Why did they cut so many of his scenes?
What was the purpose of Forest Whittaker's character in Rogue One?
stupid voice and stupid eye
What was up with his acting, dude hammed it up so hard it just became weird after a bit.
>best version of his character coming through
I don't know, and it's a shame, especially since he was the only character who was given an inkling of depth. Why they pushed the Darth Vader parallels so hard without ever resolving that was beyond me.
The way they killed him off might have been the dumbest decision of the film. He should have come with them. There's multiple ways they could have made that really tense and compelling.
>He comes with them, is too slow, tells them to leave him behind
>He comes with them, Cassius kills him without Jyn knowing, tells her he fell behind
>He comes with them, they all manage to escape and he butts heads with the other Rebel leaders
>That happens, except when Rogue One leaves Yavin IV, he comes with them. Assumes the role of K2 in that room, with K2 going with Cassius and Jyn, or fighting alongside him
All of that would have been way more interesting than what we got.
To explain why Gyn Erso could fight the way she could with various weapons.
She was raised in a terrorist sect who themselves had been trained by Jedi.
I haven't heard anyone complaining about Gyns asskicking in the Clone Wars transport or with her tonfa things and it's because of the insertion of this character.
Also as I've found out since he's a Rebels cartoon character they've worked in for kids.
why does he have a shaved head in some pics and a fro in your pic
is there a time skip or something?
There's a timeskip. It's unnecessary and stupid, really. Should have started with her captured.
Anyway, he's shaved bald in the beginning. After the timeskip he's gone rogue and a bit crazy, and so his hair grown out and unkempt.
Long John Silver?
kevin smith mentioned that he's just the anti-darth vader
has a breathing mask, robotic limbs, but works for the other side
I fucking hate that faggot
He's being shoehorned into the most retarded and unfitting roles recently
because its actually cannon
How was that supposed gonna work for pic related?
>kevin smith mentioned
well I'm not going to repeat some shit he said without attribution
>That happens, except when Rogue One leaves Yavin IV, he comes with them. Assumes the role of K2 in that room, with K2 going with Cassius and Jyn, or fighting alongside him
That's actually pretty good. Only I'd have him die holding off stormtroopers as K2 dies alongside him locking the door.
Yeah, I know. I'm just a lowly script reader and I was able to come up with a more compelling basic action movie character arc in three minutes than a major company could figure out in two years.
Hire me
being black
Was it necessary to have his arc end the way it did?
With his contacts, he would have made a useful ally to the Rebellion.
you could ask what the purpose was for him AND Mads.
>I helped build a laser that will destroy planets but let me explain...I made a tiny flaw so it's all ok now. Hopefully you can find a jedi to pilot a small craft to blow it up, even though they're all gone...and they don't blow up a planet in the meantime
>Clanky McWheeze
aside from obvious Vader symbolism only a retard couldn't pick up on...needed diversity. Black lookin, soundin man with a white boi inside running from his past...vs black man who don't hide from nobody. Yawn.
token negro
However, they have to give the asians more screen time to appeal to the Chinese market
Well ultimately big-budget movies like this are always a compromise.
A multi-faceted compromise between the director's vision, the writing staff, the performances turned in by the cast, and the demands of studio execs.
Clearly at some stage the production team wanted Forest Whitaker's character to have a much larger role (there's seemingly a deleted flashback scene of him objecting to Galen's plan of taking down the Empire from inside), but
final decisions are seldom made by scriptwriters.
>Find a Jedi