Just saw some stupid nigger flying out of a mcdonalds parking lot at about 30mph into a right turn without even looking, had to drop down to
Why do we let niggers drive?
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In Israel it's Arabs and Orthodox Jews.
In the inner city, they just drive through red lights and shit.
Yes user, this emotions based anecdotal evidence of yours sure is a compelling argument in favor of removing rights from an entire group of people.
It certainly isn't some pathetic impotent rage venting on a racist circlejerk echo chamber
I guess its about being a poorly educated social group.
This doesn't explain Asians though.
Do they not use crosswalks too?
I've never seen a black man in a crosswalk myself.
Don't worry. It won't be a problem for much longer.
Why should they care about being good drivers when our rayciss white society is holding them down with laws n police officers n sheeit?
I always felt like blacks not following laws was them protesting because it's something 'whitey' does.
cops let them go here now, after #BLM and because they know it's not worth dealing with a chimp out for a minor violation (and they have no money to pay the fines)
I've seen one flying by on the right lane at 110+ mph right past a highway patrol who didn't even blink - too busy pulling over taxpayers to shake down.
>request uber
>get stabbed
So because of a rise in racism among blacks, cops back off? That's such horse shit.
Mexicans are awful drivers. Most of them have been driving since age 12 when their dad gets drunk with them.
The stereotype is that they walk across the street slowly wherever they want without looking or acknowledging any cars in the area. I think it's some kind of primitive alpha male gesture. I hate them a lot
welcome to post-Ferguson America, home of the chimps
Niggers can't plan ahead or have patience you will always see them make stupid sudden lane changes into a lane that will only slow them down or other random moves that serve no purpose.
Niggers behave behind the wheel exactly how they behave every other time. With complete lack of awareness of anyone else and absolutely no impulse control. Speeding, slamming on brakes, cutting across 4 lanes is all something I expect around them.
So everyone's a bad driver?
2bh, I see this 5x a day with rednecks.
But there are no black people where I live.
insurance is racist
Slam your acceleration. They'll hear you coming faster and get out of the way. Even niggers can understand the doppler effect.
Niggers can't drive and everytime I see a nigger either the driver or passenger is reclined back just like OP's picture. And if you ever see a nigger crossing the street you can bet your life that nigger will be taking it's sweet time to get to the other side. I know niggers walk slow, but they purposely Tortoise to the other side to make sure you know a nigger is crossing the street and to make you stop! Fukkking niggers! I hate them! Fukkkking apes in people clothes, nothing else!
In rooland it's Asians you gotta worry about.
The amount of Toyota camrys you see fucking everything up with some small Asian sitting up straight inches from the wheel just to peek above it.
And lebs doing 180 in a wrx in suburban 50km/hr roads.
So rarely see white men doing this stupid shit, sometimes sure, but rarely
Not horseshit because nearly every nigger will resist arrest and then the cops are forced to tease, pepper spray or use excessive force at which the nigger will feel the urge to reach for the officers weapon forcing the use of deadly force and DEAD NIGGER. The result is mass media crying about poor ole nigger dindu nuffins, chimpouts, riots, lawsuits, charges against officer, fired for doing job. To avoid all that the cops just ignore nigger crime whenever possible. Let the niggers kill each other!
>every nigger will resist arrest and then the cops are forced to tease
"Here nigger nigger nigger, I got some watermelon and fried chicken for you!"
That's what you meant... right?
Fukkk off spell Nazi
Today I saw 2 black kids riding mules in rural tn.. no joke
I wonder where they stole them from
Kentucky plates are the worst drivers regardless of race.
Even California and Masshole plates tend to be better
40 acres and a mule
It's official. White bois getting cucked on the road. Move out of the way, white boi. Superior race coming through. Beep Beep.
Masshole here. Can confirm, it's pretty bad.
>Don't worry. It won't be a problem for much longer
What a dissapointment. Was expecting something about exterminating niggers but no, automatic cars.
I show horses competitively around the country and the worst drivers by category IMO are:
Erratic Speeding: Minnesota, Kentucky, blacks anywhere
Going 40 over to catch up and ride your ass then not want to pass you when you move over: Indiana
Cutting across every lane: LA, Shitcago
Clueless driving and unexplainable speed changes: Wisconsin (possibly so many drunk drivers on road? idk)
Manhattan is actually really easy to get around (even with a trailer full of horses).
Why do you LET? There's the problem right there faggot. You and yours can eat a dick.
You're right.
---black guy
What about white men driving like scared women. Explain that.
My personal experience with Indiana is they go slow af everywhere
Also, add Colorado and new mexico to its own category, "speed way over at all times and purposefully match your speed when you're on an entry ramp so you can't get on the interstate"
>Manhattan is actually really easy to get around (even with a trailer full of horses)
Yea Manhattan really is easy to get around and I rent a car whenever I am in town (parking is shit though). The roads are a proper grid and you know exactly where to go and how to get there. If there is construction you just go over one street and you are not delayed.
>"head to 5th and 33rd".
I fucking hate when city planners get all creative and you get an entire community of streets, crescents and boulevards that all have subtle variations of the same name.
Seriously what's up with that?
And it's not just on the same.
I was kicking around the soccer ball with some friends. A black guy cuts across the corner of the field and stops by the goal to readjust his flip flop because he's wearing fucking socks. And slowly saunters behind the goal. I wanted to beam him with the ball but I didn't want to deal with a category 5 chimpout.
He could have been more slow. It had to be on purpose
this, holy fuck, drivers in the middle eastern countries are fucking nuts. how do you people not have daily cases of people being run over is a mystery to me
'same' = street
>He could *not* have been more slow
Sorry I'm posting from my phone >.
>The stereotype is that they walk across the street slowly wherever they want without looking or acknowledging any cars in the area
Native Indians do that here in Canada, but they claim they do it because "we took their land". They purposely avoid cross walks out of pride.
>Blacks can't drive
Maybe because I am around Jamaicans who are pretty good drivers, I disagree
The people who seriously should get their license revoked is Indians (The open defecation ones)
They can't drive for shit. God knows why so many opt to be taxi drivers, cutting people off all over the place no signals.
The belong behind a donkey not at the wheel of a car