has scary black plastic or a pistol grip they wanna ban

lol, please don't hurt me, mr. internet badass

Hopefully this is from some tinpot site and not representative of anything beyond this person's cognitive inabilities

Delete this.

How could I not? I'm here to help!


>Millions of people will sit through this thoroughly mediocre movie (directed with basic competence by Gareth Edwards from a surprisingly hackish script by Chris Weitz and Tony Gilroy) and convince themselves that it’s perfectly delightful. It’s so much easier to obey than to resist. The spoiler warning sent by the Disney empire instructed journalists to “continue to be our partners on this journey,” and defiance is unthinkable, even if “partner” is taken as a synonym for “shill.”

This is literally the prose version of kino

apparently she's legitimate enough that Rotten Tomatoes has included her in their aggregate for several years now

Also she refers to herself as a "Flick Filosopher" who makes "Artisanal film reviews"

>le Disney boogieman

The liberal ACLU teacher pasta is still living I gather.

>literal quote triggers the shill

Awesome, thanks. I'm going to check it out.

>no one besides these stupid fucking liberals cares
you mean like the writers?

>Shakesperean space politics, enticingly florid dialogue (...) of George Lucas' "Star Wars"
joke review

Don't stop now you haven't even posted an infographic

I dont think all the writers are fucking trash just the ones who need to post every 5 minutes on twitter about the alt-right being evil

B-b-b-but there was that one scene where she beats up those two Stormtroopers when they were off guard and she was armed!

Reminds me of the kind of reviewer who automatically gave Bad Santa 2 an F because it as vulgar.

Like no fucking shit its vulgar.

I don't get why critics don't review movies from the position of why they were made.

Shit like Bad Santa is never going to be a deep artistic drama, so why not review if it succeeds at being a vulgar comedy? Like have the review summary be, "If you are looking for a vulgar comedy this will be a hit, but if thats not your taste look elsewhere"

I hate the idea of empiric reviews. Just say whether the movie accomplishes what the movie sets out to do. Just because you aren't interested in a bad comedy or a horror film doesn't mean the comedy/horror film is inherently bad.

Oh you know me well

Lol fuck brown people

>Tfw I have seen and enjoyed all 3 of those films

It's called being a sore loser. Don't get me wrong, I secretly supported Hillary and when she lost I moved on. This kind of cunt do not move on.

>Dr Quips better than HR


>Comic book movie that is at least slightly imaginitve vs paint by numbers war film

>it's a Sup Forums gets triggered again episode

Oh noez a eevul kike was mean to daddy Trump :( this is so not based you guys

Is this post satire or are you a shill for real? I can't tell anymore

Wow what a C U C K

Libcucks about to get BTFO by Trump. Part of me hopes Trump becomes an actual dictator and just starts executing liberals in the streets. That would be so fucking epic.


>people still trust RT after Ghostbusters

What the hell