Ask a Syrian army dude anything.
Ask a Syrian army dude anything
How long until we see killed by ISIS?
what proxy do you use, faggot ?
Why are you not on /sg/? We are big fans of you guys there
How big is Assads cock?
What front are you fighting on?
How does the average SAA soldier view your allies (Iranians, Russians, Iraqis, Hezbollah)?
This. Check out /sg/ and ask them how we helped call a Russian airstrike on Daesh
What's the pay like? What is your issued rifle?
Very progressive of you user.
1) timestamp
2) what side are you fighting on?
Should I ask there?
ever met assad¿
any confirmed kills¿
Would you kill assad if he slept with your wife?
do you unironically think you still have a chance at israel?
Lesh al alaam al syrien mabi rohu fe al-emarat ? shu heneh hmar ?
Why don't you flee to Europe for free shit and white women?
They actually hate that term
You think Assad can forgive the west for their treason against him?
What front are you fighting on?
Reserves, Idlib, Latakia, Aleppo, Palmyra, Al Tabqa?
Also have you had anyone you know taken by daesh and executed on a video or in some barbaric way? Are you scared of them?
What did he say ?
Shouldnt you be dealing with palestine ?
Why are you Europe and not fighting for your country?
Wow I bet all those Daesh on this Japanese image board really hate it!
Kek oh you buttmad
Will the mukhabarat arrest you if they find out you shitpost here?
Also, how's life at the front?
It's not a proxy you stupid fuck.
Aleppo. Our allies do help us but they take way too credit for their work. We do most of the job.
He is fighting for his country you cunt.
How are you guys dealing with snipers and IEDs ?
Why does the Syrian Government keep losing towns south of Aleppo?
not sure, i think he asked where he's at then called him an idiot/donkey
leave palestine to me
Fuck off you humongous faggot stop trying to give into identities and appeasing sand monkees.
Ever killed a guy?
Because they are deploying militias to hold the ground and these people are not very well trained/equiped.
No need to be a prick, I'm just saying that it's not necessarily progressive to use the term Daesh
fuck off you lier , you betray hizbullah troops in lots of battles you just run like cowerd and leaves them alone in the middle of the battle
Brits absolutely hate it when you call them Daesh.
What is your real view of Bashar Al Assad?
Good things about him
Bad things about him
Also, Are you Alawite, Christian, or Sunni?(or any other)
> United Arab Emirates
> BP
You can't make this shit up
BP ?
surprise faggot
where is your fucking tree
Ahhahah, how does it feel Habibi, for Nasrallah to send you to die for ass ad? And he tries to guilt Christians into foghting assads war after he and assad killed them for decades. Nothing pleases me more than seeing sunni shitters killing shia degenerates.
No. I haven't. and 8 confirmed kiss till now.
Fuck off. idc about isreal
ma fhmt 3 rbk she
We have white women
Nope. Thank Jesus.
Dude what?
>8 confirmed kiss
And that's Austria
You should ask Peruvian niggers that question
How's life in Lebanon ?
Ana ab oul l3sh al al3m al syria mab e r7o al-emarat, nahna nakhoud al syrians
>being gay is illegal in UAE
> lebanon has the most fags in it and homos
>7abibi plz
I bet you've never hurt or seen someone die or even shot a gun you fucking FAGGOT of a burger
Have you been in any of the Syria General threads?
pretty good come over this summer
>No. I haven't. and 8 confirmed kiss till now.
>We have white women
>mfw I will probably get blow up if I stay too long ITT
masri pitanigger brings the bantz
will i get killed if i go to sinai
Hey I'm Syrian but I can't do the English-Arabic thing, wondering what village you're from? I'm from Daya El Baida and Damascus
> They took our tree!
>the English-Arabic thing
Wat. You mean Arabic in Latin alphabet?
u mean arablish ? like this ?
ana feni a7ke al-3rbi
I guess so. They might do that. It's fucking terrible
Still nothing till now. We lost a lot of soldiers due to snipers and IEDs but for now where ever we find a sniper we bomb the whole thing down
8 confirmed kills
Oh really? without our firepower hizbullah would vanish already
Good things: he's an secular president
bad things: Didn't handle the war good since it began and I'm Sunni
Can we start a maidan in your country for shits and giggles?
How is there still internet in Aleppo?
said the khaliji who fucks his own mate or goat becouse he cant fuck his trash bags , btw stop drinking camel piss for fuck sake you disgrace arab
ana talib fi madrasa. ana jamil jidan. u mad?
You tried and it already got BTFO.
walla i'll buy ur family and ks omk ibn al g7bha, fucking our own mates is much better than sucking cock like in ur country
are your vehicles really jury-rigged like Mad Max over there?
are they effective?
Why are all lebs so aggressive? Maybe lay off the roids mate. Would be nice to see your dick again yeh?
Yes lol
kek you think you can buy anything with your shitty money xd go buy back your mother honor ya mkhanath
Took us a few times before we got your southern neighbors. I think we already tried twice in Belarus?
What do you think of Batka?
Have you lost any family or friends in this war?
xd when ur country picks up the trash like it is right now come talk to me, and when u know how to control the refugees, and israel kek ya wahad 5neeth
Do you want Hatay province back?
how are Sunni soldiers treated in the SAA, i mean you are fighting other Sunnis is that a problem for some?
and are you organized into separate groups or do you fight as shia and sunni in the same group?
How do you feel about those young men fleeing to Europe instead of fighting against ISIS for their country?
قديش راس شامي دبحتو اليوم ؟؟
ou lak shou hayda ya ammi ? skooot shouay
Timestamp pls mate.
Who are the real sides in this war?
Is it true that a lot of former Ba'ath people are now fighting for the religious retards?
>I think we already tried twice in Belarus?
More like 5 or 6 times.
>What do you think of Batka?
He is good.
What's your opinion on Syrian refugees?
What do you think about the kurds? Will you be fighting them after ISIS and the FSA is gone?
Do you know any of this guys?
theyre sahiba
What do syrians think of russia? do we really bomb civvies too much?
>when ur country picks up the trash
its only in beirut i live in south near palasinr border i could fire my rockets anytime to your best secret ally and up to your mother fat ass
Answer this pls. for kek and giggles
dumping Personal photos of syrian soldiers
Are you worried that after ISIS and the rebels are defeated that the YPG will want independence and turn on the SAA and start more fighting?
by firing ur rockets do u mean firing at israel and then get titty fucked back ? like what israel is doing at ur border right now ? or by shoving ur dick up ur boyfriends ass? ur army can literally be torn apart like paper, just like how it was in 1980 - 2006 without the help of the UN, and syria
who u kill¿
They should be given 1 Arab whore each.
Brave men unlike their "refugee" counter parts.