Still your waifu?
Still your waifu?
I never come to these threads but the other day I saw a video with her talking about kicking balls. Did waifufags freak out over it?
>not supporting unions
It's like you want to be earning minimum wage with zero benefits.
But she's right.
That's the American way. Seriously, they glorify that shit. I don't know what even the fuck.
Based Blunt.
Temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
Unions turn a two-man job into a five-man job.
And unions are a major inconvenience to working people....they achieve nothing and line their pockets at our expense
I owe my wage and benefits and healthcare contracts at my job to a strong union
Unions in principle are good, but the corrupt ones in the US do not care for their workers and put money first.
There's good and bad to Unions. Mostly people being protected from being fired when they 100% should be.
enjoy your plutocracy, ameritards
your PISA scores really show it
>saying something that isn't extremely right wing shit
Why are you all so fucking retarded? Oh right you still live at home
You're a retard.
Without unions, all workers, union or non-union, would be paid way less.
If you're a non-union worker, your wage is directly based on the wages agreed upon by union workers. You're just not paying for any benefits or assistance.
I liked unions until they became more about extorting money from employees and employers than worker's rights.
I'm in the postal union (coder, not carrier) and they literally fight tooth and nail to keep their members safe. One time a non-union guy woke a guy up who was in the union sleeping in his cubicle and the guy who woke him up got fired.
It's the other way around. When companies have to pay higher wages and benefits they are unable to hire more workers. This it's really a problem unless you love immigrants settling in your country. Less jobs means less opportunities which means less immigrants.
>all these americans supporting their corporate overlords
How are those "job-creators" and your "trickle down" helping you when it all goes to a swiss bank account
I'm still an anarcho-capitalist. People banding together and demanding things from employers is fine, but I think unions are more than that. I think they use some kind of force or coercion to get what they want.
other way around
t. non-skilled laborer
Did she really say this? Union bashing seems to be a particularly American thing
>I think they use some kind of force or coercion to get what they want
That's exactly what it is, you idiot.
And employers use the force/coercion of being able to fire people to get what they want.
It's a way of balancing power.
literally how is that a bad thing when corporations will always serve their own interests without it? Of course they need coercion to do anything.
Usually the unions with no competition end up becoming corrupt.
Unions are just a tool used by the system to make sure the workers are under the illusion that they still have some control about the way they're exploited.
What kind of dystopian 3rd-world-country propaganda would you have to create to have your worker citizens believe this about their basic right to organize and defend themselves?
Oh yeah, America.
I'd say it depends on the union. A wal-mart workers union would be an objective positive for them, but the steel workers and manufacturers unions didn't help them all that much.
Government unions give the rest of us a bad rap.
Constructions union are legit. If you aren't a good worker you'll just get laid off. No need to bother with firing since it's essentially the same and you don't need to come up with paperwork reason.
I don't want non-union unskilled labor building houses and commercial buildings putting lives at risk with unsafe shoddy craftsmanship.
I can't wait till Trump makes unions illegal. Nagging lazy bastards always looking for a reason not to work. They should be grateful the still have a job instead of cockblock their employers.
All the leftists here should hang desu.
>government unions
Maybe the police union, but the postal, fire, and teacher unions are important
>if we eat shit constantly and don't complain maybe one day we'll be doing the shitting!
>cockblock their employers
Are you saying that the employers are entitled to treat their laborers however they choose?
>teacher unions
Worst offenders. Getting paid to preach political pro-Hillary opinions.
If you're a good worker and you don't break the contract then you shouldn't get fired. If you do get fired then you should be able to sue your employer.
Ideally a corporation's interests should coincide with the interests of its employees.
>Ideally a corporation's interests should coincide with the interests of its employees.
Ideally all women should crave my cock but that's not fucking happening either.
yes, they are one that make world go round, workers are nothing but a nuisance, thankfully automation is making them useless
t. minimum wage employee / unemployed basement dweller
speak for yourself. i'm skilled labor
A union member supports unions.
that a shocker.
>Trump wants to gut education
>The teachers union is bad because it supports Hillary against him
But people do, and plus, it's not about being fired. Workers unions also protect benefits and wages.
The point is, without those protections, I could be fired for fighting for my benefits/wages. And without unions, pretty much every job, union or non-union, has gutted wages.
and if you dont agree, a couple of union thugs will come and make sure you do
shush prole
>this is what capitalists actually believe
Automation needs workers as well, and they need unions.
>>Trump wants to gut education
Nice meme.
You first unemployed.
>they literally fight tooth and nail to keep their members safe.
I knew someone who was part of a union at a factory job. He had a spotless record, but the guy working with him was on his third strike and had just incurred his final infraction that would get him fired. These are the rules set by the union itself, so you think they'd fire this repeat offender, right? Nope. They approached my friend and asked him to take the fall for the other guy's failure and ruin his own spotless record so that the asshole wouldn't get fired for repeatedly making the same mistakes.
Unions used to be about protecting workers from bad working environments and unjust firings and unreasonably low wages. But now they're just about getting money from their members and doing everything, including lying and asking workers to lie, to prevent anyone from ever being fired for any reason, INCLUDING people who DESERVE to get fired. If you're on your last warning at a union job, you have to fuck up BAD, but even then the union won't let you get fired because it would look bad on the union to have a worker get fired, so we can't have that!
At least in the USA, unions have morphed into something that is actually not a good thing. Once upon a time they were absolutely necessary, but the state and federal labor laws have been updated since then and the need for unions has shrunk considerably. Now they have far more power than they need and do all kinds of unethical shit.
Even in your example. Why would you fire someone for waking up a guy who's sleeping on the fucking job? Why would you not fire the guy who was literally not doing what he was being paid to do? Oh, right, because the sleeping guy is union and the wake-up guy is non-union, so better just get that non-union guy out instead of getting rid of the worker who can't be assed to stay awake on the clock. Why would you praise this kind of behavior?
>Trump wants to gut education
this is what leftists actually believe
>nice meme
Great response.
A union endorsing a politician that it perceives as more helpful to its members is not corruption.
Put it this way
A union extorts employers to pay x or they won't have any employees.
then extorts the union members to pay x in dues or they won't have a job.
This was necessary to create the middle class, but the means by which that was possible have vanished and now its cheaper to build things on the opposite side of the world and ship them to the US than it is to produce locally.
>Nice meme
Instead of improving public schools, we should just charge for quality public schools? The teachers union can be a problem, but gutting public education kills worker qualification.
I made that response because it was a baseless claim. Support your claim?
>Appointed Betty DeVos
You should change leftist to employed teacher and union member.
Yeah, you're right, fuck teachers. They should be paid even LESS and scrutinized even MORE for trying to teach your shithead how to read and do math while they try to Snapchat literally all fucking day
>Hires a woman who has never stepped foot in a public school in her life
I don't know about gutting education but he sure does want it monetized and privatized
No but unions are corrupt by defintion