ITT: We post movies that are literally perfect



>tfw you watch American Horror Story s1 and think how it was being praised for poorly ripping off Rosemary's baby


>unfunny movie where the MC gets cucked by his boss


Rosemary's baby would have been perfect if they had kept the ending ambiguous, like 'The tenant'.
Inclusion of actual supernatural elements kind of ruined it for me.


Great film, but if we're looking for perfect I think Wilder comes closest w. Sunset Boulevard.

Also pic related is phenominal. Underrated and mostly unknown... but phenominal.

its on criterion blu ray, next to the new land
ive only seen the new land but i loved it

Even the author of the book it was based on said it was a perfect adaption

I saw Emigrants for first time in Criterion b/c I've wanted to see it for a LONG time but it just wasn't easily available.

Glad I did. One of my favorite films now.

I still need to see New Land though. I own it, just haven't had time to watch it yet.

I actually completely agree with this one it is a perfectly constructed movie. I don't think it's Wilder's best movie, but it is probably his most perfectly constructed movie

I would also say Chinatown for Pedolansky

I also want to say Vertigo.

Not even Hitchcock's best. Good, but overrated and certainly not the greatest film of all time, no matter how much feminist film critics over analyze it.

It was a boring movie desu




The Tenant is better


I agree it's not his best, and it's definitely not my favorite of his, but it seems like it might be his most perfect in that it's hard to think of any flaws in Vertigo. I thought that was the point of the thread.

What do you think is/are hitchcock's best? genuinely curious. My favorite of his is Rope. And second maybe Shadow of a Doubt.

fuck yes, essential machokino and eastwoodkino

Fuck I need to see this again.

Question: with the countless foreign and older cinema they make people watch in film classes... why so little Bergman?

Rosemary's baby is alright, but common it's far from perfect.
too long, no re-watch value and crappy ending

I was a bit dissapointed having watched Repulsion before it.
I don't really get the praise for this movie.
Not my favorite Bergman but pretty good

>no re-watch value



Home Alone

The fact that millions of people watch it on Christmas every year is a testament to that.

cry harder, bitch

>no re-watch value

Well yeah, the whole movie is a suspense that builds up until the end when the baby is born.
I watched it only once and never felt the need to watch again. Unlike say, a Kubrick movie