Why is Rush so extremely appealing to dads in their 40’s with shorts who’s air drumming in the crowd...

Why is Rush so extremely appealing to dads in their 40’s with shorts who’s air drumming in the crowd? More so than another bands from that era.

They even joke about in a Funny or Die sketch, something like ”Wow, there were like 4 chicks in the audience tonight. New record”

Why Rush of all bands?

Just look at them, they look just like our dads

I wonder what will be the dadrock acts 20 or 30 years from now


Mac Demarco

imagine dragons

True, but I still think its weird that the vast majority of their fanbase are the goofy dad stereotype. Plenty of other similar bands

Radiohead is already dadrock

lmao why Mac

I don't know what you are on about them mainly appealing to dads. They were big in the 70s and 80s and the people who grew up listening to them now have families, that's why they are dads, It's not like Rush only attracts middle age people with children, and ever since the early 2010's when they looped around to being cool again they have started to amass pretty sizable younger fan base. But yeah their fanbase is mostly males. Long songs about sci-fi, Greek gods, and a heavy emphasis on technical playing isn't going to attract a lot females. Fantastic band though.

Because Rush fans are very dedicated, most likely these dads were young when they discovered Rush and have continued to follow them ever since

You know that all the albums that you all collectively jerk off to will be considered dad rock one day, don't you?

Not all older music is dadrock. Dadrock has a pretty specific meaning and that means the generic radio buttrock shit that middle aged men listen to while washing their car such as Bob Seger, REO Speedwagon, and Air Supply.

Probs not since non-mainstream stuff never becomes dad rock. No ones calling Tago Mago dad rock although it was released when our dad's were young so fuck you.

Rush's work from Moving Pictures onwards isn't that far away from that though.

This is wrong

Probably because they never stopped playing, recording and touring (apart from Neil's grief sabbatical) till just recently, and were still good at it till the end, so the dads could still go to the concerts and not feel like they were at an oldies minitour.

>their fanbase is mostly males

so fucking what?

why is this considered such a bad thing?

Would you complain if an artist had a mostly female audience?


t.Dad in his 40s. Rush were mostly before our time. "My" Rush album was Counterparts.

What you're talking about is itself an old stereotype. It worries me that millennials seem to have problems understanding time.

You only get to call yourself a dad if you've reproduced. Posting on Sup Forums kind of rules that out by definition.

>Rush fan
>Obsessed with drumming
>Smokes too much weed
>doesn't see his true potential
>terrible drummer

Not him but I am a dad and I post here



>dads in their 40’s with shorts who’s air drumming in the crowd?
That's oddly specific. Do you have anything you might want to tell us, OP?

>It worries me that millennials seem to have problems understanding time.
It worries me that you seem to have a problem with basic comprehension. You're a 40 year old man, you're well within the risk of having Alzheimer's and not knowing it. Please see a doctor. I'm serious about this.

>Early-onset Alzheimer's is an uncommon form of dementia that strikes people younger than age 65. Of all the people who have Alzheimer's disease, about 5 percent develop symptoms before age 65. So if 4 million Americans have Alzheimer's, at least 200,000 people have the early-onset form of the disease.
Who has basic reading comprehension?

Queens of the Stone Age

You. See? It's worrying. You're worrying us.


He was a great drummer. And his kit was only 4 pieces short of being as big as Neil peart. He thought Bonham was god anyway


You're right, I'm beginning to think I do have Alzheimers.
Sup Forums is full of people claiming to remember and be nostalgic for things that I'm really too young to remember. I'm just trying to find a rational explanation for this.

90s music in general. I've met a couple dads in their 20-30s who are obsessed with 90s grunge like Nirvana/Tool/Alice in Chains, etc. like they're dads were with Zeppelin and Floyd.